Sinn Féin - On Your Side

Declan McAleer MLA


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Declan is married to Geraldine and they have three children, Tárlach and Ríoghnach and Donnchadh. He joined the party as a teenager is the current spokesperson on Transport and infrastructure. Declan has a particular interest in rural development and sits on the DARD, DRD and Standard and Privileges committees at Stormont. He was co-opted into the Assembly in place of Pat Doherty when the SF implemented the policy which phased out dual mandates.

Declan was first elected to Omagh District Council in 2005, holding on to a seat previously held by his late father, Barney. He was Chairman of Omagh District Council from 2010-2011 and previously held the position of chair of the Council’s Planning committee and Development committee.

Declan is a qualified Lecturer in Psychology and has taught in Omagh College and in Dean Maguirc College, Carrickmore. He is also a member of the board of Governors of two local schools and was a member of the Western Education and Library Board for 6 years.

Declan was previously employed as a Political Advisor to Pat Doherty MP and has been involved in bringing forward a number of key strategic projects in the constituency, including lobbying for the transfer of the vacated military grounds at Lisanelly for use as a shared educational campus and securing progress on the A5 dual carriageway.

He is Chairperson of Loughmacrory Community Development Association and a member of Loughmacrory GFC.

Contact details

Constituency Office: 4 James Street, Omagh, BT78 1DH

Phone: 028 8225 3040


Twitter: @mc_mla

Instagram: declanmcaleer

Facebook: Declan McAleer MLA

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