Sinn Féin - On Your Side

Ráitis is déanaí


Statement from Sinn Féin leas Uachtarán Michelle O’Neill MLA on the death of Dr Patrick Fahy, Sinn Féin activist and lawyer, Co Tyrone.

“It is with deep sadness and regret that we have learned of the death of long-standing Sinn Féin activist and lawyer Dr Patrick Fahy, Drumquin, Co Tyrone after a short illness.

“Pat Fahy was a long-standing republican and Sinn Féin activist going back many years. He served as election agent for Pat Doherty, former Sinn Féin MP and was central to building and developing the Sinn Féin party organisation in West Tyrone.

“Pat was a long established and respected lawyer in both Tyrone and Fermanagh conducting an extensive legal practice for the past 50 years. He was actively involved in leading the Civil Rights campaign from 1967. 

“He provided legal representation to many nationalists and republicans throughout the conflict and campaigned for truth and justice in many legacy cases since.

“Pat graduated from Queens University in 1967 and founded his own practice in 1970. He was principal of Fahy & co solicitors in Omagh and Enniskillen.

“As a patriot and Gael Pat was actively involved in the Gaelic Athletic Association over many years having served as chairman of his local GAA Club and also as Secretary of Tyrone GAA County Board.

“He was passionate and committed to his community and was involved in various community enterprises in his local area Drumquin, Co Tyrone. 

“As a fluent Gaelgeoir Pat was passionate about the promotion of the Irish Language throughout his life.

“His contribution to republican politics and community life will be sorely missed. 

“On behalf of the Sinn Féin leadership I wish to offer our sincere sympathy, condolences and solidarity at this time to Pat’s family, and his many friends throughout Tyrone and across Ireland.

“Ar dhéis Dé go raibh a anam uasal.” 


Sinn Féin spokesperson for Employment Affairs & Social Protection John Brady TD has said that in order for Auto Enrolment to be a success, the State must be a key player in its implementation.

Sinn Féin made this point as part of its submission to the consultation process last year.

Teachta Brady said:

“While some elements of the new Auto Enrolment pension scheme have been agreed by Government, crucial decisions are yet to be made, including the rate of the Government’s contribution to an employee’s pension pot. 

“Further clarification is also needed on some of the elements agreed by Cabinet and the rationale for such decisions for the new scheme. For example, the age limit set at 60 does not reflect the fact that people are working longer and therefore, for new entrants this age limit should be re-examined rather than just on an opt in basis.  

“I am also concerned that there is no mention of the self-employed when it comes to opting in to such a scheme. It is unclear whether those who are self-employed with no employees can opt in just as those earning under €20,000 will be able to.

“The decision to establish a Central Processing Authority to source and provide the employee with a “limited number” of pension providers ignores the fact that most people find pensions extremely complex and struggle to differentiate what different pension plans will mean for them.

“Instead this could be avoided by having one provider, a public fund such as the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) as put forward in our submission to the consultation process, to manage the scheme on behalf of the State. This would ensure certainty and security for all employees paying into their pension pot.

“If the Government plan to hand this new pension scheme over to private interests rather than it being a State scheme, today’s workers will not benefit as they should at retirement.” 


Sinn Féin Louth TD Gerry Adams has extended his condolences to the family of civil rights leader and human rights lawyer Pat Fahy.

Gerry Adams described Pat Fahy as a “unique and exceptional Tyrone man who in difficult times stood up to the injustices of the Stormont regime and of British militarism, and promoted the values of human rights.”

Teachta Adams said;

“Ba mhaith liom mo chomhbhrón a dhéanamh le teaglach Fahy ag an uair millteanach brónach i saol bhur gclann.

"As a young man Pat was one of the foremost civil rights leaders in the North. He was the chair of his local Civil Rights Association and in April 1969 he was one of those who led a civil rights march in Omagh that was confronted by a large number of RUC and Paisleyite counter demonstrators.

"When the march was blocked Pat and others, including Michael Farrell and Ivan Cooper, addressed the civil rights marchers. Speaking directly to those a short distance away who were opposing civil rights and blocking their route Pat said that it was not the intention of the civil rights campaigners to 'replace one system of discrimination by another, the rights of all would be secure'.

"In 1977 Pat was one of those who founded the Irish Independence Party which he led for its eight years of existence.

"As a human rights lawyer he represented many of those in Tyrone who were victim of the RUC and UDR, as well as the families of those murdered by unionist death squads operating often in collusion with the British state forces.

"He was always very supportive of Sinn Féin and acted as Pat Doherty’s election agent when Pat successfully stood for the west Tyrone Westminster seat.

"In 2010 Pat Fahy set out his vision for the future."

Pat said:

“Since the Civil Rights campaign of the 60's we have been involved in an ongoing campaign to achieve basic human rights in the North of Ireland. Foremost in our demands then was the right to exercise the basic democratic right to vote and to elect our representatives.

"Gradually that right was achieved but not without great sacrifice on the part of ordinary people. Many of those people are no longer with us, but the struggle of the Irish people for the equally basic right to self determination is still very much to the forefront; the battle to end external oppression and the injustice which has been the inevitable result of the partition of our country is still to be won.

"The prize if we can achieve all of this will be a just and open society in which human rights and social justice will be our emblems. For we are striving to create a society where all sections of our people will be treated equally, but the vulnerable, especially the old, the disabled, women and children will be given special respect and care. Our task is no easy one but together we can achieve success."

Deputy Adams concluded;

"To his wife Robyn, sons, daughters and wider family circle and his many friends I want to extend my sincerest condolences on their loss.

Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam dílis.


Sinn Féin TD and spokesperson for Dublin Denise Mitchell has praised the effort of Dublin Fire Brigade last night, but said that the anti-social response that they encountered in several areas is 'simply unacceptable'.

The TD for Dublin Bay North said:

“This Hallowe’en, as with all Hallowe’ens, Dublin Fire Brigade served the people of this city with utmost dedication. Their bravery is beyond reproach. Similarly so with an Garda Síochána, neither emergency service should be subjected to what happened last night.

“The anti-social behaviour that they were faced with across the city is simply unacceptable. To hear reports of barricades blocking streets and firefighters being pelted with rocks is appalling. These men and women risk life and limb to protect people and their homes.

“Illegal bonfires is a topic that has been much discussed and will continue to be, but this sort of behaviour must be eliminated quickly and effectively. We cannot have the lives of firefighters and the public endangered by this type of stupidity.” 


Matt Carthy MEP slams 2021 CAP cut proposal

Sinn Féin MEP Matt Carthy has hit out at European Commission proposals to slash the CAP budget in 2021.

Carthy, who is a member of the European Parliament’s Agriculture & Rural Development committee, has called on the Irish Government to reject this move and to clarify that it will not support any EU long term budget proposal that includes a reduced provision for the Common Agriculture Policy.

He said:

“The European Commission is proposing that the current CAP roll over until 2022 but with a reduced budget in line with their stated long-term proposals.

“This is unacceptable.  The Commission is attempting to use the transition period to clear the ground for long term cuts to direct payments and rural development schemes.  Essentially, they suggest a continuation of the current CAP programme for an extra year but with the budgetary reductions they are proposing for the next CAP programming period of 2021-2027.

“This will see Irish Farmers lose €97 million in payments and will impact severely on the rural communities that depend on them.  Every farm family will be affected and every rural community will pay the price.

“This proposal must be rejected by the Irish government.  This is currently only a draft proposal but it will become a reality very quickly if the Irish Government fail to apply sufficient pressure in the European Council.

“This is labelled as a transition budget but it actually means that farmers will be punished one year earlier than expected.

“Leo Varadkar previously committed to the EU that Ireland would increase payments to the next European budget; he did this without securing any guarantee on the programmes that are essential for Ireland such as the CAP.  The Commission in return proposed an increased overall EU budget for the period 2021-2027 but with a 15% cut to CAP in order to allow for massive increases in military expenditure.

“The Irish government must reject this transition budget proposed and clarify that it will reject any long term budget proposal from the EU that fails to include an increase in the CAP budget.  

“Anything less will be a devastating sell-out of our rural communities and will be resisted by Sinn Féin”.



Sinn Féin Finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty TD has described today’s new regulations for the insurance market by the Central Bank as a long wait for very little.

Deputy Doherty called on parties to support his Consumer Insurance Contracts Bill which will be coming before the Dáil in the coming weeks. It would strengthen consumer protections, increase transparency from the industry and go much further than today’s reforms.

The Donegal TD said:

“While I welcome the fact that some reform of the insurance market has taken place, it is worrying for consumers and businesses that it has taken 3 years to push through what are very modest reforms.

“Sinn Féin welcomes the fact that motor insurance customers will be provided the previous year’s premium with their renewal notice, but this doesn’t go far enough. It won’t even apply to public liability of home insurance customers.

“The insurance industry have fought even this modest reform. No time should be wasted indulging them any further.

“Consumers and businesses are being ripped off by an insurance industry that lacks transparency and is quickly losing credibility.

“On November 13th Sinn Féin’s Consumer Insurance Contracts Bill will reach Report Stage in the Dáil, one step closer to becoming law.

“It would require all insurers to provide 3 years of premium and claims history to customers when they receive their renewal notice, going much further than today’s new regulations.

“It would make it harder for insurance companies to cancel contracts with policyholders and would ensure that when they do, they would pay out the remaining balance of the customer’s premium.

“This Bill would go further still, strengthening consumer protections and increasing transparency.

“Since 2016, premiums have continued to rise and the industry has become more opposed to reform than ever. Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have failed to tackle insurance costs.

“Sinn Féin want to take on the industry and end the rip off. Our plan for insurance reform would stamp out fraud, protect consumers, ban price discrimination by the industry and reduce premiums for everyone.


Sinn Féin Dublin Spokesperson on Housing Cllr. Daithí Doolan has said:

"Comments made by Minister Murphy on RTÉ's News at One are misleading. The Minister claimed people 'need to stop trusting Sinn Féin on housing'. This is coming from a Minister who has overseen the worst housing crisis in the state's history. In fact, his party’s policies have directly contributed to the crisis.

"Minister Murphy also claimed Sinn Féin opposes the development of O’Devaney Gardens. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is the failed policies of this Government that has prevented the building of social and affordable housing on this site.

"Public land lies vacant because Fine Gael and their allies have blocked funding and buried plans in bureaucracy.

"We have a viable proposal to develop O'Devaney Gardens. It would deliver 33% social housing, 33% affordable to buy and 33% cost rental. Dublin City Council would be the lead developer and it would be fully funded by the State and the European Investment Bank.

"Sinn Féin have a proud history on Dublin City Council of consistently battling for social housing. We have never shied away from our responsibilities on housing.

"We have always extended the hand of cooperation to Minister Murphy and his predecessors in order to maximise social and affordable housing. We have challenged his department to make funds available to allow Dublin City Council develop public land for public housing.

"Minister Murphy needs to focus on his job of tackling the housing crisis and stop pointing the finger at others. We will not be distracted by these misleading comments. Sinn Féin will continue to work with others to provide social and affordable housing for Dublin."


Sinn Féin Housing spokesperson Eoin Ó Broin has commented on the publication of the Department of Housing’s official homeless figures for September, which show for the 8th month in a row the number of people in homeless accommodation is over 10,000.

Deputy Ó Broin said:

“For the 8th month in row the number of people officially living in emergency accommodation is over 10,000.

“In September 2019 10,397 men, women and children were living in hotels, hubs and B&Bs.

“This is an increase of 59 on the previous month with 34 more adults and 25 more children living in emergency accommodation in September.

“Minister Murphy’s’ failure to deal with this crisis is normalising homelessness.

“His time would be better spent addressing his own policy failures rather than going on the News at One to lash out at opposition politicians.

“Cheap political point scoring by the Minister responsible for Housing is not helpful.

“We are talking about more than figures here. It is 10,397 men, women and children and their daily lives.

“Separately, figures received by my office today show an increase in the number of families accessing one night only emergency accommodation in Dublin, which rose from 54 in July this year to 63 at the end of October.”


Sinn Féin Health spokesperson Louise O’Reilly TD has said that inaction from Health Minister Simon Harris to invest in our health service has left vulnerable patients lying on trolleys, and that the service will face an even greater strain over the coming winter months.

The comments come as the INMO published figures showing there were not enough beds for 11,452 patients in Irish hospitals this October.

Teachta O’Reilly said;

“The current situation across the health service is abysmal. This past October has been the second worst month for patient overcrowding since INMO records began.

“The thousands of people forced onto hospital trolleys month after month are a direct result of the policy choices of Minister Harris and his Fine Gael colleagues.

“We cannot tolerate a health service dragged into a constant state of crisis by bad policies and inaction. The solutions are there. It’s time to start implementing them.

“Fine Gael are destroying our health service. They have had almost a decade to address this crisis, but it has only gotten worse under their tenure.

“In our alternative budget, we showed the immediate steps needed to tackle this ongoing problem, including recruiting extra nurses, doctors and staff and opening an additional 500 beds.

“Minister Harris needs to stop sitting idly by and begin real investment in directly employed staff into our health service if its to stay afloat through the winter.”


Carthy calls for BEAM scheme reopening to cater for farmers trading cross-border

Sinn Féin MEP Matt Carthy has called for the BEAM scheme to be extended and reopened to allow farmers who sold animals in the North to receive compensation.

Carthy, who is a member of the European Parliament’s Agriculture & Rural Development committee, said that the exclusion of farms who sent animals north for slaughter was nonsensical considering the scheme was secured as a mechanism to support those impacted by the Brexit process.  He further stated that he believed the criteria could breech the principles of the EU Single Market.

He said:

“I have written to the relevant European Commissioners and Minister Creed to request that the BEAM scheme be reopened for those farmers that have been excluded because they operate on a cross border basis.  It is ludicrous to suggest that the farmers most likely to be impacted by any Brexit shocks, namely those in the border region, are the ones who are denied access to the scheme designed to protect against those same shocks.

“The rationale behind the restriction is, according to the Department of Agriculture, purely technical.  The exclusion of farmers who trade cross border is because the proof of slaughter is not available on the AIMs system.

“However, it would be perfectly feasible for a manual application process to be utilised to allow these farmers to provide proof of slaughter dockets from establishments north of the border. The Department must therefore establish a new timeframe to allow these farmers time to apply for aid.

“The failure of Minister Creed to facilitate the provision of aid to these farmers can only be regarded as callous disregard towards those who operate on an all-island basis.  It was the reality of life for these farmers, and the communities from which they come, that allowed Irish concerns to become central to the Brexit process and secure support for this Beef Aid scheme at EU level.  That those same farmers have been excluded from the process is inexcusable and must now be resolved”.



Limerick City TD Maurice Quinlivan, today criticised the Minister for Health’s handling of the trolley crisis at University Hospital Limerick, as figures show October has seen the highest number of patients on trolleys in a single month since records began.

Speaking from Limerick City today, Teachta Quinlivan said;

“Enda Kenny infamously said “I’ll end the scandal of patients on trolleys.”

“What a lie that turned out to be.

“After eight very unsuccessful years in government, Fine Gael have managed to escalate the trolley crisis to levels never seen before.

“This month an incredible 1,450 patients were forced to lie on trolleys at University Hospital Limerick, the highest number ever recorded in one hospital, in a single month.

“This crisis has been ongoing in Limerick for years now, and the government haven’t bothered to do anything to address it.

“Fine Gael have stood by and watched this situation get completely out of control at UHL.

“They have promised more beds and more wards, but these are years down the line, and by the time they are completed they won’t even accommodate the number of patients on trolleys today, let alone the number of patients attending in a few years’ time.

“It’s a total joke, people in Limerick are fed up of being treated as second class citizens when it comes to healthcare.

“People are being packed into UHL like sardines, and it has created a very dangerous situation.

“How do we expect nurses and doctors to work effectively in such overcrowded conditions, which can see over 80 patients on trolleys at the hospital on some days.

“In 2011, when Fine Gael entered government, the number of patients on trolleys in UHL in October was 367.

“Now after almost a decade of incompetence, the number of patients on trolleys in UHL in the month of October has quadrupled, to 1,450.

“What a shameful situation to have presided over.

“The Minister for Health has utterly failed in his brief and it’s time for him to go.

“He would be doing us all a favour if he brought his Fine Gael cabinet colleagues with him out the door of government buildings."


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Water Eoin Ó Broin TD has called on Minister Murphy to state what information he had in relation to the failure of Irish water and Fingal County Council to fully implement the recommendations of the March 2019 Drinking Water Audit Report in the Leixlip Water Treatment Plant.

Commenting on the publication of the EPA drinking Water October Audit report on the Leixlip plant published yesterday, Deputy Ó Broin said:

“The latest EPA audit on the Leixlip plant conducted after the Boil Water notice was issued concludes that the primary cause of the failure at the plant was a blockage in one of the treatment processes.

“The failure of Irish Water and Fingal County Council to implement the recommendations of the previous EPA audit of the plant in March was a contributory factor in the failure of the plant.

“In particular the failure to install, as recommended, an automatic shutdown system when plant alarms are not answered.

“The EPA report is welcome, but many questions remain unanswered by Irish Water and Minister Murphy.

“Why were March 2019 audit recommendations not implemented?

“Who is responsible for this failure Irish Water or Fingal County Council or both?

“Is the failure to implement the recommendations due to a lack of funding and resources?

“Was the Department aware of the failure to implement the March 2019 recommendations and what action will Minister Murphy now take?

“These are just some of the questions I will be putting to Irish Water, Fingal County Council and the Department when they appear in front of the Committee for Housing next Tuesday.”


Following reports that the Police Ombudsman is to further delay publication of three reports on loyalist murders after the emergence of additional documentation from the PSNI, Sinn Féin victims and legacy spokesperson Linda Dillon said:

“The revelations that three reports relating to killings by loyalist death squads will be delayed after the emergence of additional documentation is appalling and unacceptable.

“It’s important to remember it is the families of victims who are being let down once again.

“These families, many of whose loved ones were killed by loyalist death squads in collusion with the British state, have been waiting decades for truth and justice. Justice delayed is justice denied.

“Many people will see this as further evidence that the cover-up of the role of British State forces in the conflict in Ireland is systemic.

“Sinn Féin will be seeking an urgent meeting with the Chief Constable of the PSNI and the Police Ombudsman to discuss this latest failure to disclose information to his investigations and will be raising this at the Policing Board.”


Sinn Féin victims and legacy spokesperson Linda Dillon has called on the British government to clarify what impact the upcoming election will have on victims and survivors of historical institutional abuse.

Linda Dillon said:

“The victims need some reassurance about what will happen now an election has been called.

“Sinn Féin Leas Uachtarán Michelle O’Neill has written to the British secretary of state regarding redress for victims and survivors of historical institutional abuse. 

“She has told him this issue needs to be progressed without delay and that the legislation goes through before the Westminster parliament dissolves.

“The victims are absolutely distraught at the prospect there might be any delays on getting legislation implemented and redress for victims resolved.

“These victims and survivors many of whom are in poor health both physically and mentally cannot be the collateral damage in a chaotic parliament.

 “Their hopes have been dashed on so many occasions and we all thought they were finally going to be able to get long-awaited redress for the terrible abuses they suffered at the hands of state and religious institutions.

“Clarification is needed urgently on this to ensure victims receive the redress they are long entitled to.”


Sinn Féin Housing spokesperson Eoin Ó Broin TD has accused the Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy of ‘giving developers a licence to hoard’ by extending so-called fast track planning.

Deputy Ó Broin said:

“It is no surprise that Minister Murphy will today extend the so-called fast track planning for Strategic Housing Developments (SHD) by two years. 

“The SHD extension now comes with permission for developers to do nothing on the site for 18 months after being granted planning.

“While Minister Murphy is presenting this as a ‘use it or lose it’ clause that will speed up the delivery of homes it make like a ‘licence to hoard’ for developers ensuring that they can continue to delay new developments by 18 months.

“Once again Minister Murphy has demonstrated his total incompetence when it comes to his brief.

“The SHD legislation is not working. We know this thanks to the data and research undertaken by Killian Woods from the Sunday Business Post.

“Again, Minister Murphy chooses to ignore available evidence and pursues a policy that only benefits land hoarders and developers hoping to flip sites. 

“It will not lead to an increase in the delivery of affordable homes.”


Sinn Féin general election candidate for Louth Cllr Ruairí Ó Murchú has commended the National Drugs and Organised Crime Unit on this evening's arrest of two men and seizure of cannabis worth over €3 million. 

Councillor Ó Murchú, who is Chairperson of Louth Drug and Alcohol Forum, said;

"This is a seizure of a huge volume of illicit drugs which would have made their way into the local supply chain.

"The removal of these drugs and the arrest of two individuals is extremely welcome news and represents a highly successful operation by An Garda Síochána.

"In addition Dundalk Gardaí seized €5,000 and made one arrest in Muirhevnamor on Sunday 27th October.

"Almost daily I am contacted by constituents who have concerns regarding drug use, addiction services, mental health supports or the crime and intimidation associated with the drug trade.

"In the past week I have conducted meetings in Dundalk with the Family Addiction Support Network and with the Manager of the Cox's Demesne Youth and Community Project.

"On both of those occasions the prevalence of drugs within communities in Dundalk was cited.  Also the hugely detrimental impacts of drug use on the addict themselves, their family members, their community and wider society was discussed.

"Community project managers have told me that low level drug dealing is rife in some areas of Dundalk.  

"Whereas in the past this activity was undertaken by a limited number of drugs dealers; currently drugs pushers are using a whole network of people, often children, in the sale and supply chain."

Sinn Féin TD for Louth Gerry Adams added;

"I have raised the issue of drugs in Louth and the associated crime and violence many times with the Minister for Justice.

"This evening's success demonstrates that targeted Garda resources can be successful against the drug criminals.

"It is every parent's worst fear that their child will get caught up in the drugs empire.  Any interventions to take drugs and drug pushers off the streets must be welcomed and I wholeheartedly commend this evening's operation in Louth."


Sinn Féin Leas Uachtarán Michelle O'Neill said the upcoming Westminster election is an opportunity to reject the DUP, reject the Tories and reject the destructive role of Westminster on the north of Ireland. 

Michelle O'Neill said: 

"This election is about our future.

“It is a welcome opportunity for the people of the north to have their say on the looming disaster of Brexit. 

"It is a chance to reject the DUP and the Tories, to reject Brexit and the Westminster chaos and its destructive influence on the north of Ireland.

"Sinn Féin has strong candidates who work tirelessly on behalf of their constituents, and we stand ready to fight this election. 

“Sinn Féin has successfully made the case to the Irish government and Europe that the north’s special circumstances needed to be recognised to protect our economy against the Brexit catastrophe, to avoid any hardening of the border and to protect the Good Friday Agreement. 

“The DUP have ignored the democratic wishes of the people of the north, of business, of farmers, of retailers. The people of the north did not consent to Brexit. 

“There is no good Brexit for Ireland. 

“Westminster is in chaos. It has no answers and no solutions.

“The Brexit debacle has shown that Westminster cannot, has not and will never act in the interests of the people of the north. 

“Your interests in this election are best served by voting Sinn Féin for a different future by sending a clear message to the British government that we want control of our own future through a referendum on Irish unity." 


Sinn Féin MP Órfhlaith Begley has welcomed news that cystic fibrosis drug Orkambi will be made available in the north. 

The West Tyrone MP said: 

"I welcome the news that cystic fibrosis patients will have access to life-saving drug, Orkambi, in the north. 

"I want to commend all those who campaigned to have equal access to Orkambi over a long period. 

"This drug is available elsewhere on these islands and has significantly improved the lives of people with cystic fibrosis. 

"I had repeatedly called on the Department of Health to work with the manufacturers of Orkambi to ensure it is available for patients in the north. 

"This is good news for all of those living with cystic fibrosis as now they will have equal access to this drug."


Sinn Féin Spokesperson on Equality and Human Rights Emma Sheerin MLA has called on the civil service to address underrepresentation of persons with disabilities within its workforce.

Speaking after a meeting with Jason Olsen from Ulster University on his recent research findings in the International Journal of Disability Management, Emma Sheerin MLA said: 

"The representation of people with disabilities within the Civil Service in the north is approximately 44% less than that seen in the US and Britain, with a mere 5.5% representation of persons with disabilities in its workforce.

"Pledges to ensure equality in the workplace have not resulted in substantive obligations to ensure equality in recruitment, or representation, of people with disabilities in the public sector.

"Sinn Féin wants to see opportunities for all and will continue to challenge underrepresentation of people with disabilities or any other group in our society. 

"People with disabilities face many challenges including higher daily living costs and lower levels of educational attainment. They have been disproportionally affected by the Tory policy of attacking those most in need in our society and by continued DUP opposition to the establishment of a comprehensive single equality bill for the north. 

"There is an onus on legislators to shatter a system entrenched in stigma, and to challenge, expose and address inequalities and ensure that people's rights and entitlements are secured."


Sinn Féin Spokesperson for employment and workers' rights Declan Kearney, has responded to UNISON’s report on the latest Tory Withdrawal Bill.

The report concludes that the current Withdrawal Bill allows the Tories to roll back on EU safeguards for workers' rights, by declaring that they are “unable to make a statement of non-regression” with EU Rights. 

According to UNISON, the Bill "would do absolutely nothing to stop a regression of rights, nor would they require the government to keep pace with future developments."

Addressing UNISON's conclusions, the South Antrim MLA said:

“This latest Withdrawal Bill proposed by the Tories will set the agenda for yet another attack on workers’ rights and entitlements.

"UNISON's report on the Withdrawal Bill supports Sinn Féin’s assertion that there is no good Brexit for workers.

"If implemented in its current form this Withdrawal Bill will allow the present and future British governments to regress on workers’ rights indefinitely.

"In practice the British government could roll back on entitlements concerning working hours, maternity leave and agency worker protections.

"This Bill demonstrates that the British government is intent on using Brexit as a catalyst for creating a labour market based on low wages and minimal rights.

"Sinn Féin will continue highlighting the need for both the EU and the Irish government to hold the British government to account and ensure that international obligations contained in the final agreement will not be diluted through British domestic law.

“We remain committed to working in partnership with UNISON and the labour movement in Ireland to protect workers' rights against the catastrophic effects of Brexit."

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