Sinn Féin - On Your Side

Cartlann Doiciméad Polasaí

Breathnaigh, roinn nó íoslódáil ár ndoiciméid polasaí deireanacha sa rannóg cartlainne speisialta seo.

This policy document sets out Sinn Féin’s proposals to support small and medium-sized enterprises and to protect jobs at a time of unprecedented challenges for SMEs. These proposals set out a recovery programme for the sector based on the creation of decent jobs, workers’ rights, decent pay and working conditions.

This policy document sets out an economic stimulus plan to revive the two sectors hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. This scheme will support hundreds of thousands of jobs in the hospitality and tourism sector, put more money in local economies while giving families a welcome break.

This policy document proposes an ambitious, long-term and strategic economic recovery plan for the North. This proposal looks at the socio-economic ramifications of Brexit, COVID-19, climate breakdown and the rigged economy then proposes structural alternatives going forward for a fairer and greener economy for all.

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s manifesto for Culture, Arts and Heritage. Sinn Féin’s policies will support artists and communities through a wide range of measures across five connected areas, namely: raising incomes; creative spaces; participation and young artists; nightlife; heritage and Moore Street.

This policy document is Sinn Féin’s General Election manifesto for change. The policies in this manifesto will give workers and families a break, put money back in people's pockets, fix the housing crisis while setting out a comprehensive pathway towards Irish unity.

Mental Health Manifesto

23 January, 2020

This policy document is Sinn Féin’s General Election mental health manifesto. The policies in this manifesto take a modern approach to the provision of mental health services while aiming to provide better care and outcomes for those who suffer with mental health conditions.

A Just Transition provides decent jobs, social protection and security to workers, as well as communities most affected by the transition to a sustainable economy. It ensures that all climate policies are socially and rurally proofed. Sinn Féin is committed to climate justice and a just transition for Ireland. This means a fairer and more democratic society, one which protects workers’ rights and empowers communities with more input and control over their future.

Giving women and their families a break – Sinn Féin’s Women’s Budget 2020

Sinn Féin Alternative Budget 2020 - Giving workers and families a break and ending the rip-off.