Sinn Féin - On Your Side

Ráitis is déanaí


Sinn Féin MP Francie Molloy has said the role played by the British government in supplying weapons and information to loyalist death squads must be fully investigated. 

The Mid Ulster MP said: 

"The latest revelations about the role of the British government and its involvement in supplying weapons and information to loyalist death squads raises many questions. 

"From the 1970s, hundreds of weapons from British army and UDR bases found their way into the lands of loyalists, particularly in areas like Armagh and East Tyrone. 

"In the 1980s, British intelligence services were involved in supplying loyalists with weapons from South Africa. Some of these weapons were distributed to Ulster Resistance, which was formed with the support of the DUP. Those weapons were used in dozens of killing across the north for many years. 

"Many of these weapons are still in the hands of loyalists today, including the weapons which were in the hands of Ulster Resistance. 

"What control, if any, do British intelligence services have over these weapons today? 

"Neither the DUP nor the British government can walk away from any of this and they cannot airbrush their role in the conflict. 

"The British government have responsibility to ensure a legacy mechanisms are put in place to address the legacy of the conflict." 


 Sinn Féin MP Órfhlaith Begley has commenced the dairy sector for its efforts to address its carbon footprint. 

Speaking after a dairy farm visit organised by the Diary Council, Sinn Féin MP Órfhlaith Begley said:

“I visited a dairy farm the opportunity to view the latest technologies and on-farm advances in the areas of environmental and energy efficiency. 

“The latest technologies provide the opportunity for the diary sector to reduce the carbon footprint while still maximising the overall farm profit in a labour efficient working environment.

“Since 1990 the dairy sector in the north has reduced fuel and electricity emissions by around 70%, manure emissions by some 27% and enteric fermentation emissions by 30%, with a 50% increase in milk production in the same period. 

“Efficient use of renewable energy sources, on farm emissions mitigation measures, grassland and fertility management all contribute to lowering the sector’s carbon footprint.

“I want to commend the dairy sector’s sustainability initiatives which have allowed for dairy products to be processed in an efficient manner whilst minimising emissions which is vital to preserving the planet for future generations.”


Sinn Féin MP Francie Molloy has said the international community has a duty to stand up for the Kurdish community as they face the prospect of a new onslaught from Turkey. 

The Mid Ulster MP said: 

"The beleaguered Kurdish community is now facing the possibility of a new military onslaught by the Turkish regime. 

"The Kurdish communities in north eastern Syria have already suffered greatly and there is considerable concern for them around the world. 

"This move comes at a time when the Turkish regime has already increased its repression and oppression of the Kurds. 

"The international community has a duty and responsibility to stand by the Kurdish people and to challenge the oppression by the Turkish authorities." 


New European Commission must stop marginalising Irish fishing communities - Matt Carthy MEP

Sinn Féin MEP, Matt Carthy, has said that the EU nominee for the post of Environment and Oceans Commissioner, Virginijus Sinkevičius from Lithuania, has yet to prove that he is up for the job of protecting and supporting fishing communities.

In a hearing with members of the European Parliament last week Mr. Sinkevičius defended the removal of reference to fisheries in the new portfolio title.

Speaking from Brussels on Tuesday Carthy, MEP for the Midlands North West, said that he believed that Mr. Sinkevičius’s replies to questions were too ambiguous which was worrying for the Irish fishing sector.  The apparent lack of insight from the new commissioner, he said, was concerning considering the importance of fisheries to communities across Ireland´s coastline.  

Carthy said:

“The commissioner designate correctly acknowledges that marine biodiversity is facing a crisis as a result of industrial overfishing, marine litter and climate change.

“However, the choice made by the new Commission to remove fisheries from the title of the portfolio will be seen as a further step in the marginalization of traditional fishing communities.

“Of course, this is more important than titles.  Even if we now add the word “fisheries” to the current portfolio the concerns would persist until we see a specific commission portfolio that prioritises fisheries across its three dimensions - social, environmental, economic - and recognises its value to our coastal economy”.


Raising the Brexit related concerns of Fishing communities Carthy continued: “Fishers from Ireland catch 36 percent of their total allowable catch in waters that fall under British jurisdiction. After Brexit, access to these fishing grounds could be blocked to EU vessels, including our own.

“The CFP and quota allocations to the various remaining Member states must therefore be revisited.  The quota share of the fish that vessels from Ireland currently catch in waters between Ireland and Britain is of major concern, but the Commissioner designate has not been reassuring on this matter.

“Ireland, following Brexit, with the largest remaining lucrative fishing grounds in the North Western Waters, will be geographically isolated from Europe. Ireland must be given a special status similar to other periphery regions as set out in the treaties. 

“This fact was acknowledged when the European Parliament passed Sinn Féin´s amendment to legislation for the new Maritime Fund earlier this year inserting special funding specifically for Ireland´s remote coastal areas.

“In order to try to mitigate the damage that the neglect of our rural fishing communities have endured for years and the threat of a no deal Brexit, the European Commission and Council need to stop marginalising fisheries and endorse the Parliament´s position on funding for Ireland.  That means addressing the fishing quota and access crisis that Irish fishers will face if Britain leaves with no deal”.



Sinn Féin Councillor for Dublin’s North Inner-City Janice Boylan is to hold a public meeting tonight to discuss the future for the O’Devaney Gardens development plan, following Dublin City Council’s decision last night to defer the planned sale of the land.

Speaking today, Cllr Boylan said,

“Dublin City Council last night opted to defer the current proposed redevelopment of the land.

"Sinn Féin is now calling on all Councillors from a cross the political spectrum to work together to agree a new plan which can meet the community needs and deliver truly affordable homes from local families.

“We just have one opportunity to get this right. It is important that the local community are front and centre to the debate and the discussions on O’Devaney’s future.

"I am therefore encouraging people to come along tonight to the public meeting."


Note to editors: The public meeting will be held in Prussia Street Parish Centre tonight (Tuesday) at 7.30pm


Sinn Féin Finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty TD has challenged Minister Paschal Donohoe to a head to head debate on budget 2020.

Speaking today Teachta Doherty said the traditional budget night debate has always been between the minister and the lead opposition spokesperson but since Fianna Fáil started supporting Fine Gael budgets under the confidence and supply deal successive Finance Ministers have refused to debate head to head with Sinn Féin as the lead party opposing the budget.

He said;

“The Confidence and Supply deal has had a lot of unintended consequences but one which was done be design rather than default was the end of the budget night debate between the Finance Minister of the day and the lead opposition spokesperson.

“In response to Budget 2017, the first budget under confidence and supply, RTÉ proposed a debate between myself and Minister Michael Noonan.  However, after a fuss from Fianna Fáil, Minister Noonan refused to debate with me head to head and instead we had the first of the panel debates that we have now had each year since.

“The panel debates are all well and good but they do not create the space for a detailed debate about the budget and that is a loss to viewers in my opinion.

“Therefore I challenging Minister Donohue to debate Budget 2020 head to head with me tomorrow evening.

“Neither Fianna Fáil nor Fine Gael, should be allowed to dictate what type of debate RTÉ host on budget night.”



Speaking after leaked British ministerial advice warned that post-Brexit trade agreements could ‘irreparably damage' environment and public health, Sinn Féin MP Chris Hazzard said:

“This report from the British Department for Trade is yet another example of the chaos and disfunction of the British government is inflicting on the people of the north and Ireland as a whole.

“It is further proof that Brexit is bad for our farmers, our food safety, our families, and our environment. 

“Sinn Fein will continue to work with political reps in the USA to ensure that any future trade deal that is bad for Ireland and does not respect the Good Friday Agreement is opposed in Congress.” 


Sinn Féin TD for Louth Gerry Adams has expressed his “deep sadness at the death of his friend Ulick O'Connor.”

Teachta Adams said: 

“Ulick was a strong republican. He first  spoke on a platform with me in the 1980’s. He was a strong supporter of Féile an Phobail and brought his play Executions and other works to the Féile.

"He was also a regular visitor to Sinn Féin Ard Fheiseanna for decades until ill-health prevented him from attending. 

"He was a fine poet, artist, social commentator, athlete, author and playwright. 

"I want to extend my sincere condolences to Ulick’s family and friends. Go ndeanfaidh dia trocáire air."


Sinn Féin health spokesperson Deputy Louise O’Reilly has said it is disappointing that the government have decided to establish a reimbursement scheme instead of extending the European Health Insurance Card scheme to people in north.

Speaking this afternoon, Teachta O’Reilly said:

“The government gave several commitments over the past number of weeks that they would be extending the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) scheme to people in the north, post-Brexit.

“The EHIC card lets a person on holiday, or on a short-term stay, get access to healthcare in another EU or European Economic Area (EEA) state for free, or at a reduced cost.

“It had been hoped that the Health and Childcare Support (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2019 would deliver this measure and ensure that after Brexit people in the north would have access to an EHIC card and the benefits it entails, the same as all other people living in EU and EAA countries.

“Therefore, it is disappointing that the government have decided to establish a reimbursement scheme instead of providing people in the north with EHIC cards.

“This situation creates many practical problems as some people may not be able to pay these Bills in the first instance also, those who do pay could be left waiting months before they are reimbursed by the HSE.

“It is quite regrettable that the government have not fully kept to their word on this matter. 

“Sinn Féin will be proposing amendments when the Bill comes before the Oireachtas Health Committee in the coming weeks to ensure that people in the north are provided with EHIC cards, the same as all other people living in EU and EAA countries."


Sinn Féin MLA Órlaithí Flynn and spokesperson for mental health has called for greater awareness of the impact of Endometriosis on women's health. 

The West Belfast MLA said;

"Endometriosis effects as many as one in ten women of childbearing age.

"The condition is when pieces of the womb are found elsewhere in the body and approximately 10% of sufferers experience severe symptoms. 

"While I welcome the additional two nursing posts for endometriosis care services here in the north, the waiting times to access treatment are unacceptably long.

"Women affected by Endometriosis can suffer daily until treated effectively.

"Symptoms range from physical discomfort to pain and can often impact on women's mental health as a result.

"Sinn Féin stressed the need for regional Endometriosis centres in providing timely care and greater awareness of the condition in our "A Vision For Women's Health" policy document. We continue to advocate for better services for women with Endometriosis.” 


Minister confirms that northern drivers will not need to display GB stickers post-Brexit – Matt Carthy MEP

The Sinn Féin MEP, Matt Carthy, has welcomed confirmation received by his party’s Transport Spokesperson, Jonathan O’Brien TD, from Minister Ross that: “These stickers (GB stickers) are prescribed under international road traffic conventions, including the Geneva Convention which I mentioned, and which applies between Ireland and the UK.  The purpose of the sticker is largely to identify a vehicle as visiting rather than as based in the jurisdiction, for tax purposes.  However, there is no offence of not having a sticker of this kind in Irish road traffic legislation”.

Matt Carthy said:

“I welcome this confirmation of the legal situation.  Common sense has prevailed and the threat to northern drivers of having to put a GB sticker on their car is an empty one it seems.  Beyond the political importance this is a practical concern for hauliers and many other drivers and workers.

“There are still questions over insurance and driving licences that need to be resolved.  I urge anybody living in the south with British licence to transfer it to an Irish licence as soon as possible to avoid any potential difficulties.  Leaving it until after Brexit risks having to begin the while licencing process again although I hope flexibility can be granted in this situation.

“On insurance, Britain has waived the requirement for Green Card for drivers going north but the EU has yet to waive this requirement for drivers coming from the north.  This is entirely in the power of the EU to do but, despite saying he is pushing for it, Minister Ross has failed to convince them to do so.  He needs to up his game and get the EU to agree to this exception, at least for Ireland.

“For us those of from the border region these are the real outworkings of what represents a hardening of the border.  We will not accept any burden that makes it more difficult to get about our lives on a cross-border basis.  Government need to be proactive across every department in addressing these issues” 

Parliamentary response to Jonathan O’Brien from Minister for Shane Ross: 

For Oral Answer on : 02/10/2019

Question Number(s): 68 Question Reference(s): 39904/19

Department: Transport, Tourism and Sport

Asked by: Jonathan O'Brien T.D.



To ask the Minister for Transport; Tourism and Sport the efforts he is making to ensure that drivers in Northern Ireland will be permitted to drive legally here without additional paperwork or stickers; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Although the Deputy does not say so, I am assuming that he is referring to drivers from Northern Ireland being able to drive into this jurisdiction if Brexit occurs without a deal in place.  The answer is that they will.

Specifically, driving across the border in a no-deal Brexit scenario will raise three issues.  The first is the driving licence.  Under the 1949 Geneva Convention on international road traffic, people will be able to drive here on their Northern Ireland licences, on a visitor basis.  No additional documentation will be required in this regard.

Next, there is the question of insurance.  There is a international system, pre-dating the EU, under which a so-called 'Green Card' acts as proof of motor insurance in international travel.  This system was created to facilitate international road traffic by providing for a single standard document as proof of motor insurance across all participating countries, rather than requiring people to carry different documentation for each country they enter.  

Under EU law, Green Cards are not required for travel within the EU.  If the UK becomes a Third Country without a deal, the default position will be that Green Cards will be required for UK-registered vehicles entering the EU from the UK.  EU law does, however, provide that the EU Commission should set a date after which Green Cards will not be required from a given Third Country, if the Motor Insurers' Bureaux of all the Member States so request.  This request was made late last year.  The Commission has yet to make a decision on setting a date.  Ireland has continued to request that the Commission make a decision, so that Green Cards will not be required.

The third and final matter is whether vehicles should have a national identification sticker.  These stickers are prescribed under international road traffic conventions, including the Geneva Convention which I mentioned, and which applies between Ireland and the UK.  The purpose of the sticker is largely to identify a vehicle as visiting rather than as based in the jurisdiction, for tax purposes.  However, there is no offence of not having a sticker of this kind in Irish road traffic legislation.  While I need hardly point out that a person is unlikely to be made liable for vehicle tax simply as a result of not having an international sticker, this is essentially a matter for Revenue.  I understand that there is likewise no offence of not having a sticker in UK law.  



Sinn Féin Leas Uachtarán Michelle O’Neill said today there is an onus on An Taoiseach to stand up for Irish interests in the face of the unprecedented challenge of a Tory Brexit rather than engage in insulting and nasty commentary. 

Michelle O’Neill said:

“As we face this week into a time of unprecedented challenges, merely days away from the Brexit deadline, the chaos and uncertainty continues.

“The DUP continues to act against the interests of people in the north, the majority of whom voted to remain in the EU.

“Boris Johnson’s reckless and dangerous Brexit plan has been rejected by all the political parties in the north and all our key business and civic sectors apart from the DUP.  

“The British Tory government has abandoned any pretence of acting with the impartiality required by the Good Friday Agreement.

“This is a time for steady heads.

“This is a time for leadership.

“This is a time when the Taoiseach needs to stand up for Irish interests in line with his commitments that nationalists in the north will never be left behind again.

“And it is clearly not a time for An Taoiseach to engage in petty political point scoring and the sort of insulting and nasty commentary usually associated with arch Brexiteers and the DUP.” ENDS/CRÍOCH


Sinn Féin councillor Oliver McMullan has said a loyalist parade in Larne achieved nothing other than bringing further hurt to the families of the victims of Bloody Sunday and souring community relations in the town.

Cllr McMullan said: 

"The parade on Saturday night was nothing short of a coat trailing exercise which achieved nothing other than bringing further hurt to the families who are victims of the Bloody Sunday Massacre.

“The erection of offensive and provocative banners and parades supporting the British Parachute Regiment and 'Soldier F,' the former British soldier facing murder charges in connection with Bloody Sunday, across Belfast and throughout the North have caused widespread hurt and trauma.

“It is appalling that the Bloody Sunday families have been forced to wait almost 50 years for any semblance of truth and justice as a direct result of the British state’s cover-up of murder and collusion during the conflict.

“I have been in contact with the police to raise my concerns about the parade which had a further negative impact on community relations in the town.”


Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD has said that the Taoiseach is 'out if ideas and increasingly desperate to cling to power'.

Teachta McDonald said:

"The Taoiseach leads a government that is stumbling from one crisis to the next in respect of housing, healthcare and the rising cost of living.

“Fine Gael, aided and abetted by Fianna Fáil, have proven that they are incapable of delivering for ordinary citizens. They have driven up the price of rents and left thousands of families without a home. Homelessness is at record levels.

"We have a Taoiseach that is failing workers and families, is out of ideas and increasingly desperate to cling to power.

"Instead of focusing on delivering for workers and families, he has chosen to attack Sinn Féin in comments unworthy of the office of Taoiseach.

"Joining the DUP leader Arlene Foster in comparing Republicans and nationalists to animals is hardly a badge of honour. In the face of Brexit gratuitous insults are no substitute for thoughtful leadership.

"The Taoiseach should remember that it is the people who decide who will be in government, not Leo Varadkar." ENDS


In an historic first, the Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald today delivered a keynote address to the activists of Plaid Cymru at their party conference in Swansea.

Speaking at the conference McDonald called for a “pan-Celtic political culture to defeat Toryism”. She said:

“The futures of Ireland and Wales must be shaped by the hopes and aspirations of our peoples. Not by Boris Johnson and his band of Eton elitists in London.

“Toryism is a political culture that has always been a clear and present threat to our well-being. 

“We need a counter political culture; a pan-Celtic, anti-Tory political culture that respects each other’s sovereignty and right to nationhood.”

The Sinn Féin President also used her speech to send a message to The British Prime Minister:

“If Boris Johnson cannot put forward proposals that maintain the guarantees in the Backstop, then the ultimate solution of Irish Unity should be put on the table.

“Boris, we will not allow you to vandalise our country, ruin our economy and destroy our peace. We will not allow you to bully Ireland. Those days are over”.

Please see below full text of Mary Lou McDonald’s speech to the Plaid Cymru conference

Address by Mary Lou McDonald TD to Plaid Cymru Conference

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Grand Theatre





We gather here today in the spirit of togetherness.

That I am here today is an echo of the bonds of kinship and friendship between our two nations.

It is great to meet under the flag of common purpose, of optimism and of hope.

The future is yet to be won.

Let us win it together. 



I am the President of Sinn Féin.

I am also a mother, a wife, a daughter, and a sister.

I am a woman playing my part in trying to make my country and the world a better place.

Sinn Féin is an Irish Republican Party.

We are a party of the left - progressive and socialist.

We are a party of activism, deeply rooted in the communities we represent, striving to be agents for change and equality.

We have a significant mandate.

We are the only party substantially organised across the entire island of Ireland - north and south.

Sinn Féin is opposed to the partition of Ireland.

We are a United Ireland party that wants an end to the involvement of the British government in Irish affairs.

We are working for the unity of all the people of Ireland based on equality, respect and reconciliation.

We believe absolutely in the core values of equality, liberty and fraternity.

With others, Sinn Féin has played a central role in the development of the peace process and in the Good Friday Agreement and subsequent agreements.

We helped to create, and we were part of, the national and international efforts which brought an end to conflict in Ireland.

The European Union

Sinn Féin is an EU critical party.

A perspective born out of the philosopy of left republicanism where democracy is close to the people and government serves their interests.

I think that is a good approach.

I think it is basic common sense.

We know that the European project has gone down the wrong road.

Too far down the wrong road.

The economic dogma of ‘the market above all else’ and the alienation of ordinary citizens,

the increasing militarisation of the EU through PESCO, the democratic deficit which often sees the voices of smaller members squeezed out.

These are legitimate criticisms and concerns.

It is important that we all acknowledge them.

However, Brexit is not the answer.

The Tory Brexit is definitely not the answer.

Instead, our job is to change the European Union by working together.

It is our responsibility to challenge and defeat the political agenda at the heart of power in the European Union.

I happen to believe that such an effort is worth it

The European project has the potential to transform the lives of citizens for the better.

It can do so with the social agenda as its driving force

We will not concede the European project to free marketeers and corporate interests. Neither will we accept the Tory wrecking agenda which seeks to divide and dominate.

We are up for the fight to create a better European Union, A social European Union

It was on this basis that we campaigned for Remain in the North of Ireland during the Brexit referendum.



Sinn Féin is also an internationalist party.

We are deeply aware of our interconnectedness with the humanity of the world.

We are proactive in reaching out to progressive movements throughout the  world, movements that share our politics, our values and our goals.

That is what has brought me to Swansea this weekend.

To reach out the hand of friendship to the activists of Plaid Cymru 

To listen to and learn to from each other.

Ireland and Wales – A shared Story

There is kinship and a connectedness between our nations.

A common spirit and a common experience.

RS Thomas said the Welsh were “a people bred on legends”.

That holds true for the Irish. Inspired and proud of our heritage and our independence.

The songs that played in the Halls of Tara were echoed in the Valleys of Wales.

The story of  Saint Patrick symbolises the links of the Celtic nations of Wales, Ireland and Scotland.

A bond that remains today.

Our shared history has taken many turns.

Following the Easter Rising in 1916, Irish Republican prisoners were interned at Frongoch.

A thousand rebels imprisoned and isolated in Wales.

They did what revolutionaries do.

They looked beyond the confines of the present, they looked to the future.

They planned, they debated and they educated themselves.

Frongoch gained its place in Irish republican history as the University of Revolution.

The prisoners returned from Wales as leaders and led our fight for independence from 1919 to 1921

A counter-revolution, partition, discrimination and the denial of the right to self-determination led to decades of conflict in Ireland.

A  conflict that ended with the signing of the Good Friday Agreement.

The legacy of conflict remains.

It is felt across Ireland and in homes in Wales.

Families have been bereaved and injured.

No words I can say can undo the past.

We must find a way to reconcile the past with our shared history and find a common ground.

An acceptance, an understanding of our complex past and a commitment to the truth that the conflict is over and must never return.

It will not return, not on our watch.


We have to be leaders for today and for the future.

I am speaking to you today as history unfolds around us.

The Tory Brexit is shaping our present.

However, I am here to say that we cannot allow the Tory Brexit to determine our futures.

The futures of Ireland and Wales must be shaped by the hopes and aspirations of our peoples.

Not by Boris Johnson and his band of Eton elitists in London.

Make no mistake, the Tory Brexit is chiefly the product of a dangerous Little Englander ideology run amok.

Little Englanders certainly do not care about the consequences of Brexit for either of our countries.

It would be naïve to believe that the Tory view of Ireland and Wales has shifted in any significant way since the days of Thatcherism.

Just as Margaret Thatcher brutalised and criminalised the nationalist communities of the North of Ireland,

Just as she tried to crush the mining communities of Wales during the strike of 1984, the current British Prime Minister is all too willing to run roughshod over Irish and Welsh national interests.

Mr Johnson does so in pursuit of his dangerous and stupid agenda – a Brexit that satisfies the post-imperial insecurities of toxic English nationalism.

Tory ignorance and malevolence towards Ireland has been absolutely breath-taking.

It is not simply a case of ignorance.

It is a case of blatant hostility.

At its very core, is the Tory government’s refusal to recognise the democratic decision taken by the people of the North of Ireland.

People in the North of Ireland voted to remain.

To remain part of the European Union.

There is no democratic consent for Brexit in Ireland.

Yet, Mr Johnson is intent on dragging the North out of the European Union despite the result of the vote.

Not once has the Tory government shown any appreciation or concern of the consequences for Ireland of such recklessness.

The hardening of the border.

Economic chaos.

Endangering the Good Friday Agreement and our peace.

That is what the Tories propose for my country.

They have gone more than three years without proposing one workable set of solutions for the border.

In the absence of such proposals, the Backstop was conceived.

It was agreed by the EU and the British Government in order to avoid the hardening of the border in the event of a crash Brexit.

Though imperfect, it is vital to protect our economy, our peace agreements and our prosperity.

It is the bottomline.

What the British Prime Minister presented this week as a ‘Good solution’ to the border is far from it.

It sought to dismantle the guarantees contained in the Backstop.

What Mr Johnson proposed is not about the interests of Ireland.

It was a political ploy.

A power play to rally his Brexiteer allies.

To deliver a sop to the Democratic Unionist Party ahead of the next British General Election.

The proposal to give the Assembly in Belfast the authority to decide either the type of Brexit arrangements that are put in place, or how long they will last, will afford the DUP a veto.

Sinn Féin will never accept this.

Maybe Mr Johnson wants a deal, maybe he doesn’t.

In either event, let me say this clearly:

There can be no return to a hard border in Ireland.

There can be no return to customs checks.

The Good Friday Agreement must be upheld and protected.

If  Boris Johnson, cannot put forward proposals that maintain the guarantees in the Backstop, then the ultimate solution of Irish Unity should be put on the table without delay.

If you would indulge me, I want to use the Plaid Crymu Conference to send the British Prime Minister a message 

Boris, we will not allow you to endanger our future.

Boris, we will not allow you to vandalise our country, ruin our economy and destroy our peace.

Boris, we will not allow you to bully Ireland.


A Shared Political Culture

Jingoism, a pyschology of supremacy and blatant aggression are the main characteristics of the Tory Brexit.

It may now sit in a new context but the consequences of Toryism are not new to the peoples of Ireland and Wales.

Toryism is a political culture that has always been a clear and present threat to our well-being.

We need a counter political culture.

We need a pan-celtic anti-Tory political culture.

A shared political culture that respects each other’s sovereignty and right to nationhood.

A shared political culture grounded in principles of common interest and common purpose.

A community of neighbours driven by progressive politics and by a genuine concern for each other’s people.

We need to become allies not only in words, but also in actions.

Let’s meet and speak more often.

Let’s get behind each other.

Lets us share ideas for the advancement of Irish Unity and Welsh Independence – nations where economic justice and social equality are hardwired in everything that we do.

Beyond Brexit

Just as the prisoners at Frongoch looked beyond the confines of the present to build a vision for the future.

So must we all.

To look beyond Brexit and to build for the future.

Westminster has not and never will act in the best interests of the people of Ireland.

It governs in its own self-interest.

The people in the north of Ireland are looking beyond Westminster.

A debate on Unity is growing.

The Unionist majority, the very basis of the state, is gone.

The challenge for this generation of leaders is to build a new and united Ireland. 

An Ireland that is a home for all that share our island. A prosperous and sustainable Ireland.

An Ireland that takes its place with the other nations of the world.

The Good Friday Agreement provides for a peaceful and democratic pathway for Irish Unity.

Sinn Féin believes in national self-determination. 

We believe in the rights of the Irish, Scottish and Welsh Nations to determine their own futures.

That is the right thing, it is the democratic thing to do.

I believe we will secure and that we win an Irish unity referendum at some time in near future.

I do not take it for granted.

We have much work to do to build a new and united Ireland in the best interest of all the people who share our island.

To replace partition and division with unity and the common interest of all.

Only a new and United Ireland will provide the basis of a new relationship with Britain, with England Scotland and Wales.

A relationship liberated from the divisions of the past.

The Good Friday Agreement provides for a British Irish Council for co-ordination and co-operation.

I believe that there is merit in continuing this process when Ireland is united.

We are neighbours, we are kin and we share a common interest.

I look forward to the day when Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England take seats at the table as sovereign and independent nations.



I was six years-old when the existence of your beautiful country first came into my consciousness.

It is actually one of the clearest memories from my childhood.

My older brother Bernard had been left out of his rugby team for a match against Llanelli 

I remember two things vividly – Bernard’s absolute devastation and also feeling that ‘Llanelli’ sounded quite exotic!

To a six year-old child, it had the ring of Narnia to it.

The episode had a happy ending, however.

Before the team was to travel, Bernard received a phone call from one of his coaches to say that he was needed after all.

Queue unbridled joy and excitement.

I remember feeling so happy for my brother.

That same bother is now married to a woman from Llanelli.

Though it may be somewhat less exotic now than it was in the mind of a little girl, Wales has always conjured feelings of warmth – a place where good things happen.

Activists of Plaid Cyrmu,

I wish you good things.

I wish you a future that matches the hopes and aspirations of the Welsh people.

Prosperity, equality, Independence.

I can feel the energy in this room that will make it happen.


Sinn Féin National Chairperson Declan Kearney today lead a party delegation, including South Belfast Cllr Deirdre Hargey to meet the Permanent Secretary of the Department for Infrastructure to address the illegal erection of flags and other emblems on Departmental street furniture in Antrim town and South Belfast. 

The Party delegation also raised the use of Departmental land for the construction of illegal bonfires.

The South Antrim MLA said: 

“This meeting was held with the Permanent Secretary arising from ongoing concerns that the Department for Infrastructure continues to default on its legal obligations to address the illegal erection of flags in communally mixed neighbourhoods in Antrim town and South Belfast.

“However this problem is not confined to these areas alone. Unionist and paramilitary flags, and other provocative sectarian emblems are erected with impunity across the north.

“These are designed to intimidate, provoke and cause further segregation within our society. That is unacceptable and the opposite to what is required to build a shared future.

“The illegal erection of flags and emblems on Departmental property is a deeply contentious and divisive issue. This has resulted in legal action against the Department for Infrastructure as a result of its inaction and failure to address these situations.

“In the absence of any other initiatives, Sinn Féin put the Department for Infrastructure on notice today that it carries primary responsibility for bringing forward robust proposals to ensure that Departmental property no longer continues to be used for the illegal and intimidatary erection of flags and emblems.

“Sinn Féin will continue to engage with the Department for Infrastructure in the coming months on all of these issues.”


Sinn Féin Finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty TD has described the Government’s announcement that no revenue will be going into the Rainy Day Fund as a “complete reversal in policy”, and welcomed their decision to adopt Sinn Féin’s position.

Deputy Doherty said that today’s announcement that €450 million in overruns will be again funded by unexpected tax windfalls is further sign of a Government that is underfunding public services and has no control of the public finances.

The Donegal TD said:

“Today the Minister for Finance has announced that his party and Fianna Fáil’s flagship policy of a Rainy Day Fund has finished before it even started. No money will be going into the Fund from this year’s revenue.

“Sinn Féin have repeatedly called the Rainy Day Fund out as a badly designed policy. The legislation that underpinned the fund allowed it to be used only in exceptional circumstances and to bail out the banks.

“I welcome the Minister’s decision today to adopt the Sinn Féin position on the fund.

“Today’s news that the Minister will be funding €450 million worth of supplementary estimates through corporation tax revenue is yet more evidence that this Government has no control of the public finances.

“Year after year the Government underprovide for our public services, and then announces overruns at each year’s end. 

“This makes a mockery of the budgetary process and is a dangerous way to manage our public finances.

“We have seen no improvement in our public services. At the same time their funding is becoming increasingly reliant on unsustainable corporation tax revenue rather than a sustainable tax base.

“At this stage it is difficult to believe any forecasts that come from this Government. 

“Brexit will influence this Budget but it shouldn’t define it. Our public finances can be protected while delivering real results for the challenges our people face. But only if the right choices are made.

“Next week’s budget is set to be another failure by Fine Gael to and Fianna Fáil to give workers and families a break.”


Sinn Féin TD for Dublin Central Mary Lou McDonald and North Inner City Councillor Janice Boylan met with residents across the community today to discuss Dublin City Council managements recently published plan for the redevelopment of O’Devaney Gardens.

Dublin City Councillors will vote on the proposed redevelopment of the land during the Council’s next meeting on Monday (7th October).

Sinn Féin is calling on all Councillors from across the political spectrum to work together to deliver a development for O’Devaney Gardens that meets the community’s needs and delivers truly affordable homes for local families.

The Sinn Féin leader said:

“Fine Gael is yet again failing on its commitment to deliver affordable homes for working families. The financing model imposed on Dublin City Council by government has created a cash cow for the developer and placed the so-called affordable allocation of homes out of reach for ordinary families.

“Sinn Féin fought hard for the redevelopment of O’Devaney. We were prepared to compromise but management’s plan published last month is a compromise too far. I’m calling on Councillors from all political parties and none to work with Sinn Féin to deliver the development that meets the needs of the community and delivers genuinely affordable homes for them.”

North Inner City Cllr Janice Boylan said:

“Since my election in 2014 I have worked hard to deliver the redevelopment of O’Devaney Gardens. I was reared in this community so my commitment to the area and its people runs deep. We have lived with the harsh realities from decades of neglect by governments including Fine Gael. Sinn Féin supported the redevelopment plan on the basis that it would deliver decent homes for families trapped in O’Devaney’s dilapidated flats and affordable homes for the wider community.

“We only have one chance to get the redevelopment of O’Devaney Gardens right. As a Councillor for this area I cannot stand over a plan that will profit a private developer to the tune of millions of euro and push local working families out of the community.

"My family, friends and neighbours deserve better.

“Sinn Féin supports the plan to redevelop O’Devaney but this proposal is a kick in a teeth for a community that has endured historic neglect. Dublin City Councillors must now work together to deliver a better deal for the people of the north inner city.

Housing SPC member Cllr Daithí Doolan said:

“Sinn Féin has highlighted time and again the shortcomings of using private developers to build social and affordable homes. Dublin City Council managements proposal for O’Devaney Gardens only serves to line the pockets of the developer.

“Dublin City Councillors need to rally together to urgently develop a new pathway to deliver social, affordable & cost rental homes for this community. The St. Michaels Estate funding model demonstrates that Dublin City Council can deliver a redevelopment project that meets the needs of the north inner city.”


Sinn Fein Senator Paul Gavan has raised the case of the Catalan political prisoners in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Speaking in the Assembly in Strasbourg, Senator Gavan highlighted the second anniversary of the Catalan vote for Independence on the 1st October 2017.
“That referendum should have been a triumph for democracy, no matter what the result was.
“Sadly, the world witnessed shocking scenes of Spanish police brutality in various parts of Catalonia that day.
“Peaceful citizens who were protecting the integrity of polling stations were struck down and savagely beaten, with over 900 people being injured.”

Senator Gavan went on to raise the case of 12 Catalan political and civil leaders, who are currently imprisoned in Madrid awaiting judgement on politically motivated charges for their alleged role in facilitating this referendum. 
“This is one of the most pressing political issues in Europe. We cannot ignore this important issue of citizens being prosecuted for pursuing purely peaceful and democratic means in determining their future.
“Some of them have been imprisoned for nearly two years on pre-trial detention.
“They include 2 civil society leaders, the former Catalan Vice-President, the former Speaker of the Catalan Parliament, and 8 former Ministers.
“The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) carried out a report into the detention of 3 of the prisoners and concluded that their detention is arbitrary and called for their immediate release. 
“This UN report is a clear condemnation of Spain’s breach of fundamental human rights.
“The former Catalan President and other Ministers have been forced into exile.
“The Spanish State has tried to have them arrested and extradited but they keep losing these cases because the charges they are facing have no basis.”
“They are being prosecuted on ludicrous charges of rebellion and sedition.
“The former Speaker is facing 15 years in jail for allowing a debate on Catalan independence in Parliament.
“The Vice-President is facing up to 25 years for facilitating a democratic vote on self-determination. Their prosecution is politically motivated and they are political prisoners. 

"Facilitating people to vote is not a crime, but preventing them by force should be.

“This is a political issue, not a legal one. 
“The Spanish Government needs to enter into meaningful dialogue with the Catalan Government to find a political solution. 
“It needs to stop using the police and the legal system to attack the Catalan independence movement, which is a legitimate political movement.
“It’s time to end the wall of silence on Catalonia. Justice and Human Rights for the Catalan People.”


Sinn Féin Finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty TD has again called on the Central Bank and Competition & Consumer Protection Commission to open investigations into the use of dual pricing by the insurance industry. This comes after Aviva admitted in yesterday’s Finance Committee that they use dual pricing to hike the renewal premiums of a third of their customers above the average price.

Speaking today after the publication of a report by the Financial Conduct Authority in Britain into the use of dual pricing, Deputy Doherty called for the practice to be investigated and said that Sinn Féin will act to protect consumers and take on the industry.

The Donegal TD said:

“Today the Financial Conduct Authority published its interim report on the issue of unfair pricing in the British insurance market. The findings are clear.

“The report has found that the insurance market is not working for consumers, with companies using dual pricing to artificially hike premiums for renewing customers. The report estimates that if these customers had paid the genuine price that reflected their risk, they would have said a total of £1.2 billion.

“The report also found that consumers do not know that this is happening, and that disproportionately affects vulnerable groups who are from low-income households or are less likely to understand how renewal affects their premiums.

“We know that this practice is happening in Ireland. Many of the insurance companies that operate here do so in Britain also. Only yesterday at the Finance Committee, Aviva, who also operate in Britain, admitted to using dual pricing to hike premiums on loyal and unsuspecting customers.

“Price discrimination is wrong, anti-consumer, and targets vulnerable groups.

“Last week the Finance Committee accepted my request to begin an investigation into this issue. I have called on the Central Bank to begin an investigation into the practice and will be meeting the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission to make a similar case.

“Sinn Féin are acting to protect consumers and put an end to unfair pricing by the insurance industry.

"In the coming months I will be moving my Consumer Insurance Contracts Bill to final stage in the Dáil, and Sinn Féin will be bringing forward recommendations to end the unfair practice of dual pricing by the industry.”

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