Sinn Féin - On Your Side

Ráitis is déanaí


Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald TD has described the decision at last night’s Dublin City Council vote on the development of O’Devaney Gardens site as a "bonanza for the developer at the expense of the local community and working families".
The Dublin Central TD said:
“Over the last month Sinn Féin Councillors have sought to work with their colleagues in Dublin City Council to agree a plan for O’Devaney Gardens that would have delivered a development to meet the needs of the local community and working families.
“We proposed a new financing model and development model to deliver a tenure mix to include 33% social rental, 33% affordable cost rental and 33% affordable sale.

"This new project could have been broken into three phases with Council management mandated to bring forward three Part 8 planning permissions in January, April and July 2020.
“Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy could have supported this new development approach by including the project in the government’s capital programme for 2021, 2022 and 2023 with a mixture of exchequer, Housing Finance Agency and European Investment Bank funding.
“We only had one chance to get the redevelopment of the O’Devaney Garden site right.

"The political parties and Councillors who supported the Bartra deal squandered their opportunity to get the right deal for the north inner city and have set a dangerous precedent for future development of public land.” 


Sinn Féin MEP for Midlands North-West Matt Carthy has described as ‘shameful’ the fact that the family of Shane O’Farrell have been forced to stand outside the Dáil in protest once again in their quest for truth and justice.

The O’Farrell family attended Leinster House today to highlight the undermining by government of the terms of reference for the scoping inquiry to be conducted by former judge Gerard Haughton.

Carthy said that this recent development has reinforced the necessity for a full public inquiry into the death of Shane O’Farrell, the actions of all relevant state bodies in response to his death and their respective roles in advance of and following his killing.

Shane O’Farrell, a young 23 year old Carrickmacross man, was killed in a hit and run on 2nd August 2011, by Zigimantas Gridziuska, a known criminal who had breached his bail conditions at the time and had 42 previous convictions in three different jurisdictions.

Speaking from Leinster House today where he joined the O’Farrell family, Matt Carthy said:

“The scoping inquiry announced by the government was in itself a delaying mechanism. It has now transpired, nine months after it was announced, that the terms of reference for the scoping inquiry have been diluted and fail to include issues central to the concerns of the O’Farrell family. This is just another shameful chapter in this saga.

“The Minister for Justice Charlie Flanagan should now accede to the demand for an independent inquiry for several years. The Dáil, by majority resolution, called for such an inquiry in June 2018.

“It is extremely disappointing that rather than initiating this public inquiry the Justice Minister and his predecessors have sought to frustrate and delay this pursuit at every juncture.  

“Anyone who has acquired a knowledge of this case will readily accept that the litany of failures on the part of the State in this case can only be adequately addressed through a full independent inquiry.

“The O’Farrell family have raised several serious concerns regarding the handling of this case by an Garda Síochána, by the prosecuting solicitor and barrister, by the DPP and by the courts services.

“These questions are so numerous and raise matters of such significance and concern that, in my view, there must now be a public inquiry that examines each of these concerns and addresses the matters raised so that measures can be put in place so that no other family is failed to the extent that the O’Farrell’s have been.  

“Only a full independent inquiry can have any hope of delivering the answers to the questions to which the O’Farrell family deserve. There should be no further delays.”


Condemning the murder of a man in Bettystown last night, Sinn Féin TD for Louth Gerry Adams said:

“This was a disgraceful action. It is the latest violence in a drugs war between criminal gangs that has shocked and outraged citizens in Louth.

"I would ask anyone with information to bring that forward to An Garda Síochána.

"I would also urge the Minister for Justice to review Garda resourcing within Louth to ensure that An Garda Síochána has the resources needed to tackle the drug gangs."


Sinn Féin Louth TD Gerry Adams has extended his solidarity and sympathies to the family of his long standing friend and comrade Richard ‘Dickie’ Glenholmes who has died after a long illness.

Gerry Adams said:

Ba mhaith liom mo chombhrón a thabhairt do chlann Glenholmes.

"Dickie Glenholmes was a Republican activist for most of his adult life. He was a proud Ballymacarrett man who dedicated his life to the Republican cause. He was also a husband, a father, grandfather and great grandfather who loved his family. To his wife Lily, his children Eibhlin, Richard, Damien and Michelle and to their families I want to extend our deepest condolences.

"I have known Dickie for 50 years. He was my friend. He was also a truly remarkable and exceptional human being. He was a freedom fighter and a political prisoner – in British prisons in Ireland and in England.  In the hard years when the British imprisoned him without trial and he was locked away for years in England he kept the faith. So did Lily. A republican in her own right Lily was the perfect partner to Dickie and a wonderful grounded and strong Irish woman. She and their clann minded Dickie through his long illness and she reared their children through his long years in prison and on the run. 

"Dickie believed in freedom and in equality. And when the opportunity was created to achieve republican objectives through peaceful and democratic means he embraced it. 

"Dickie demonstrated time and again enormous strength of character, perseverance and vision. His legacy will continue to inspire and encourage all of us in the time ahead.

"Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam dílis." 


Sinn Féin MP Elisha McCallion has welcomed the announcement of a new inquest into the death of Derry schoolgirl Raychel Ferguson. 

The Foyle MP said:

“I welcome the announcement of a new inquest into the death of 9-year-old Raychel Ferguson who died from hyponatremia. 

“The Ferguson family - like all those affected by hyponatremia - have been waiting too long for the truth. 

“They are entitled to answers about the death of their daughter and I hope that this process will lead to some form of closure. 

“The Western Trust must co-operate fully with the inquest to ensure the Ferguson family can get the answers they deserve.”


Sinn Féin Louth TD Gerry Adams has extended his condolences to the family of Gay Byrne who died today.

Gerry Adams said:

“Ba mhaith liom mo chomhbhrón a dhéanamh le teaglach Byrne ag an uair millteanach brónach i saol bhur gclann.

"I want to extend my sympathy and solidarity to the family and friends of Gay Byrne who died today. My sympathies also to his colleagues in RTÉ.

"Gay Byrne was the quintessential broadcast media presenter. Whether on television or radio he had a unique ability to connect with his audience.

"To his wife Kathleen, daughters Suzy and Crona, and to the wider family circle and his many friends I want to extend my sincerest condolences on their loss.

"Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam dílis."  


Sinn Féin MP Chris Hazzard has said farmers are deeply concerned about the impact of Brexit on their livelihoods.

The South Down MP said:

“Today I visited farmers and those involved in agriculture across South Down alongside Sinn Féin President Mary Lou Donald.

“It is clear there is widespread concern among the farming community over Brexit and the catastrophic impact it will have on the sector in the north.

“The reckless Brexit policy of the Tories and the DUP will drive many farmers, some of whom whose families have farmed land for generations, out of business.

“They don’t trust the British government to continue EU funding post Brexit and are genuinely concerned for their livelihoods." 


Sinn Féin MEP Martina Anderson has called for the immediate release of Heba al-Labadi, a Palestinian woman who has been on hunger strike in an Israeli prison. 

Speaking on the 41st day of Heba’s hunger strike, Martina Anderson MEP said:

“Heba al-Labadi has suffered horrific treatment in an Israeli interrogation centre after being arrested on her way to a wedding with her family and sentenced to administrative detention. 

“After 30 days of relentless interrogation and psychological torture, Heba has been denied access to a lawyer and her family.  

“She has now entered her 41st day on hunger strike. 

“The EU and Irish Government must act on this gross violation of international law – Israel must not be allowed to act with impunity.

“Heba al-Labadi must be released immediately, and I would urge people to support the days of action from the 8th – 11th November in support of the Palestinian prisoners.”


Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD has extended condolences to the family of Gay Byrne following news of his death today.

The Sinn Féin President said:

“Gay Byrne’s contribution to the public discourse as a journalist and broadcaster was immense and enduring.

“From the early days of RTÉ until present day, Gay Byrne has occupied a special place in the hearts and minds of many Irish households.

“On behalf of Sinn Féin I want to extend my condolences to his family and friends at this sad time.”


Sinn Féin MLA Linda Dillon has welcomed an Appeal Court ruling that the Stormont Executive Office has the power to compensate survivors of historical institutional abuse.

The party’s victims and legacy spokesperson said:

“This is a win for the victims and survivors of historical institutional abuse.

“These victims have waited too long for justice or redress for an awful wrongdoing. 

“The British secretary of state needs to ensure the issue of historical institutional abuse be progressed without delay and the legislation goes through before the Westminster parliament dissolves.”


Sinn Féin MLA Linda Dillon welcomed the publication of the Independent Reporting Commission’s (IRC) second report on tackling paramilitarism.

Linda Dillon said:

“In today’s report they have outlined a number of key recommendations, which we would endorse.

“They clearly recognise the need for a comprehensive and holistic approach to confronting head on paramilitarism/serious organised crime. 

“As a pre-requisite a long-term politically driven approach needs to be adopted to deal with the serious systemic issues impacting on working class communities, which suffer from socio-economic deprivation, low educational attainment and high unemployment rates, especially for young people. 

“Working-class communities across the political spectrum suffer most from the scourge of these criminal gangs.

“They also point to the need for neighbourhood policing to be enhanced. They recommend the increased provision of neighbourhood policing teams, who should be fully resourced to work in partnership with local communities to combat control, extortion, drug dealing etc by these gangs.

“The concept of tackling paramilitarism is predicated on a twin-track approach, which involves on the one hand a policing and justice response, which has been funded and is making progress.

“By contrast, the community empowerment aspect of the concept has not attracted the same level of progress or funding. 

“Accordingly, we would also share the serious concerns expressed by the Commission at the slow pace of progress in building capacity in working-class areas, some of whom are already attempting to combat and confront serious criminality.

“This clear lack of progress has damaged community confidence in the overall project. It has also tended to diffuse the momentum for the concept, developed over a number of years by community and political lenders, who have led the drive to confront serious criminality within their respective areas.”


Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD said today the party will not be standing candidates in the Westminster election East Belfast, South Belfast or North Down and has called on the electorate to vote for the pro-Remain candidates best placed to win the seats.

Mary Lou McDonald said:

“This election is about the future, the future of our children, our families and communities, and the future of our country in the face of the toxic Tory/DUP Brexit agenda and their disastrous cuts to our public services.

“Since the referendum Sinn Féin has worked with the other pro remain parties to send a clear message to the British government, the EU, the Irish government and the US, that the DUP does not speak for the north.

“Sinn Féin has stood up for the majority who voted to reject Brexit. 

“The recent EU election showed there is an appetite among pro-Remain and progressive voters for increasing co-operation between those who represent the majority who voted to stay in the EU.   

"Over recent weeks Michelle O’Neill has engaged with the other political parties to explore how best to elect the maximum number of pro-Remain candidates.

“So I welcome the decision by the SDLP not to stand in north Belfast, east Belfast and north Down.

“That is in our opinion the right decision and we repeat our call to other pro-Remain parties to consider their position.

“For our part Sinn Féin will not be standing candidates in East Belfast, South Belfast or North Down. 

“The campaign is now well underway. Voters are faced with a choice. 

“They now have the opportunity to reject Brexit, reject the DUP and reject the Tories and to stand up for the unique protections for our economy and our peace agreements achieved by Sinn Féin.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Health Louise O’Reilly TD has said that the increase in the number of patients on trolleys highlights the government’s failure to make any progress in tackling the trolley crisis for the eighth consecutive year.

Deputy O'Reilly has said that this points to another difficult winter ahead for patients and staff.

The Dublin Fingal TD said: 

“For eight years now, Fine Gael have failed to make any inroads into tackling the trolley crisis. The situation has got worse month by month and year by year.

“There have been record numbers of people left on trolleys for the first 10 months of 2019 and as we progress deeper into the winter this problem will become more acute for patients and staff.

“Last week the INMO published figures showing there were not enough beds for 11,452 patients in Irish hospitals this October. The Trolley Watch figures for today have shown there are 595 people on trolleys without a bed in a hospital.

“Such numbers are a serious cause for concern, especially as we move into the flu season when the health service is put under enormous pressure.

“If Minister Harris and Fine Gael, as well as their coalition partners Fianna Fáil, are serious about addressing the issues which create this crisis then they need to stop their phoney-war on social media about policies and focus on tackling five main areas:
- the recruitment and retention of staff
- reopening closed beds
- adequate step-down facilities
- more home help hours
- and proper investment in primary and community care.

“Sinn Féin have outlined our solutions for this crisis and they are patient focused and designed to improve our health system for both patients and staff – the Dáil agreed these measures would work and voted to support them in January 2018, but the government have refused to implement them.

“Tackling these issues will not only reduce the numbers of patients on trolleys in our hospitals, but it will also ensure that those who are in our hospitals will get the care they need, and it will also relieve the pressure on the excellent staff we have working in our health service so they can provide the best possible care they can give.”


Sinn Féin National Chairperson Declan Kearney has welcomed the intervention by Ireland's Future, supported by almost 1,100 Irish citizens in Ireland and the diaspora, which calls for the establishment of a national citizens' assembly to discuss future constitutional change and the transition to Irish unity.

The MLA for South Antrim said:

"Today's open letter published in both the Irish Times and Irish News by Ireland's Future, and signed by nearly 1,100 individual Irish citizens is a powerful expression of a discussion which is already happening about constitutional and political change in Ireland.

"Brexit has swept away all of the previous assumptions about the constitutional, political or economic status quo.  We are now in a totally different situation.

"The inescapable reality is that the issue of Irish reunification has moved centre stage. A widespread discussion is occurring in Irish society, both north and south, and across the Irish diaspora.

"Significant sections of international opinion, especially in Europe are focussed upon pathways to reunification, and the role of a unity referendum.  Substantial academic and economic research have been published in recent times confirming the economic viability of Irish unity.

"It is time for the momentum of all this discourse to be properly structured.  There is an immediate strategic imperative on the Irish government to facilitate a comprehensive national discussion about the future.

"That is why this call to An Taoiseach by these many representatives of Irish civic society to convene a national citizen's assembly is so important. 

"An inclusive and constructive process of discussion involving all sections of Irish society is required.  An agreed, united Ireland must guarantee the identities and rights of all citizens.  Thoughtful and generous compromises need to be explored and agreed with unionists. 

"A national discussion leading into an eventual negotiation about our collective future in Ireland will be challenging, but it will also be exciting.  It would give us all an opportunity to rethink the nature of Irish society within a new constitutional, national democracy.

"Public opinion is already looking to the future.  Irish civic society is finding its voice.  Full implementation of the Good Friday Agreement provides a democratic framework to manage future change.

"The Irish government and all our political parties should listen and act positively.

"The Irish government should act on its responsibility to give leadership on the implementation of constitutional reform. British government policy towards Ireland must change. Both governments should accept the requirement to help navigate the transition to Irish unity. Change in the political relationship between Britain and Ireland is now unavoidable.

"Irish unity is the defining issue of our generation.  It is both a reasonable and achievable democratic outcome, but the reunification of Ireland also needs to be properly planned.

"An Taoiseach should embrace this appeal from Irish civic society, which has such a pivotal role to play in helping shape the future of our country.

"Sinn Féin looks forward to having an early opportunity of meeting with Ireland's Future to discuss its proposal for a national citizens’ assembly.”


Sinn Féin councillor John Finucane has appealed to unionists opposed to Brexit to back him on December 12.

The North Belfast candidate said; 

“There are many unionists in north Belfast who voted against Brexit. These voters are not represented by Nigel Dodds, one of the chief architects of the Tory Brexit. 

“Many unionists are justly concerned about the disastrous impact of Brexit on their families and their businesses and are watching in horror as Nigel Dodds pursues a reckless Brexit.

“With the UUP withdrawing from this contest under pressure from loyalist paramilitaries, there is now no unionist candidate representing those who voted to remain in Europe.

“I pledge that I will stand against the Tory Brexit agenda on behalf of all citizens in north Belfast.

“I am appealing to unionist voters to look at Sinn Féin’s solid record of delivery, ensuring protections for the economy in the north. 

The choice is clear between an Uber-Brexiteer or a candidate who will faithfully represent the views of the majority of people - unionist, nationalist and others - who reject the disaster of Brexit.”


Sinn Féin MLA Gerry Kelly has called on political leaders to stand against threats to UUP staff members by loyalist paramilitaries and call unequivocally for these groups to disband immediately.

The party’s policing spokesperson said:

“It’s been reported that threats against UUP staff members have been issued by elements within the UDA.

“This group has recently been involved in murder, extortion, threats and intimidation.

“This is a time for political leadership - people should be free to campaign politically without fear of intimidation.

“These dangerous and reckless threats are an attack on the whole democratic process and on freedom of expression.

“The DUP recently met with loyalist representatives - including the UDA.

“Instead of the DUP costing up to these group for electoral pacts, they should unequivocally condemn these threats and call for these groups to disband immediately.”


Sinn Féin MLA Gerry Kelly has condemned a brutal attack on a several Belfast City Council workers in Ardoyne on Thursday. 

The North Belfast MLA said:

“It’s deeply concerning that a number of Belfast City Council cleansing workers were attacked and badly beaten in Ardoyne today. 

“I totally and utterly condemn this attack.

“It’s my understanding that the workers had to attend the Mater Hospital as a result of the incident. I hope they make a full and speedy recovery.

“This is a disgraceful attack against public service workers who do a great job in our local communities and the people of Ardoyne will continue to support them. 

“If anyone has information on the attack, they should bring it forward to the Police.” 


Sinn Féin's Mairéad Farrell has been selected by the party to contest the Galway West constituency in the next General Election.

Sinn Féin Leas Uachtarán Michelle O’Neill MLA was the main speaker at this evening's convention, which saw the former Galway city councillor selected to stand for the party.

Speaking at the event, Michelle O’Neill said:

“I am delighted that Mairéad Farrell has been selected as the Sinn Féin candidate for the Galway-West constituency.

“The people of Galway can count on Mairéad to be a fearless voice who will defend their interests in Leinster House.

“The problems facing Ireland in 2019 need real world solutions, in health, housing and public services to ensure that nobody is left behind, or allowed to fall through the cracks.

She added:

“People don’t need more of the same. They don’t need status quo politics, spin or empty rhetoric.

“A generation is being left behind by the politics of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael. Families are being ripped off by rogue insurers and rack-renting landlords. The government treats hard-earned taxpayers’ money with contempt while Micheal Martin continues to facilitate weak government through confidence and supply.

“People need solutions, not stagnation. 

“Sinn Fein are on the frontline campaigning and providing effective, progressive policy solutions north and south. 

“Sinn Féin are offering the people of Galway West a strong republican and effective candidate in Mairéad Farrell, and I am asking for their support.”


Sinn Féin Finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty TD has criticised the decision of AIB to sell off an €850m loan portfolio to American vulture fund Cerberus at a discount rate of 21%.

The Donegal TD has described the sale as a continuation of the great sell-off of Irish assets to international speculators and shareholders.

Teachta Doherty has called for his 'No Consent, No Sale' Bill to be progressed immediately, which would ensure banks could not sell mortgage loans without the consent of the borrower.

Deputy Doherty said:

“Today’s announcement that AIB will sell off a loan portfolio of predominantly investment and commercial properties with a value of €850 million to American vulture fund Cerberus is a disgrace.

“It is reported that the vulture fund will be given the portfolio at a discount rate of 21%. A €150 million discount.

"This is happening while banks continue to sell off family homes to vulture funds without real attempts to find resolutions with those families.

“It is striking that a State-owned bank is offering a 21% per cent discount to a vulture fund but not to Irish families. If banks offered these discounts to Irish citizens, the housing crisis would look very different.

"This is a continuation of an economic strategy that is selling off Irish assets to international speculators and shareholders, either at knockdown prices or through the use of complex tax loopholes.

“It is unacceptable and must come to an end.

“Sinn Féin would ensure that our banks, especially State-owned banks, would serve the needs of our citizens, not international finance.”


Sinn Féin TD for Waterford David Cullinane today slammed the Minister for Health Simon Harris and the HSE for the abject conditions at Waterford psychiatric unit, adding that it remains in a state of crisis despite repeated warnings and reports.

Deputy Cullinane said:

"I am utterly shocked by the photos that have emerged of the intolerable conditions of the psychiatric unit in Waterford, of beds made from chairs while other patients sleep on floors.

"Shocked, but sadly not surprised.

"The mental health commission recently published a report on the unit, and found that residents’ general health needs were not monitored and assessed in line with their specific needs.

"It also found that physical examinations were inadequate, that residents did not have access to a supply of appropriate emergency personal clothing, and that the centre was not clean, hygienic and free from offensive odours.

"Words are one thing; we now have photographic evidence revealing a unit that is operating under conditions that would make a Victorian workhouse blush.

"The staff are not to blame here; they are operating under incredible stress and distress.

"Both the Minister and the HSE know that is about funding and resources.

"Yet, despite this, they refuse to do anything about it.

"I have constantly raised the level of care at the unit, and quite frankly at this stage I am sick to the teeth of the Minister's excuses.

"I will be putting down a motion on this issue next week. We need answers, and solutions, once and for all."

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