Sinn Féin - On Your Side

Latest statements


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Enterprise, Trade, and Employment, Louise O’Reilly TD, has welcomed the commitment given to her by the Minister that financial supports for businesses using Liquefied Petroleum Gas and kerosene oil will be introduced in the coming weeks.

Teachta O’Reilly said:

“For many months Sinn Féin have been lobbying for supports for businesses who use Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and kerosene oil to meet their energy needs.

“Businesses with metered gas and electricity were able to make use of the Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS) scheme to help with these bills, however, if a business relied on LPG or oil instead of gas, they were excluded from part of the scheme.

“Many businesses, especially those in rural Ireland rely on either LPG or oil to meet some of their energy needs, and this fault with the scheme puts them at a significant disadvantage.

“Sinn Féin first raised this matter last year and called on the government to support rural businesses who were left at a disadvantaged due to the exclusion of some of their energy costs from the TBESS scheme.

“In February, after months of lobbying, the Minister for Enterprise, Trade, and Employment gave me an initial commitment that he would investigate how SMEs and microbusinesses who rely on kerosene oil and LPG for energy could be supported.

“This morning, in front of the Enterprise, Trade, and Employment Committee, Minister Simon Coveney and gave me a firm commitment that a scheme would be established in the coming weeks to give financial support to SMEs who rely on kerosene oil and LPG for their energy needs. He also stated that the scheme would be backdated for firms.

“While this is long overdue, it is brilliant news for SMEs and microbusiness across rural Ireland and should be roundly welcomed.”


The campaign to take Dublin’s waste collection service back into public ownership takes a major step forward this afternoon when campaigners take their demands to TDs and Senators in Leinster House.

Speaking ahead of the Oireachtas briefing, organised by Sinn Féin, Forsa and Siptu, Cllr Daithí Doolan, chair of Dublin City Council’s Remunicipalisation Working Group, said:

“This is a significant step in our campaign. Our coalition of political parties and trade unions are bringing our demands to the Dáil. Members of the Oireachtas will be left in no doubt what needs to be done to bring the bin collection back into public ownership where it belongs.

”The recent report by the Institute of Public Administration highlighted that Dublin is the wild west of waste collection services in Europe. The bin companies no longer serve the interest of householders or the environment. This cannot be allowed to continue. The public deserves better than this.

“Today’s event is significant. It is being organised by Sinn Féin, Forsa and SIPTU. Ultimately taking the bin service back into public ownership will require the Government introducing legislation to allow Dublin City Council take back the service. We will be asking TDs from all political parties and Senators to support introducing this legislation as soon as possible.

“Across Europe, the momentum is behind taking local services back under the control of local authorities. Today is an opportunity to become part of that change and to take the bin service back into public ownership.

“This will be a benefit to householders struggling with the cost of living crisis and will also benefit tackling climate change.”


Speaking following the decision of the PPS not to prosecute a former RUC member in relation to the killing of Colum Marks in 1991, Sinn Féin MP Chris Hazzard has said he will co to it to support the family’s campaign for truth.

The South Down MP said:

“This has been a long and emotional journey for the family of Colum Marks, who was unarmed when shot dead by the RUC, in their campaign for truth and justice.

“They have campaigned with strength, dignity and determination.

“The family remains committed to finding out the full facts of what happened to Colum Marks and following today’s decision, will now consider all options available to them.

“Sinn Féin will continue to support the Marks family in their pursuit of truth.

“They are entitled to justice and a proper investigation and they may now pursue a review of the PPS’ decision.”


A recent HIQA report of a residential centre for children with disabilities found that two residents, who both required a wheelchair, had been confined to the first floor of the centre for 25 days due to a broken lift.

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Disability and Carers Pauline Tully, in reaction to the report, stated that the treatment of the children was ‘disturbing and unacceptable’ and called for strong enforcement action for centres which have been found not to be in compliance with their statutory obligations.  

The Cavan-Monaghan TD said:

“The recent HIQA report which found that a residential centre in Monaghan had left two children confined to the first floor of the centre for 25 days in January is very disturbing and is unacceptable.

“The two children in question require a wheelchair and were unable to access the ground floor due to a broken lift.

“This meant that neither of the children had been able to attend school, and one had missed a necessary appointment.

“The unannounced inspection by HIQA was carried out on the 25th of January and the report was published on the 8th of May.

“This was not the first time such an incident had occurred at this centre as the report points out that the lift had been broken for 34 days from July into August 2022, again leaving the residents confined to the first floor. 

“Neither of these incidents were reported by the provider to HIQA, as they are obliged to by law.

“The report also found that the governance and management arrangements were ineffective and that while concerns were raised by the person in charge of the centre it also states that there were delays in this information reaching senior management levels.

“This failure of senior management completely disregards the human rights of the residents. It in no way complies with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and is in no way acceptable.

“In its compliance plan, included as an appendix to the report, the service provider sets out the ways in which it has, or intends to, come into compliance with Regulations.

“This report shows the importance of HIQA carrying out unannounced inspections.

“In response to a parliamentary question I raised with the Minister for Health it stated that in 2021 out of 1,220 inspections of centres for people with disabilities carried out by HIQA only 384, less than a third, were unannounced. 

“Unannounced inspections of disability centres are vital to ensuring that disability providers are complying with the regulations, treating residents with the dignity and respect they deserve, and ensuring the rights of disabled people are protected.”


Sinn Féin MLA Deirdre Hargey has said cruel Tory budget cuts imposed on local communities are ‘immoral and indefensible’.  

Responding to proposed Budget cuts announced by the Department for Communities today, the party’s communities spokesperson said:

“Cuts to much-needed community services are a direct result of the punishment budget forced upon the department by the Tories in London. 

“Local communities are the latest to be hit by the Tory axe and the damaging budget being imposed on the Department for Communities from London.

“These cuts are immoral and indefensible and will be felt by everyone in all communities across the north, particularly those on the lowest income. 

“One party’s refusal to form an Executive is adding to the pain and suffering of communities who are crying out for support.  

“We need the Assembly and Executive restored now and parties working together to invest in local communities and protect services from these savage cuts. People cannot wait any longer.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Enterprise, Trade, and Employment Louise O’Reilly TD today called for additional staff and resources to be provided to the Commission to tackle breaches of employment law.

The call comes following the publication of the Workplace Relations Commission annual report which showed that WRC inspectors recovered €1.4m for workers in unpaid wages, a 45 per cent increase on last year.

Teachta O’Reilly said:

“Despite being underfunded and under-resourced, the WRC does fantastic work on behalf of workers across this state.

“In spite of the challenges faced by underfunding and an expanded workforce to support, the WRC carried out 5,820 inspections in 2022 and from these, 5,700 specific contraventions of legislation were detected.

“One of the standout results of these investigations was the recovery of €1.4 million in withheld, or stolen, wages from workers.

“Indeed, a broader analysis of WRC annual reports and Parliamentary Question data from the Department of Enterprise reveals that since 2011 over €20 million in withheld wages were returned to workers following WRC investigations.

“This data in the WRC annual report lifts the lid on a rampant and disgusting practice. Any employer who deliberately withholds wages from a worker, or deliberately under pays a worker, should be named, shamed, and punished.

“Unfortunately, this practice has been rampant across workplaces for decades, and it begs the question if the punishment for such breaches of employment law is fit for practice.

“The withholding of wages is particularly rampant in sectors where women and migrant workers are highly employed – the food and drink and retail sectors.

“Given the WRC is understaffed and underfunded, it is a logical assumption that with more resources to conduct investigations the figure for withheld wages would be much higher.

“The only way to combat this unscrupulous practice is to empower and fund the WRC to carry out a greater number of investigations across the whole economy.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Climate and Energy, Darren O'Rourke TD, has criticised the government for failing to ensure that the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities (CRU) can protect workers and families from the whims of energy companies, leaving them exposed to sky-high gas and electricity bills. 

Commenting on the CRU’s address to the Oireachtas Environment and Climate Action Committee today, the Meath East TD said it was clear that, without a strengthening of the CRU’s mandate, as well as an increase in staffing and resources, profit would continue to take precedence over people in the energy market. 

Teachta O’Rourke said: 

“The figures are stark. Ireland has some of the highest energy prices in Europe and workers and families are crippled by the strain. Nearly one in four gas customers are in arrears, with the figure standing at 160,000 - up 20,600 when compared to last year. It is really no surprise energy poverty remains high.

“We know that wholesale prices have fallen significantly, and yet energy companies have failed to pass these reductions on to the consumer. Energy companies tell us this is the result of ‘hedging’ but the reality is that there is seriously insufficient oversight and regulation of these practices.

“There is very real concern that energy companies are carrying out rampant profiteering and yet the CRU remains relatively powerless to get to grips with this situation. They say that they are ‘very concerned’ about the impact these sky-high prices are having on households and businesses, yet all they can do to get to grips with the situation is to ‘encourage’ energy companies to pass reductions on to consumers.

“Mere encouragement is not good enough. The last 18 months have put into sharp focus just how essential it is that we have a regulatory body that has the regulatory teeth to effectively monitor and supervise the energy market.

“The CRU’s shortcomings become even more obvious when we consider they do not even have the mandate to regulate standing charges, meaning that energy companies are free to use them to increase their profits. Some energy companies have increased their standing charges by €300 last year. These are massive costs before people even switch on a light.

“If all of this wasn’t bad enough, the CRU is massively under-resourced to carry out the minimal regulatory functions it is mandated to. This further exacerbates the risks posed to workers, families and businesses.

“Urgent action is clearly required to get a handle on this unsustainable situation. Sinn Féin has proposed a number of policies to increase the power and resourcing of the CRU in order to hold energy companies to account. 

“Firstly, the Electricity Regulation (Amendment) (Standing Charges) Bill 2023 would give the CRU the power to regulate standing charges. 

“Secondly, we proposed last week to increase the resourcing and mandate of the CRU in order to oversee ‘hedging’ activities and ensure wholesale price reductions are passed onto the consumer.

“It is high-time the government stopped acting as commentators, started doing their job and ensured that the CRU is mandated and equipped to effectively regulate the energy market.” 


Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald has said the local council elections are an opportunity to endorse positive leadership and to endorse local councillors who will work for all.

Speaking at the launch of the party’s manifesto for the local council elections, Mary Lou McDonald said: 

“This is a time for hope, for positivity and for optimism. Real change is happening before our eyes. A generation moving forward to build a new and better future for all.  A new Ireland, a United Ireland delivering for every person, for every family, for every community.

“People want politics to work for them and their families. They want investment in a health system that works, the very best childcare and education and strong local services. They want economic opportunities realised so that our young people can have a good future.

“They want the Executive working, they want government for all and they want Michelle O’ Neill to lead the Executive as First Minister working for all, delivering for all.

“We are now twelve months on from the Assembly election with one party continuing to block a new Executive being formed while Tory austerity is devastating public services and progress is stalled.

“This puts an even greater importance on the council election on 18th May.

“It is an opportunity to endorse positive leadership at a time when we need it most and to work together to deliver real change.

“It is an opportunity to support a party that is ready to get the Assembly and Executive up and running.

“It is an opportunity to elect people rooted in the community to represent local needs, deliver strong local services and get the job done. 

“Sinn Féin’s goal of becoming the largest party in local government for the first time is not about seats in councils, it’s about what you do when you have that strength.

“It’s time to work together. It is time to build a better future for all.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Housing, Eoin Ó Broin has TD, said that Sinn Féin fully supports Focus Irelands Best Interests of the Child Bill campaign being launched today. 

The legislation published by Focus Ireland this morning places an obligation on Local Authorities to take the “Best Interests of the Child“ into account when working with families who present as homeless. 

The campaign comes at a time when there are almost 3,500 children in emergency accommodation.

Teachta Ó Broin said:

“The number of children living in Department of Housing-funded emergency accommodation has increased by over 60% since this government came into office. Many of these children are spending more than two years in unsuitable and inappropriate emergency accommodation.

“The emotional and physical impact on children arising from even short stays in emergency accommodation can be significant. While much good prevention work takes place, including Local Authorities and Voluntary Sector Homeless Services, too often families with children are failed by the system.

“Councils are over stretched as numbers of people experiencing homelessness continue to rise. Too much is left to families to source alternative accommodation and, in some cases, to source alternative emergency accommodation.

“We need a system that focuses more on prevention, early intervention and in particular placing the best interests of the child at the centre of any response to homelessness or risk of homelessness.

“Sinn Féin strongly supports the Focus Ireland Bill and will work with the charity and other parties in the Dáil to get this into law as soon as possible.''


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Justice, Pa Daly TD, has urged the government to address the funding crisis facing the Director of Public Prosecutions immediately. Teachta Daly was reacting to a DPP letter to the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform which informed the department that its caseload had increased by 41% between 2017-2021.
Teachta Daly said: 
“The letter lays out some stark facts, namely that the increase in the workload of the DPP and the lack of adequate government funding is placing the public interest and the needs of justice at risk. The Acting Deputy Director of the Office has requested additional support of €9 million for this coming year.
“There is little doubt this would be justified, as there is a large rise in the prosecution of white collar and sexual offences, something Sinn Féin has argued should be prioritised. Both are complex areas and require resources to prosecute correctly.
“Other existing pressures include the need to engage with Gardai to provide training and an increased need for attendance by DPP solicitors in the District Court. More worryingly, the letter outlines future demands that are likely to make the DPP’s budget stretch further, including implementing changes arising from the Commission on the Future of Policing and necessary ICT upgrades.

“The DPP also makes clear the office has increased responsibilities to victims of crime, and the government is now in danger of letting these vulnerable people down. The government has kicked the can down the road in so many areas, and they must address the DPP requests as soon as possible.” 


MEP MacManus Visits Mullingar Community College For Europe Day Celebrations

Sinn Féin MEP Chris MacManus recently visited Mullingar Community College as part of the school’s celebrations for Europe Day. The Midlands Northwest MEP held a discussion with students from various year groups about the European Union and the role that MEPs play within it. 

Mullingar Community College participate in the European Parliament Ambassador School Programme, an initiative which aims to increase students' awareness of the European institutions and the role they play in our democracy. 
MacManus commended the students for their excellent questions on a range of topics including Brexit and agriculture and thanked the teachers and Principal Seamus Mohan for facilitating the visit. ENDS

Pictured outside Mullingar Community College are (L-R): Seamus Mohan (Principal), Chris MacManus MEP, Emmett Kenny (Deputy Principal) and students in the background




Responding to today’s report that the Irish government has had a secret arrangement that provided for the British RAF to operate within Irish airspace, Sinn Féin spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Defence, Matt Carthy TD, said that such a deal would serve to further expose the abysmal failure of successive governments to adequate invest in our Defence Forces.

Teachta Carthy said:

“The report of a secret arrangement that provided for the British RAF to operate within Irish airspace simply further exposes the abysmal failure of successive Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil governments to invest in our Defence Forces and to ensure that, as an independent, neutral state, we can monitor and defend our airspace and our seas. 

“I have sought a briefing from the Department of Defence on this matter, so as to clarify the legal and Constitutional matters that have arisen from today’s report.  

“However, I would also urge the Tánaiste to make a public statement on the matter as a matter of urgency.  This is a matter of considerable public interest and full disclosure of any arrangements with foreign governments in respect of Irish Defence capacity is required.”


Sinn Féin MLA Pat Sheehan has said the predicted shortfall in places for children with special educational needs is ‘deeply concerning’ and another consequence of immoral Tory budget cuts. 

The party’s education spokesperson said: 

“It’s deeply concerning that special schools across the north are set to face a significant shortfall in pupil places in September. 

“Children with special educational needs require the highest level of support in our schools to ensure they have the best start in life.  

“This is yet another consequence of immoral and indefensible Tory cuts that is decimating our public services and punishing vulnerable children. 

“It is also a consequence of one party’s refusal to form an Executive that is preventing any steps being taken to support public services from the irreparable damage being inflicted on us from savage Tory policies. 

“We need the Executive restored now and all parties working together around the table to offset the harm being done by the Tory axe to health, education and other public services.” 


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Louise O’Reilly TD, has accused the government of being out of touch with workers and families struggling with the escalating cost of living.

Deputy O’Reilly was speaking as she launched her party’s motion on this issue, to be debated in the Dáil on Tuesday, which calls on government to take action on sky-high food and grocery bills.

Teachta O’Reilly said:

“The burden that the escalating cost of living is placing on workers and families is completely unsustainable.

“This pressure has been exacerbated by the failure of the Minister for Finance, Michael McGrath, and Minister for Public Expenditure, Paschal Donohoe, to intervene to reduce energy bills or provide mortgage relief from ever-rising interest rates.

“Now these challenges are being compounded by soaring grocery and food bills, which have increased by almost 17 per cent over the past year.

“Inflation in Irish supermarkets is at the highest level ever recorded by retail analysts Kantar across the past 12 months, with the 12-week period to April 16th alone showing the rate of food inflation at 16.6%.

“That means average annual grocery bills would rise by approximately €1,200 if consumers maintain the same shopping habits, and government inaction has led to a growing reliance on food banks.

“The rate increases announced by government in Budget 2023 to social welfare recipients and pensioners significantly fell far short of what was required to cope with inflation, despite proposals brought forward by Sinn Féin and others who recognised the need for greater weekly social welfare increases.

“The escalating costs now facing households across the state is completely unsustainable and something has to give. That requires government intervention.

"But we have seen no sense of the urgency required by government to deal with any of these issues.

“This week, Sinn Féin is calling on government to do all in its power to ensure savings made by supermarkets and large food retailers in respect to falling input costs are passed on to consumers through lower grocery prices.

“Government must also instruct the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) to investigate possible price-gouging in the retail food and grocery sector.

“They must also further increase weekly social welfare and pension rates to stem the flow of families and pensioners into food poverty.

“In addition, we are calling on government to amend the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain Bill 2022 to give the proposed Agri-Food Regulator powers to investigate anti-competitive practices in the agri-food supply chain.

“The government cannot continue their hands-off approach while workers and families suffer.”

Sinn Féin's motion can be read here.


Sinn Fein spokesperson on Communications and Transport Martin Kenny TD has called on the state to clarify its position on the leased land in Dublin Port. The land, expected to be used for Brexit-related cargo checks by Revenue and the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine, has remained largely unused after agreement on Brexit was reached.

Speaking today, Teachta Kenny said:

“We’re talking about 14 hectares of land that was leased by two state agencies who were, quite rightly, trying to provide a solution to the anticipated long queues at ports post-Brexit. Ireland relies heavily on imports from Britain so the infrastructure of a so-called ‘red lane’ was more important here than anywhere else in Europe.

“Thankfully, we haven’t needed this additional space for import checks because of the agreements reached in Europe. Yet, this land is still being leased and remaining underused.

“This 14 hectares of space is completely underutilised. Most of the time these yards and lanes are not being used at all.

“There needs to be a review of that and recognition of the progress that has been made with Brexit and the Protocol deal. The red and amber lane have been used very little, and it’s unlikely that will change in future.

“As the port continues to undergo much-needed development to increase its capabilities, we simply cannot have this underuse of valuable space - not to mention the wasting of financial resources by the state in a lease that is no longer required."


Sinn Féin MLA Nicola Brogan has said an ongoing security alert on the Derry Road in Omagh is causing huge disruption tonight. 

The West Tyrone MLA said: 

“A security alert is underway on the Derry Road area of Omagh tonight. 

“This is causing huge disruption as people have been evacuated from their homes and busy roads are closed on a Saturday night. 

“There is no place for this type of activity and those responsible have only served to cause huge inconvenience for local families tonight. 

“I would urge people to follow advice from the Police and avoid the area until this area under the alert has alert has been cleared and further updates given.

“Omagh Leisure Centre will be open to provide support and accommodation for people who have been evacuated from their homes.”


Sinn Féin MLA Ciara Ferguson has welcomed confirmation that the future of Racecourse Medical Centre in Shantallow has been secured. 

 The Foyle MLA said:  

“I am pleased that a new contractor has been appointed to deliver GP services at Racecourse Medical Centre. 

“This will secure the future of one of the biggest GP surgeries in the city and give certainty to the hundreds of patients who rely on these services. 

“Sinn Féin and others have worked with the Department for Health for months now to find a solution and protect GP services in this practice. 

“We need an Executive formed now and a health minister in place to invest in the health service and ensure people have first-class services.” 


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Mental Health, Mark Ward TD, has called on the Government to act urgently in the area of child and youth mental health.

Teachta Ward was speaking following the publishing of A Piece of My Mind – Children’s Mental Health Survey by the Ombudsman for Children’s Office, which highlights the mental health difficulties faced by 12-17 years olds.

Teachta Ward said:

“The Ombudsman for Children’s Office today published a survey of 2,166 young people who were asked about their mental health.

“The results of this report are not surprising, but once again they reinforce the need to resource mental health services for our young people.

“78% of young people rate their mental health as not good or sometimes low/stressed/anxious.

“This is a large percentage of young people who unfortunately are not having their needs addressed.

“I have regularly highlighted the increasing waiting list for CAMHS, with record highs of over 4,400 waiting for a first-time appointment, and of these 682 waiting more than a year.

“What was alarming from this report was that 60% of young people who attended CAMHS, in the last year, had difficulty accessing the service.

“And 42% said that CAMHS did not help with their mental health issues.

“Where are these children supposed to go?

“The interim report by the Mental Health Commission earlier this year highlighted the under resourced CAMHS teams across the state.

“Today’s report is another indictment of the response by Government to address this crisis in young people’s mental health.

“Early intervention is key in preventing the development of chronic, long-term mental ill-health and can reduce the increased need for CAMHS by young people. This needs to be resourced.

“Young people’s mental health is a priority for Sinn Féin and in Government we would deliver a service that meets their needs, and allows them to reach their full potential.”


Teachtaí Dála Shinn Féin a fhreastalaíonn ar cheantair Gaeltachta, agus foireann an pháirtí ar Chomhchoiste an Oireachtais, ag seoladh ár n-aighneacht ar Bhille Údarás na Gaeltachta (Leasú) i dTeach Laighean

Tá aighneacht curtha isteach ag Sinn Féin chuig Comhchoiste Oireachtais na Gaeilge, na Gaeltachta agus Phobail Labhartha na Gaeilge maidir leis an ngrinnscrúdú réamhreachtaíochta ar cheannteidil Bhille Údarás na Gaeltachta (Leasú) 2022 molta ag an Rialtas.

Dúirt Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, a chur an pholasaí seo le chéile mar urlabhraí Gaeilge, Gaeltachta, Ealaíon agus Cultúir Shinn Féin, i gcomhairle le ionadaithe áitiúil an pháirtí fud fad na Gaeltachta, agus atá ina Chathaoirleach ar an gComhchoiste ábhartha:

“Fáiltíonn Sinn Féin roimh chinneadh an Rialtais géilleadh don éileamh a tháinig uainn trí Bhillí a bhrú sa Dáil agus sa tSeanad, agus ó phobail na Gaeltachta, toghcháin a thabhairt ar ais do Údarás na Gaeltachta, agus freisin roimh an deis aighneacht a chur isteacht ar an ngrinnscrúdú réamhreachtaíochta. Is trua é nár thapaigh aon pháirtí polaitiúil eile deis seasamh suas do phobal na Gaeltachta trí aighneacht a chur isteach.

“Ba mhór an náire é don daonlathas in Éirinn gur cuireadh na toghcháin ar scoir faoi rialtais Fhianna Fáil agus Fhine Gael ar an gcéad dul síos, ach ar a laghad beidh toghcháin anois againn sa Ghaeltacht an bhliain seo chugainn.

“Ba léir ón fíorbheagáin mhaoiniú tugtha don Údarás sa bhuiséad gur gá le guth láidir tofa ag an phobal, ach tá Sinn Féin buartha go bhfuil an múnla atá molta ag an Rialtas ag triáil tarraingt siar ón ionadaíocht a bhí ann sna toghcháin fadó agus níos lú suíocháin a thabhairt do cheantair Gaeltachta ar mhaitheas le níos mó ceapacháin agus cumhacht a thabhairt don Aire.

“Sa cháipéis seo, déantar plé ar na ceisteanna móra a bhaineann le struchtúrú an Bhoird, agus cuirtear múnla malartach chun cinn ar mhaitheas le hionadaíocht éifeachtach a chinntiú do mhuintir na Gaeltachta.

“Tá na moltaí istigh anseo bunaithe ar 3 mbunphrionsabail: Dínit, Dea-Chleachtas, agus Daonlathas don Ghaeltacht. Faoi na moltaí seo, bheadh tionól iomlán tofa i gceist, gan ainmniúcháin ar bith ag an Aire, agus dáileadh suíochán bunaithe ar dhaonra ach ag cinntiú ionadaí ar leith do cheantair scartha (ar nós Uíbh Ráthach i gCiarraí, Gaeltacht Acla i Maigh Eo, agus na hOileáin Gaeltachta), laghdú ar chumhacht na Cathrach i nGaillimh, agus aitheantas cuí do na contaetha go léir Gaeltachta ar an mBord.

“Chinnteodh moltaí Shinn Féin cothromaíocht ó thaobh inscne de agus in ualach oibre na gCoiste Réigiúnacha, dá rudaí atá ar lár i moltaí an Rialtais.

“Ní fiú tráithníní é áfach plé ar struchtúrú agus comhaltas an Údaráis muna bhfuil athrú ó bhun i gceist maidir le cumhachtaí agus maoiniú cuí don eagras chun dul i ngleic leis an ngéarchéim sochtheangeolaíoch sa Ghaeltacht.

“Mar sin, táimid ag lorg cumhacht breise don Údarás bunaithe ar Pharlaimint Sámi na Fionlainne: stádas mar eagras comhairleach reachtúil, sa chaoi is go mbeadh dualgas ar eagrais stáit eile atá ag ullmhú beartas tábhachtach a d’fhéadfadh tionchar a bheith aige ar inmharthanacht phobal na Gaeltachta an beartas sin a phlé leis an mBord agus deis a thabhairt dóibh moltaí a thabhairt nó leasuithe a mholadh thar cheann an phobail Gaeltachta.

“Sin a theastaíonn chun dínit na Gaeltachta a threisiú: príomhchuspóir na Gluaiseachta Chearta Sibhialta sa Ghaeltacht a chur i bhfeidhm le tionól iomlán tofa atá fiacail aige chun cur isteach ar bheartais an Stáit, de réir dea-chleachtais idirnáisiúnta, agus tríd an daonlathas a bhuanú.

“Níl anseo ach moltaí áfach, agus fáiltíonn Sinn Féin roimh tuairimí an phobail agus an plé a bheidh againn sa Chomhchoiste Oireachtais.”

Dignity, Best-Practice, Democracy for the Gaeltacht: Sinn Féin launches submission on Údarás na Gaeltachta Bill – Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

Sinn Féin has made a submission to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Irish language, the Gaeltacht and the Irish-speaking Community in relation to the prelegislative scrutiny on the heads of bill of the Government’s proposed Údarás na Gaeltachta (Amendment) Bill 2022.

Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, who compiled this policy as Sinn Féin spokesperson on Gaeilge, Gaeltacht, Arts and Culture, in collaboration with the party’s local representatives right across the Gaeltacht, and who chairs the relevant Committee, said:

“Sinn Féin welcomes the decision by Government to give in to the demand we made by tabling Bille in the Dáil and Seanad, and the demand from Gaeltacht communities, to restore elections to Údarás na Gaeltachta, and also welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the prelegislative scrutiny. It’s a pity no other political party took the chance to stand up for Gaeltacht communities by making a submission.

“It was a great shame for democracy in Ireland when the elections were cancelled by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael to begin with, but at least now we will have elections once again in the Gaeltacht next year.

“It was evident from the pitiful funding given to Údarás in the budget that there is need for a strong voice elected by the community, and Sinn Féin is concerned that the model proposed by the Government is attempting to take a step back from the representation that existed under elections previously and give fewer seats to Gaeltacht areas in order to give more appointees and power to the Minister.

“In this document, we discuss the major questions relating to the structuring of the Board, and propose an alternative model with a view to guaranteeing effective representation for Gaeltacht communities.

“The recommendations contained within are based on 3 basic principles: Dignity, Best Practice, and Democracy for the Gaeltacht. Under these proposals, it would entail a fully elected assembly, with no Ministerial nominations, and seat distribution based on population but also ensuring a specific representative for separated areas (like Uíbh Ráthach in Kerry, the Achill Gaeltacht in Mayo, and the Gaeltacht Islands), a reduction of the power of the City in Galway, and appropriate recognition for all the Gaeltacht Counties on the Board.

“Sinn Féin’s proposals would guarantee equality in terms of both gender and of the workload for Regional Committees, two areas that have been neglected in the Government proposals.

“It’s pointless discussing restructuring and membership of Údarás however without more fundamental change in terms of the powers and appropriate funding for the body to tackle the sociolinguistic crisis in the Gaeltacht.

“As such, we are calling for additional powers for Údarás based on the Sámi Parliament in Finland: status as a statutory advisory body, so that there will be a duty on other state agencies when preparing important policies that could have an impact on the viability of Gaeltacht communities to discuss those policies with the Board and give them a chance to provide recommendations or propose amendment on behalf of the people of the Gaeltacht.

“That is what is required to strengthen the dignity of the Gaeltacht: implement a basic aim of the Gaeltacht Civil Rights Movement with a fully elected assembly which has the teeth to intervene in State policies, based on international best practice, and by consolidating democracy.

“These are only recommendations, however, and Sinn Féin welcomes opinions from the public and looks forward to the debate at the Joint Oireachtas Committee.”

Is féidir an aighneacht a léamh ag ag an nach seo / The submission can be read at this link (only Introduction & Key Recommendations are available in English).


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Defence, Matt Carthy TD, has said there are serious concerns for the integrity of the General Elections in Türkiye, due to take place on 14th May.

Those concerns have intensified in response to reports that as many as 125 journalists, politicians, artists and lawyers having been detained by Turkish Authorities. 

Arrests reportedly include dozens of member of the HDP party, including the party’s deputy co-chair, Ms. Özlem Gündüz, and member of the central executive board, Mr. Mahfuz Güleryüz. 

The HDP are contesting the elections under the banner of the Green Left Party (YSG).

The international community must demand that the integrity of the elections are upheld, he said.

Teachta Carthy said:

“Sinn Féin is absolutely committed to the principles of justice, equality and inclusivity.  These principles are fundamental to ensuring the integrity of and confidence in democratic processes and institutions.

“We are therefore deeply concerned to learn of the recent arrests by Turkish authorities of opposition politicians, artists and lawyers ahead of the General Elections.  

"These arrests have clearly undermined confidence in the democratic process and institutions in Türkiye.

“Democracy can only thrive when governments set about including the full-breadth of its citizenry and it is through only through such an approach, as opposed to the exclusion of legitimate voices and debate, that elections can be truly free and fair.

“Lawyers and journalists play a crucial role in delivering the transparency and accountability required to deliver confidence in democratic institutions.

“Their detention, as well as that of party political members and officials, is clearly a matter of concern, and serves only to undermine domestic and international confidence those very institutions.

“There is a role for the international community in ensuring the integrity of the upcoming Turkish elections.  

"National governments and the EU institutions, which Türkiye is a candidate state, must add their voices to those calling for the freedom of all citizens to both express their views and participate fully in the forthcoming elections.”

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