Sinn Féin - On Your Side

Latest statements


Sinn Féin’s Declan Kearney has said news that the Hightown incinerator is now expected go back to the Department for Infrastructure for reconsideration following a High Court ruling today is disappointing. 
The South Antrim MLA said:
“News that the Hightown incinerator is now expected to be reconsidered by the Department for Infrastructure following a High Court ruling today is disappointing and will come as a shock to local residents who continue to live with the uncertainty of this incinerator emerging in the immediate vicinity of their homes and local countryside.
“There remains overwhelming opposition to the Hightown incinerator among residents in the Hightown and Mallusk area. They have continually expressed concerns about the serious repercussions which would flow from this particular proposal if approved, including for their health and wellbeing.
“These well-founded fears extend to the negative consequences for the natural habitat and ecosystem of the surrounding countryside. 
“I will be seeking a meeting with senior officials at the Department for Infrastructure to pursue clarification on their position following this latest court ruling.
“Local residents can be reassured that Sinn Féin will continue to stand four-square behind the community in their opposition to the Hightown incinerator.” 


Sinn Féin spokesperson for Justice, Pa Daly TD, has today urged the government to act on the results of a new study into familicide and domestic homicides.

The study has recommended that a national database should be established for reporting on violent family deaths.

Speaking today, Teachta Daly said:

“The review is an important watershed moment in what are extremely shocking and violent cases that tear communities apart. A piece of work such as this has been long overdue.

“I commend the families who have campaigned tirelessly to ensure that families facing devastating violence like this receive better support.

“The review covered the years 2000-2018 and only included cases where all legal proceedings had been completed. This gave a figure of at least 166 persons having died in familial violence in that period, with the State Pathologist’s office telling researchers a further 14 cases between 2014 and 2019 did not feature in public records.

“This demonstrates the urgent need for a national database on such deaths and the upcoming DSGBV Agency Bill provides an opportunity to advance policy in this area.

“Sinn Féin have long argued that family homicide review panels must be implemented, with inter-agency collaboration taking place to ensure risk factors are identified.

“The report must be implemented rapidly and it is welcome that a number of government ministers have responded to the report’s findings. Every second counts for families at risk of such violence and we cannot afford to see any further delays.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Health David Cullinane TD has called on the Minister for Health and Government to move quickly to improve access to reproductive healthcare. He said that five years on from the repeal of the 8th amendment, there are still many barriers impeding access to lawful services, including geographical disparity in service provision and the mandatory 3-day wait.

The TD for Waterford said that the Minister should move quickly to implement less complex legislative changes recommended by the review rather than waiting to implement all legislative changes in a single bill.

Teachta Cullinane said that it could take months if not years to complete consultation processes and develop legislative amendments to give full effect to many of the recommendations of the review, but that some legislative barriers such as the 3-day wait could be addressed quickly before the summer recess.

Teachta Cullinane said:

“In 2018, people voted for women to have access to services. Five years on and the services are still not properly in place. Women should be able to access the services which were voted for.

“This morning was a welcome opportunity to engage with Marie O’Shea, the author of the final report on the abortion services review, who outlined how barriers such as geographical disparities in service provision and the mandatory 3-day wait are impeding access to services.

“It is clear from this engagement that there are some recommendations, including some legislative changes, that could be implemented very quickly, such as removing the mandatory 3-day wait.

“The review makes 75 recommendations, many of which are operational, and some of which will require lengthy consultation and further discussion with clinicians and other stakeholders.

“The necessary process for reaching a conclusion on those recommendations should not delay the changes which can be implemented quickly.

“The Minister for Health should immediately progress amendments to the Act to remove barriers to abortion services such as the mandatory 3-day wait rather than waiting to implement all legislative changes in a single bill.”


Sinn Féin MLA Pat Sheehan said it is a huge blow that work to build 28 new post-primary schools has been paused as result of cruel Tory cuts.

The party’s education spokesperson said:

“It is hugely disappointing to learn that work to build 28 new post-primary schools has been paused by the Department of Education because of cruel Tory cuts.

“This is a huge blow to our children, school staff and communities who greatly benefit from having first-class education facilities.

“Over a decade of continued and savage Tory cuts from London is having a hugely detrimental impact on our children’s education and our public services.

“Rather than swinging the axe at our public services, the British Government should be providing more investment in services.

“The blocking of the Executive by one party must end now. We need parties working together to support our schools from the impact of these savage cuts.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Enterprise, Trade, and Employment, Louise O’Reilly TD, has said that legislation in the area of company and employment law must prioritise workers' collective redundancy agreements.

Speaking after an Oireachtas committee hearing on collective redundancies, Teachta O’Reilly said:

“For nearly a decade successive governments have tip-toed around closing loopholes and lacunas in company and employment law in relation to tactical liquidations.

“Indeed, it is seven years since the publication of the Duffy-Cahill Report into the need for legal protections for workers where a company engages in a tactical liquidation to avoid its obligations to its employees.

“This report was commissioned following the tactical liquidation of Clerys department store, which made nearly 500 workers were made immediately redundant and denied them their collective redundancy entitlements.

“Despite a host of recommendations being made by the Duffy-Cahill Report as to how loopholes could be closed and workers protected, successive governments failed to act and protect workers.

"As a result, five years later Debenhams was liquidated in similar circumstances with over a thousand workers losing their jobs and their collective redundancy entitlements.

“Time and time again we have seen tactical liquidations used by companies to make workers immediately redundant and deny them their collective redundancy entitlements, and time and time again we have witnessed successive governments do nothing about it.

“For years workers, trade unions, and opposition politicians have been seeking legislative protections for workers collective agreements. Finally, the government have outlined their intentions to deliver legislative improvements in the area through the ‘Collective Redundancies Following Insolvency Bill 2023’.

“While any improvement in this area is welcome, the Bill does not address the situation whereby workers are treated as unsecured creditors for the purposes of their collectively bargained redundancy agreements.

“This means that this debt to the workers is not prioritised along the same lines as wages and statutory redundancy.

“This matter must be addressed and Sinn Féin will be amending the legislation to ensure due recognition is given to workers collective redundancy agreements.”


MEP MacManus visits Lough Allen College

Sinn Féin MEP for Midlands Northwest Chris MacManus recently visited Lough Allen College in Drumkeeran alongside his Sinn Féin colleague Cllr Padraig Fallon. They held a discussion with students there on the European institutions and the role of elected representatives at local, national and European level. MacManus commended the students for their engagement, stating that it was very positive to see young people taking an interest in politics, and thanked the staff for facilitating the visit. ENDS

Pictured are Chris MacManus MEP and Cllr Padraig Fallon with Lough Allen College students and teachers Maria Foley and Laura Creaven



Sinn Fein spokesperson on Communications and Transport, Martin Kenny TD, has responded to reports related to the potential closure of sorting offices in Cork. 

These reports come as An Post undertakes a review of its services nationwide in a bid to cut costs. 

Speaking today, Teachta Kenny said:

“We’ve seen in the last few years just how vital our postal service was as a way to keep families and friends connected when they were unable to visit each other.  Indeed it started a trend that seems to have continued since.

“Part of the rationale put forward by An Post for a potential closure of the Ballincollig and Midleton sorting offices is that they are not fit for purpose due to the increase in sorting of bulky packages and limited space.  Of course, the other reason for this nationwide review is the €6m loss by An Post in the last two years.

“While we must always ensure that the public is getting value for money, cost saving cannot occur at the expense of providing a public service that many people rely on.

“It is my understanding that the Midleton closure would see services moved to an existing sorting office in another area, however the potential closure in Ballincollig would result in the need for a new sorting office to be established elsewhere. 

"Frankly, it seems wasteful to go through the planning and construction of a brand new sorting office, when extending space may work just as well, if it is possible to do so. 

“In this case, I would hope An Post management would consider extending the sorting offices that they have identified in the review.  If the offices are not equipped for the increase in package sorting due to a lack of space, then they need to examine ways to extend their facilities. 

“We have seen time and again the waste of state resources when governments fail to adequately plan services around communities. 

"There are copious examples of services being moved or closed, only to be reopened years later at a huge cost to the taxpayer. 

“Governments continue to be penny-wise and pound-foolish when it comes to the public services."


MacManus commends work of Ballaghaderreen Family Resource Centre
Sinn Féin MEP Chris MacManus has commended the team at Ballaghaderreen Family Resource Centre for their work in supporting the local community. The Midlands North West representative was speaking after a recent visit to the resource centre.
MEP MacManus said:
“I was pleased to visit Ballaghaderreen Family Resource Centre recently. I had a very positive engagement with the staff there and representatives from a number of local community groups. I want to commend them for their fantastic work in supporting the local community in Ballaghaderreen and surrounding areas.”
“The FRC provides a wide range of supports and services to local people such as a drop-in clinic, parent and family support and personal development programmes. They fill the gaps left by a number of other services and play an important role in supporting the large refugee population in the local area as they adapt to their new surroundings.
“This work is vital for addressing social exclusion, poverty, assisting marginalised groups and providing equal opportunities to all. It underlines the need for Ballaghaderreen FRC and other community sector organisations to be protected and adequately resourced so that they can continue to provide these invaluable services. Sinn Féin will continue to highlight the need to support resource centres in Roscommon and across the State.” ENDS
See attached photo of Chris MacManus MEP at Ballaghaderreen FRC



100,000+ cainteoirí nua le ceiliúradh, ach géarchéim le sárú in úsáid laethúil na Gaeilge - Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

Chuir urlabhraí Gaeilge, Gaeltachta, Ealaíon agus Cultúir Shinn Féin, Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, fáilte roimh fhoilsiú an achoimre ar thorthaí a bhain leis an nGaeilge i nDaonáireamh 2022 inniu.

Cháin sé áfach gur chinn an PríomhOifig Staidrimh gan sonraí faoin nGaeilge a fhoilsiú i nGaeilge.

Dúirt an Teachta Ó Snodaigh, atá ina Chathaoirleach ar Chomhchoiste Oireachtais na Gaeilge, na Gaeltachta agus Phobail Labharha na Gaeilge:

“Tá ábhair ceiliúradh le sonrú sna figiúirí a foilsíodh inniu. Tá 100,000 cainteoirí nua Gaeilge sa Stát sa bhreis ar cad a bhí ann i 2016, ag leigheasú an titim a bhí ann ó 2011 go 2016 agus ag dul chun tosaigh ar sin.

“Más fíor mo thuiscint ar chúrsaí, is é seo an chéad uair ó ré an Ghorta Mhór gur féidir a rá go bhfuil 2 milliúin duine le Gaeilge in Éirinn, idir an 1.87 milliúin sna 26 Contae dar leis an Daonáireamh seo, agus an 228,600 aitheanta sna 6 Contae i nDaonáireamh 2021.

“É sin ráite, cé go bhfuil ardú ar líon na gcainteoir iomlán, níl mórán dul chun cinn le sonrú sa chéatadán iomlán – 40% de dhaonra an Stáit – agus tá titim le feiceáil ar líon na gcainteoir laethúil lasmuigh den chóras oideachas.

“Seo an dara Daonáireamh i ndiaidh a chéile ina bhfuil titim sonraithe ar líon na gcainteoir laethúil Gaeilge sa Ghaeltacht, agus tá titim le feiceáil i ngach Gaeltacht seachas Ciarraí agus na Déise. Ar a laghad tá an ráta creimidh i bhfad níos lú ná mar a bhí i 2016, rud a léiríonn go bhfuil ag éirí go pointe leis an bpleanáil teanga agus gur gá níos mó tacaíocht a thabhairt dó.

“Caithfidh an rialtas tabhairt faoin 40% atá Gaeilge acu a spreagadh í a labhairt. Duine as gach ceathrar acu a deir nach labhraíonn siad riamh í.

“Seo an chéad Daonáireamh inar cuireadh ceist ar chumas na gcainteoir Gaeilge, agus is ábhar spéise dúinn na torthaí a d’eascair ó sin.

“As an 40% iomlán atá Gaeilge acu, deir 42% go bhfuil Gaeilge mhaith nó an-mhaith acu, figiúir atá os cionn 60% i measc an aoisghrúpa 10-19. Léiríonn sé seo an fiúntas a bhaineann le ham a chaitheamh go rialta le Gaeilge ar scoil mar ábhar éigeantach, agus go dteastaíonn iarracht ar leith chun daoine óga a choimeád ag úsáid Gaeilge tar éis dóibh an scoil a fhágáil más mian linn stop a chur leis an dtitim ó aois 20 ar aghaidh.

“Seans go bhfuil léiriú ar thábhacht an Ghaeloideachais le sonrú sa bhriseadh síos de réir contae, áit a bhfuil Muineachán in éindí le Gaillimh, Dún na nGall agus Ciarraí i measc na contaetha ina bhfuil cumas maith nó an-mhaith ag na Gaeilgeoirí ann. Is i gcontae Mhuineacháin atá an céatadán is airde sa stát de dhaltaí a bhíonn ag freastal ar ghaelscoileanna agus ar ghaelcholáistí, agus dea-shampla atá ann gur féidir éirí leis an athbheochan teanga fiú i gcontaetha Béarlaithe gan Gaeltacht.

“Tá sé suimiúil freisin go dtagann ardú arís ar mhuinín na ndaoine ina gcuid Gaeilge ar bhonn chéimniúil agus iad ag dul in aois ó 55 ar aghaidh. Teastaíonn anailís ar an athrú meoin seo.

“Deir 55% dóibh siúd a bhfuil Gaeilge acu nach bhfuil Gaeilge mhaith acu, rud a léiríonn go bhfuileadar den tuairim go bhféadfadh siad feabhas a chur air. Seans go dtabharfadh ranganna Gaeilge saoir in aisce do dhaoine fásta, mar a aontaíodh ag Ardfheis Shinn Féin anuraidh, deis dóibh tabhairt faoin nGaeilge a fheabhsú agus a úsáid ó lá go lae.

“Tá polasaithe eile molta ag Sinn Féin, sna spriocanna a mhol muid don oideachas lánGhaeilge inár n-aighneacht ar pholasaí an rialtais, agus sna 7 ndícheall beartaithe againn chun an Ghaeilge a normal agus a spreagadh i mbéal an phobail, a féadfadh leo tionchar mór a bheith acu ar an scéal.

“Teastaíonn cur chuige uailmhianach chun dul i ngleic leis an titim ar úsáid laethúil na Gaeilge, go háirithe sa Ghaeltacht, agus chun tógáil ar an méid atá bainte amach sa Dhaonáireamh seo.”

100,000+ new Irish speakers to be celebrated, but crisis of daily speakers still to overcome - Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Gaeilge, Gaeltacht, Arts and Culture, Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, welcomed today’s publication of the summary results relating to the Irish language in Census 2022.

He criticised however that the Central Statistics Office failed to publish the data on the Irish language in the Irish language.

Teachta Ó Snodaigh, who also chairs the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Gaeilge, the Gaeltacht and the Irish-Speaking Community, said:

“There is some cause for celebration to be found in the figures published today. There are 100,000 new Irish speakers in the State above what was there in 2016, addressing the decrease that happened between 2011 and 2016 and even growing beyond that.

“If I am correct in my understanding, this is the first time since the era of An Gorta Mhór that we can say there are 2 million Irish speakers in Ireland, between the 1.87 million in the 26 Counties according to this Census, and the 228,600 identified in the 6 County Census in 2021.

“That said, while there is an increase in the overall number of speakers, there has not been much progress in the overall percentage – 40% of the State’s population – and a decrease can be seen in the number of daily speakers outside the education system.

“This is the second Census in a row where a decline is evident in the number of daily Irish speakers outside the Gaeltacht, and a drop can be seen in every Gaeltacht except Kerry and Waterford. At least the rate of decline is much smaller than it was in 2016, which suggests the language planning process is succeeding to a degree and deserves more support.

“The government must work to encourage the 40% who have Irish to speak it. One in every four of them say they never speak it.

“This is the first Census to include questions on the fluency of Irish speakers, and the results emanating from that are of interest to us.

“Of the 40% who have Irish overall, 42% of them say they speak Irish well or very well, a figure that increases to over 60% in the 10-19 age group. This demonstrates the benefit that comes with spending time regularly with Irish at school as a mandatory subject, and that a particular effort is needed to keep young people using Irish after they leave school if we want to stem the decline that happens from 20 years of age on.

“The breakdown of data by county is perhaps showing us the importance of Irish medium education, with Monaghan up there alongside Galway, Donegal and Kerry among the counties where Irish speakers speak it well or very well. Monaghan has the highest percentage in the state attending Gaelscoileanna and Gaelcholáistí, and is a good example for us that language revival can succeed even in Anglicized counties with no Gaeltacht area.

“It is also of interest that people’s confidence in their Irish increased gradually as they get older from age 55 on. More analysis is needed on this change of mentality.

“55% of those who have Irish say they don’t speak it well, which shows that they believe they could improve the Irish they have. Free Irish language classes for adults, as agreed by Sinn Féin’s Ardfheis last year, could give them the opportunity to try improving and using their Irish day to day.

“Sinn Féin has proposed other policies, in the targets we recommended for Irish medium education in our submission on the government’s policy, and in the 7 efforts we proposed to normalize and encourage use of Irish in the public sphere, which could have a big impact on the situation.

“An ambitious approach is needed to tackle the decline on daily use of Irish, especially in the Gaeltacht, and to build on what has been achieved in this Census.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Housing Eoin Ó Broin TD has described the latest increase in eviction notice figures from the Residential Tenancies Board as ‘alarming’ and has called on government to ‘immediately reintroduce the ban on no fault evictions and introduce an emergency package of measures to address the escalating housing and homelessness crisis.’

Teachta Ó Broin said:

"Today the Residential Tenancies Board have released their eviction notice figures for the first quarter of 2023. 

"From January to March this year a further 4,753 eviction notices have been issued to tenants. The majority of these notices were issued on grounds of a landlord selling the property.

"Last Friday saw the Department of Housing release the April homelessness figures. More than 12,000 adults and 3,500 children are now officially homeless. 

"The primary cause of this appalling level of homelessness is a collapse in the number of homeless preventions and exits from emergency accommodation.

"With the number of evictions notices being issued at such a high rate there is little doubt that without an emergency intervention by government the numbers in emergency accommodation are going to continue to rise.

"Government must immediately reintroduce the ban on no fault evictions and introduce an emergency package of measures to address the escalating homeless crisis; including using emergency planning and procurement to deliver an additional volume of social and affordable homes and increased staffing to Councils to process tenant-in-situ purchases more quickly."


Sinn Féin Spokesperson on Education, Sorca Clarke TD, has urged the government to act urgently to protect families from crippling school costs.

Her comments follow publication of a report by St Vincent De Paul, that details how some parents feel forced to take out loans or get help from charities to cover the costs.

Speaking today, Teachta Clarke said:

“Today’s report from St Vincent De Paul makes for highly concerning reading. It is clear that families are under huge pressure from school costs. The price of uniforms, tablets and devices, books and transport can be crippling. On top of these, schools are asking families to pay hundreds of Euros in voluntary contributions as well.

“Parents’ money cannot stretch that far and they are under real pressure. This is causing huge stress for families already struggling with a cost of living crisis.

“In 2021, my colleagues Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire and Matt Carthy introduced legislation that would prevent families being pressured to pay these costs. The government did not oppose the Bill but have failed to act upon it.

“Sinn Féin are also calling on the government to fund the education system properly, so that schools do not feel the need to fundraise to cover basic costs.

“Let’s be clear, the reason why schools feel put in this position is because of the government’s failure to invest in schools. The government needs to ensure that schools have adequate funding, instead of expecting the buck to be passed on to parents when schools’ funding falls short.

“It has been two years since Sinn Féin brought forward our legislation, but the government has sat on its hands. I am urging the government to end the delay and enact Sinn Féin’s legislation immediately. If not, they need to come forward with their own solutions. Families are worried about the return to school fast approaching. They need help now.”


Sinn Féin MLA Conor Murphy has said delivering the A5 road will help save lives and transform one of the island’s most dangerous roads.

Speaking from the A5 public inquiry in Omagh today, Conor Murphy said:

“The A5 is one of the most dangerous roads on our island, and has been the scene of heartbreak for too many families.

“Delivering the transformation of the A5 road will save lives and make this road safer for everyone.

“The A5 dual carriageway project was first launched 16 years ago when I was the Regional Development Minister in the Executive and made huge progress.

“It is deeply frustrating that continued legal challenges have held up this vital project and stalled the delivery of a first-class road from the north west to Dublin.

“Work to build the A5 must start once these latest challenges are overcome, and I would urge people to have to their say in support of this project at the public inquiry.

“This is a major opportunity, as not only will this transform the road, it will unlock huge economic benefits through connecting the north west to the rest of the island, while creating jobs and cutting journey times.”


MacManus calls on Fine Gael MEPs to support Business and Human Rights Law

On 1 June in Brussels, MEPs will vote on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). While there was majority support for the text negotiated by the Legal Affairs Committee, right-wing groups in the Parliament have tabled amendments to remove important parts of the text. 

Chris MacManus, Sinn Féin MEP for the Midlands Northwest, said ahead of the vote, “Next Thursday, MEPs vote on an historic new law that will hold companies accountable for their human rights and environmental records. Every vote will count and I urge all Irish MEPs to stick to the progressive text agreed by the Legal Affairs committee. Fine Gael’s MEPs in particular must oppose the amendments proposed by their group that would restrict the effectiveness of this new law.”

The EPP group, in which Fine Gael sits, has tabled amendments that would absolve companies’ directors of responsibility for the human rights and environmental impacts of the company. The proposed changes would also remove any link between directors’ pay and the sustainability performance of the company. 

“Removing director responsibility for due diligence would really take the teeth out of this law,” said MacManus. “International best practice says that, in order to change a company’s practices, the upper management of that company must be made responsible for ensuring that human rights and the environment are protected. Linking their variable pay to the achievement of sustainability outcomes gives added incentive for management to act.”

A large group of MEPs from the EPP and Renew groups (in which Fianna Fáil sits) have also tabled amendments that create loopholes in the liability of companies for the damages they cause. The EPP are also trying to remove the requirement for companies to address their climate impacts and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. 

MacManus said, “As so often happens with good corporate accountability legislation, MEPs on the right are trying to put the interests of big businesses above the lives and livelihoods of those affected by them. The Irish people have clearly expressed their support for a strong CSDDD that really holds business accountable for protecting human rights and the environment. It is time for all Irish MEPs to oppose the EPP’s efforts and support the text of the law agreed by the Legal Affairs committee.” ENDS


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Children, Kathleen Funchion TD, has appealed to the Minister Roderic O'Gorman to back calls to ensure he protects victims of Domestic Violence, and sets the daily rate of Domestic Violence leave pay at 100% of an employees pay.

Teachta Funchion said:

“We know that many victims of Domestic Abuse experience financial abuse as part of the coercive control they are subjected to. 

“This can mean limited access to family assets and savings, with many not having control of their own money. 

“They often survive on very tight budgets.  Even a small decrease in their usual pay may ring alarm bells for their abusers.

“Many individuals accessing Domestic Violence leave will do so at a time when they are either escaping or planning an escape from an abusive relationship.

“This time can be used to access legal support and court proceedings or for relocation. 

“Their incomes and bank accounts are monitored in some cases, with cases of an abuser have complete control over their pay.

“A loss of income at this already challenging and in some cases extremely dangerous time, would exacerbate the risk to victims.

“Leaving an abuser can bring additional financial constraints, in the form of legal fees, accommodation and having to replace items left behind.

“Any reduction in income would be completely counterproductive.

“I have written to the Minister, and would encourage others to write, expressing my strong belief that Domestic Violence leave is paid at 100% of an employee’s pay.

“It is without question the best support to that employee, in the simplest possible way for the employer, with a very modest financial burden for the employer/organisation.

“Sinn Fein’s strongly held position is that up to 10 days’ domestic violence paid leave should be the statutory annual entitlement, unfortunately the Government’s Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act will provide for only five days' leave in a 12-month period.

“I strongly feel that was a mistake, which cannot be compounded by less than 100% of an employees pay is paid. 

“It is crucial we continue to de-stigmatise Domestic Abuse in Ireland and offer crucial support to victims.

“So I would appeal to people to contact the Minister who is currently drafting ministerial regulations to prescribe the daily rate of Domestic Violence leave pay to call for Domestic Violence leave be paid in full of the person’s normal rate of pay.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Health, David Cullinane TD, has criticised the HSE Capital Plan for 2023 as lacking urgency and ambition.

The TD for Waterford said that the Minister for Health had failed to take the opportunity to outline a strategic multi-annual capacity plan for the health service and has instead promised the same glacial pace which has failed so far. 

The Capital Plan commits to delivering 261 additional and replacement acute beds during 2023 despite an existing deficit of 1,000 beds. These beds were previously announced as part of Budget 2021 but have yet to be delivered.

Deputy Cullinane added that the Government had failed to make the reforms which would enable rapid delivery of key projects.

Teachta Cullinane said:

“The HSE Capital Plan for 2023 is woefully inadequate. It is seriously lacking the urgency and ambition that is needed to turn the health service around

“The Minister for Health has failed to take the opportunity to outline a multi-annual approach to capacity expansion. Instead, he has promised the same glacial pace progress which has failed the health service to date.

“The Capital Plan states that only 261 previously announced acute beds will be completed in 2023. The health service is currently short 1,000 beds and needs more than 300 a year just to keep pace with growing demand.

“With emergency department waits now up to 12 hours on average with children and people aged over 75 waiting longer than ever, this plan is seriously lacking in ambition and will not make the difference that is needed.

“The Government has failed to make the reforms to public spending, planning, and the capital approvals process which would enable rapid delivery of key projects. They have talked endlessly about this but have failed to speed up delivery of strategic infrastructure projects, whether in healthcare or housing.

“The Minister for Health has failed to secure multi-annual funding certainty to enable quicker delivery of projects and the development of a pipeline of capacity. The Capital Plan should set out how the HSE will address the deficit in beds and requirements in future years, but it fails to do so.

“The longer the HSE is without a proper multi-annual capacity plan, the worse the crisis in our hospitals will get. This Minister has failed to deliver where it counts. A change in approach is desperately needed.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Housing Eoin Ó Broin TD has said that ‘the delivery of much needed affordable homes in the Poolbeg Strategic Development Zone are at risk if a draft deal proposed by the Department of Housing goes ahead.’

Deputy Ó Broin said:

“The Poolbeg Strategic Development Zone master plan was unanimously agreed by Dublin City councillors in 2018. It is an ambitious high density scheme that will deliver 3,400 much needed homes in Dublin City Centre.

“For seven years, the Ringsend and Irishtown based Irish Glass Bottle Housing Action Group campaigned to ensure that at least 15% of these homes would be affordable for working people.

“The Groups demand was supported by all Dublin City councillors and included in the legally binding SDZ masterplan as approved by An Bord Pleanála in 2019.

“The delivery of these much needed affordable homes has been delayed due to an inability of the Department, the Council and the developer to reach an agreement on how to deliver these homes.

“At the core of the delay is the excessive cost of development arising from the Johnny Ronan Groups development model. All-in development costs as high as €700,000 for apartments have been quoted.

“Under the terms of the SDZ Agreement, no work on the development can start until an agreement is reached between the Department, the Council and the developer on the affordable homes.

“On 27th April, the Department of Housing wrote to the developer setting out the terms of a deal. Phase 1 of the development has planning permission for 570 homes, 85 of which should be affordable.

“Instead, the Department is proposing just 25 affordable one bed apartments, with the remainder to be rolled into future phases.

“The proposal is that ten one bed apartments, at a cost of €420,000, will be sold for €270,000 with the difference funded through an Affordable Housing Fund equity payment of €150,000.

“This 36% equity stake will have to be repaid to the Council by the purchaser if they sell the property or transfer it to a family member. 

“€420,000 for a one bed apartment is not affordable by any measure. The size of the equity stake will make it virtually impossible for young couples to trade up at a later stage.

“If these homes cannot be sold within 12 months they will either be sold on the open market at full market value or bought by the Council as social housing.

“A further fifteen one bed homes will be bought by Dublin City Council for €420,000 a unit and used either for social housing or cost rental. The rents for these units if used for cost rental will be close to €1,500 per month.

“The draft deal also includes a framework for future phases of the development to try and meet the 15% affordable housing requirement.

“In addition to the developer benefiting from €1.5million from the taxpayer funded Affordable Housing Fund, they will also get a further €1.7million from the development contribution and water connection waiver if they commence this year.

“This is a very bad deal for what is a hugely significant residential development for the city. 

“The delivery of much needed affordable homes in the Poolbeg Strategic Development Zone are at risk if this deal goes ahead.

“Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien must intervene to ensure the SDZ 15% affordable housing requirement is met. This can only be done if the current proposal is scrapped and Government requests NAMA to transfer its 20% equity stake in the development to Dublin City Council. This would then allow the Council to use this equity to deliver genuinely affordable homes for workers and families in Poolbeg.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Disability, Pauline Tully TD, has said that the government is not listening to people with disabilities.

Speaking ahead of a Sinn Féin motion, which will be debated in the Dáil on Tuesday, she said that it is time government gave people with disabilities and their families a break and provide them with vital respite services, care and support.

Teachta Tully said:

“The government isn’t listening to people with disabilities. It is time they gave them and their families a break and provide vital respite services.

“The government is failing on assessments of need, services and respite care.

“The longer they are in power the worse things will get – it’s time for change.

“Respite and short break services play an essential role in supporting family carers and people with disabilities, yet three quarters of families get no respite at all.

“There is now a significant and growing level of unmet need in terms of respite care, with less than 5,200 people receiving a respite service in 2022 despite an estimated 20,000 people or more with intellectual disabilities, physical and sensory disabilities, and autism living with family.

“Scandalously, fewer people received respite services in 2022 than in 2018, when more than 6,300 families were in receipt of respite care.

“Sinn Féin’s motion this week calls on government to work with stakeholders and service providers across the sector to address their immediate workforce and facility needs.

“It also urges government to leverage all existing capacity in the sector to support the reopening of closed respite centres, maintain existing capacity in the sector, and prevent further closures.

“They must also implement a multi-annual strategic workforce plan to expand services to address extreme levels of unmet need.

“The government needs to start listening to people with disabilities and their families.

“Adopting these measures would give people with disabilities and their families the care, services and support they need.”

Sinn Féin’s motion can be read here.


Sinn Féin MLA Aisling Reilly has encouraged people to apply for the second year of Sinn Féin’s scholarship programme to help young people to study at the Gaeltacht.

The West Belfast MLA said: 

“Following the success of last year’s scholarship programme to help young people to study at the Gaeltacht over the summer, applications are opening for the 2023 programme. 

“We want to see as many of our young people right across the island embrace the language and boost their speaking skills in the language, and spending time in the Gaeltacht is a valuable experience in helping to do this.  

“We also believe that our Gaeltacht regions are key to helping our young people discover and explore their heritage. Gaeltacht Summer colleges have seen young people fall in love with the language and culture for generations.

“To apply for these scholarships, please send your child’s name, age, address and course preference to [email protected] before 5pm on Friday 2nd June 2023 and information on successful applicants will be announced in due course.”

There are 12 Scholarships up for grabs.

There are 4 Half-Scholarships for Bun an Inbhir across 3 courses – these scholarships are OPEN to anyone who wants to secure a place for their child.

There are 4 Half-Scholarships for Machaire Rabhartaigh across 3 courses – these Scholarships are open to parents who ALREADY have a place secured for their child.

There are 4 Half-Scholarships for Loch an Iúir across 3 courses – these Scholarships are open to parents who ALREADY have a place secured for their child.

Full details of courses here:

Coláiste Bhun an Inbhir - Co.Donegal (Open to Anyone)

Cúrsa A1 - 16.06.23 - 30.06.23

1 Scholarship worth £250

Coláiste Bhun an Inbhir - Co.Donegal (Open to Anyone)

Cúrsa A2 - 01.07.23 -15.07.23

2 Scholarships worth £250

Coláiste Bhun an Inbhir - Co.Donegal (Open to Anyone)

Cúrsa B - 16.07.23 - 06.08.23

1 Scholarship worth £345

Coláiste Mhachaire Rabhartaigh- Co.Donegal (Place must be secured with college already)

Cúrsa A - 16.06.23 - 30.06.23

1 Scholarship worth £250

Coláiste Mhachaire Rabhartaigh- Co.Donegal (Place must be secured with college already)

Cúrsa B - 01.07.23 - 22.07.23

2 Scholarships worth £345

Coláiste Mhachaire Rabhartaigh- Co.Donegal (Place must be secured with college already)

Cúrsa C - 23.07.23 - 13.08.23

1 Scholarship worth £345

Coláiste Mhuise Loch an Iúir - Co.Donegal (Place must be secured with college already )

Cúrsa A - 19/06/23 - 03/07/23

2 Scholarships worth £240

Coláiste Mhuise Loch an Iúir - Co.Donegal (Place must be secured with college already)

Cúrsa A - 04/07/23 - 24/07/23

2 Scholarships worth £340

Coláiste Mhuise Loch an Iúir - Co.Donegal (Place must be secured with college already)

Cúrsa A - 25/07/23 - 14/08/23

2 Scholarships worth £340


Sinn Féin MP Mickey Brady has reiterated calls for the restoration of the Assembly and Executive and said economic opportunities to create jobs must be seized now.

Speaking from the RISING global peace forum at Coventry Cathedral today, the Newry/Armagh MP said:

“Over recent months, we have looked back and celebrated all that has been achieved over the last 25 years with the signing of the Good Friday Agreement and transformative peace on this island.

“Our focus now is on the next 25 years as we look forward with hope, ambition, and opportunity.

“To build a better, brighter future for everyone who calls our island home.

“Together, we must keep working to make progress, and every one of us in political leadership has a role and responsibility to make politics work for all.

“To seize the opportunities available to us to attract investment, create jobs for our young people, and deliver the change people demand and rightfully deserve.

“It is unacceptable that one party continues to block the formation of an Executive and stall progress on the important work that needs to be done.

“We need an Executive formed now to protect our public services from savage and immoral Tory cuts that are punishing people and communities right now.

“The onus is now on the British and Irish Governments to get together and focus their efforts on the immediate restoration of the northern Executive and Assembly now.”


Mairéad Farrell TD, Sinn Féin spokesperson on Further and Higher Education, has called on Minister Harris to address the issue of precarious working conditions for PhD researchers and early academics in third level institutions.

Teachta Farrell said:

“For too long the talk about this state building a knowledge economy has not matched the reality on the ground. Nowhere is this clearer than in the treatment of PhD researchers and early career academics.

“These are the people who are supposed to be doing the research upon which this knowledge economy will be based.

“This week in Leinster House we heard about the shocking levels of precariousness faced by many in the sector. One Teaching Fellow in Trinity College Dublin became homeless for a time because he had no income during the summer months.

“There is a huge problem in the sector with what are essentially zero hour contracts. According to the there were 11,200 lecturers working these short term temporary contracts.

“It seems incredible in this day and age that we are still allowing these types of contracts.

“We know the negative impact they have on financial security with impacts on the ability to get a 12 month lease or applying for a mortgage.

“We know they impact social insurance contributions and often you cannot get sick leave or maternity leave.

“We know from a health perspective they can induce anxiety and mental health issues.

“But the good news is that we have the Future of Funding report which was produce last July. It was signed off by a joint Oireachtas committee made up of all parties.

“So there’s a clear consensus here, but we cannot allow this to become something akin to Slaintecare where everybody signs up and then little progress is made.

“The time has come for action. This state won’t be able to build a knowledge economy off the back of precarious labour."

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