Sinn Féin - On Your Side

Latest statements


Sinn Féin MLA Maolíosa McHugh has called on local energy companies to improve communication with the public.

Speaking after the Utility Regulator highlighted ‘far from acceptable’ customer service levels within some local energy companies, the West Tyrone MLA said: 

“My office has received several reports from people who have not yet received their £600 payment and many of them finding it extremely difficult to contact their energy supplier.

“Elected representatives have also had difficulty in contacting energy companies to get clarity for constituents on when they will receive the money.

“There is an onus on energy companies to improve communication with people and elected representatives on issues to avoid the uncertainty and anxiety that people have been left with when they didn’t receive their payment.

“People have already waited too long for this payment. We need an Executive up and running and a minister in place to represent the interests of local people on issues like this.”


Sinn Féin MLA Conor Murphy has said more must be done to cut childcare costs for families and remove barriers to employment.

Speaking from Washington today the party’s economy spokesperson renewed calls for a restored Executive to support families with childcare.

Conor Murphy said:

“Childcare is a huge issue for workers and families and can act as a barrier to parents going to work or advancing a career as often childcare costs eat up much of their pay.

“More needs to be done to cut the cost of childcare and make it affordable for parents and families. Developing a strategy to deliver this is essential and requires additional funding. 

“While the British government’s budget does not address the continued financial pressures on our public services, there will be additional money for childcare. But without an Executive we cannot decide how this will be spent.

“Parents and children can’t wait. Childcare providers can’t wait. We need the Executive now. We need ministers in place and working together to deliver better public services, better childcare and to cut childcare costs for hard pressed families.”


Sinn Féin TD Matt Carthy has said that confirmation that the majority of local authorities across the state have no capacity for emergency accommodation is further evidence that the government must reverse its decision to end the eviction ban.

Deputy Carthy was speaking following engagements made by Sinn Féin representatives, which confirmed that at least 17 local authorities have no emergency accommodation capacity remaining. 

Seven local authorities are yet to provide updated figures, suggesting the final figure is likely to be higher.

Speaking at Leinster House this afternoon, Teachta Carthy said:

“Sinn Féin elected representatives - TDs, senators and councillors - have been in contact with local authorities across the state in advance of the government lifting the eviction ban at the end of the month.

“The information we continue to receive is very stark. Right across our cities, towns and rural communities, local authorities are telling us they have no provision whatsoever for emergency accommodation.

“As of today, 17 local authorities say they have no capacity whatsoever to provide emergency accommodation. This includes the cities of Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Galway.

“There are 3000 eviction notices that will fall due in April, and the stark reality for people who will be made homeless next month is that they will have nowhere to go.

“That is the question that has to be put to the Taoiseach, the Tánaiste and Minister for Housing: where will they tell people to go?

“That is also a question government backbenchers and independents must consider when Sinn Féin's motion to extend the eviction ban is voted on next week.

“The government has yet to answer it because they are completely removed from the lived realities of working families.

“Sinn Féin representatives are dealing with a dramatic increase in constituents coming to us in desperation and seeking assistance to find emergency accommodation. 

“This is an incredibly traumatic time for so many working people who never envisaged finding themselves in such a situation, a situation that no other generation in the history of this state were in.

“That is the legacy of Fine Gael in government, now propped up by Fianna Fáil and the Green Party. 

“Since 2011, Fine Gael has refused to provide the necessary levels of social and affordable housing. They outsourced their responsibilities and that has led us to the catastrophe we find ourselves in today.

“Leo Varadkar, Micheál Martin and Eamon Ryan lead the first Irish government to make a conscious decision to increase the number of families made homeless.

“They must see sense and extend the ban on evictions, and put in place an ambitious series of emergency measures in the months ahead to reduce the number of people becoming homeless and to increase and accelerate the supply of social and affordable homes.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Climate Action, Darren O’Rourke TD, has welcomed today’s ‘Still Left Out in the Cold’ report by Friends of the Earth.

The Meath East TD said the report "exposes the glaring inadequacy of the Government's energy policies" and "echoes a need for a fundamental overhaul of the national retrofit plan".

Teachta O’Rourke said:

“The Government’s plan is lacking in scale and ambition.

"It fails to come close to addressing the urgent issue of energy poverty, which is at its highest level ever recorded, occurring in a context of rising polluting emissions in Ireland and of high household reliance on fossil fuels.

“Today’s report from Friends of the Earth Ireland is welcome."It puts forward 49 recommendations to address rising energy poverty and to increase energy efficiency in Irish homes, many of which both echo the views of the Climate Change Advisory Council and furthermore align with existing Sinn Féin policies, for example our ‘A Fairer Retrofit Plan’ launched last year.

“The report stressed that there are significant barriers for low income households to access the retrofitting scheme either due to high cost or lack of eligibility.

"Rather than being a top priority that the report recommends, the less well-off are currently left out in the cold from the current government scheme.

“Similarly, the report also found that tenants renting from private landlords are at most risk of energy poverty; these properties are more likely to be older, lower energy buildings. Sinn Féin has been critical of government silence on renters, arguing that they have been left behind.

“Importantly, it highlights the fact that a combination of high energy costs, inadequate incomes and inefficient housing are the key driving factors for households falling into energy poverty, reinforcing the point that the Government's current plans fail to incorporate those in greatest need.

"Instead, what we have is a socially regressive, deeply inequitable approach that is both inefficient and inadequately targeted and regulated.

“Sinn Féin has presented a real alternative in our policy document ‘A Fairer Retrofit Plan’. We commit to significantly increase the retrofitting budget, targeting the funding at the poorest, coldest and most carbon intensive homes.

“Our plan is to spend more where it matters - it is an ambitious costed proposal to move all households to a B2 BER insulation standard for a tiered, area-targeted, scheme aimed at low and middle income households.

"We proposed a tiered plan targeting those most in need. Directing scarce labour resources to the coldest homes is the best use of public money, is socially equitable and will show the best return on public investment in achieving climate targets.

“In addition, we’ve also called on the government to accelerate shallow retrofits to help cut carbon emissions, as figures from the SEAI show the number of attics and cavity walls insulated in 2022 was 88% lower than the number completed in 2011.

"The insulation of roof space and cavity walls has fallen off over a cliff over the past decade despite being a simple, quick measure that can immediately help reduce heat loss from a home, cut household energy bills and reduce carbon emissions.

“The calls on Government to change tack are getting louder and more numerous. Minister Eamon Ryan should heed those calls.”


Sinn Fein spokesperson on Justice, Martin Kenny TD, has commended Gardaí for their work in targeting organised crime groups across the country. 

His praise for the Garda Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau (DOCB) comes as media reports today indicate a reduction in gun seizers, murders linked to organised crime, and overall organised criminality in 2022. 
Speaking today, Teachta Kenny said:

“We are all more than aware of the scourge of organised crime across the country. 

"For many years, every evening news bulletin would carry reports of at least one or two incidents related to organised crime. 

"Areas of Dublin were hit particularly badly as feuds broke out between rival gangs, which spilled out onto the streets and threatened the safety of so many people. 
“The work of the Garda Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau, along with the support of communities who are bravely standing against these despicable organised criminals, has clearly led to the reduction in gang activity in 2022 as reported today in national media.
“This is policing by consent and community policing working at its very best.

"While Gardaí and the DOCB do have their own intelligence gathering mechanisms, community cooperation has also been vital to assisting Gardaí in tackling organised criminality across the county.
“While I welcome the release of these figures, we cannot ignore the fact that so many communities are still struggling against the scourge of drug use and organised crime in their communities – particularly when organised criminals groom children to do their bidding.

"This is not a new phenomenon in disadvantaged communities, and we are seeing it right across both rural and urban areas. 
“I would urge communities to continue supporting the work of Gardaí in targeting organised crime groups.  Our communities, particularly our children, deserve to be safe and protected from this criminality."


Sinn Féin MLA Declan Kearney has backed calls on the British Government to negotiate with unions and deliver a fair pay settlement for public sector and civil service workers.

Speaking as Public and Communication Services Unions (PCS) workers staged a picket line outside the NIO offices at Erskine House today, the party spokesperson on workers’ rights said:

“Sinn Féin extends solidarity to all the public service workers on the picket line for fair pay and better working conditions.

“The British Chancellor should bring forward financial proposals in today’s budget to invest in public services and to ensure these workers receive a fair pay settlement.

“Sinn Féin made it clear to the British Government that the decision to freeze pay and its refusal to negotiate a deal with these workers was totally unacceptable.

“These civil servants played a vital role during the pandemic - they are essential workers. As a result of the rising cost of living and crippling energy bills, these workers and their families are having to endure unsustainable financial pressures simply to make ends meet. Sinn Féin supports their demand for fair pay.

“The Tories should negotiate with union representatives now, and ensure these essential workers get a fair pay deal without any more delays.”


MacManus inviting submissions from Irish stakeholders on new EU Protein Strategy

Chris MacManus, Sinn Féin MEP for the Midlands Northwest, has today called for Irish stakeholders to begin submitting their input and feedback to the new EU Protein Strategy that will go through the European Parliament’s Agriculture and Rural Development Committee.
The Midlands Northwest MEP said:
“With the recent publication of the EU’s new protein strategy, and as the only Irish MEP on the AGRI committee with direct involvement in shaping the Strategy at this early stage, I am putting out a call to Irish stakeholders to send their submissions to my office.”
“Given the huge importance of the Irish agri-food sector for the Irish economy and rural Ireland, it is vital that the interests and potential of our family farmers is reflected in this strategy.”
“I am also meeting Emma Wiesner MEP, the legislative co-ordinator of this strategy, this week to express the Irish position.
“The many strands of the Irish agri sector, from tillage to livestock, whether its diary or meat, all have a valuable role to play in any EU or national protein strategy.”

“The new draft strategy can be accessed at:  and I invite staeholders to email their submissions to [email protected] by 12 noon on the 28th March.” ENDS


Sinn Féin MLA Linda Dillon has said the health service urgently needs an Executive formed to address the worsening crisis in our hospitals and. In front-line care. 

Speaking after a stark joint statement from Royal Colleges representing thousands of health workers, the party’s health spokesperson said:

“This is a stark warning from health worker representatives about the dire, and worsening, situation in our hospitals, GP services and across health and social care. 

“Our health workers are burnt out and under huge pressure. They shouldn’t be forced onto the streets for fair pay and safe working conditions. 

“Over 12 years of savage Tory cuts have decimated our health service and stripped money out of already underfunded and understaffed frontline services. 

“Health workers need political leadership. They need an Executive formed immediately to fix the problems in our health service and to invest extra money to hire more doctors and nurses. 

“The real priority for now is for all parties to get back around the Executive table and work together to prevent a collapse in our health service. Our health workers don’t have the luxury to wait any longer.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson for Social Protection, Claire Kerrane TD, has warned the Minister and the Department for Social Protection to avoid changing the payment model for EmployAbility under the upcoming tender. 

Teachta Kerrane made the call ahead of a forthcoming tender process, which is due to be published in April. The process will see EmployAbility service contracts put out to tender, in a similar way to the tendering of Local Employment Services (LES) and Job Clubs services over the past two years. 

EmployAbility services provide sustainable employment opportunities for people with a long term illness, injury or disability and support them into that employment.

Teachta Kerrane said:

“We know that Minister Humphreys intends to put EmployAbility out to tender, but the details of the tender process and any proposed changes to the current service are not yet known.

“It is crucial that the Department learn lessons from the previous tender process, which saw community based, not-for-profit employment services dismantled and the commodification of people seeking employment through the implementation of a profit-focused model.

“Sinn Féin stood against the privatisation of those employment services, and we continue to oppose a payment by results model for job activation and employment supports. 

“In particular, EmployAbility services support people with longer-term illness, injury and disabilities, and it is simply not appropriate to implement a model which seeks to place them in any job role, which payment by results is all about. 

“These are some of our most vulnerable citizens. 

“The community-based, wrap-around services that EmployAbility provides across the State offer must be protected as part of the forthcoming tender process.

 “The Minister and her Department must also ensure there is intensive engagement on any suggested changes, and that the tender when published reflects those engagements.”


Sinn Féin MLA Colm Gildernew has called on the British government to include support for workers, families and businesses in Wednesday’s budget.  

The party’s finance spokesperson said: 

“The British Chancellor must bring forward clear proposals and money to protect jobs and support local businesses who are struggling with increased overheads and costs. 

“The VAT rate for hotels and tourism businesses should be cut to 12.5% to cut costs for businesses, but also bring tourism VAT rates into line with the rest of the island. 

“A scheme to cut sky-high energy bills should also be introduced for businesses, especially those who rely on high energy usage while running their business. 

“Likewise, the cut to fuel duty that is helping to keep travel costs down for workers and families must continue. People simply cannot afford any more hikes to fuel prices.”


Sinn Féin MLA Gerry Kelly has said those injured and families of those killed by rubber and plastic bullets deserve to know the truth about why those bullets continued to be used against children.

Gerry Kelly said: 

“The British Army knew from 1971 that rubber and plastic bullets were lethal and should not be used against children, yet they continued to use them. 

“In fact, the RUC were firing plastic bullets from weapons that weren’t medically tested resulting in a high number of casualties and killings. Many of those killed and injured were children. 

“For 50 years this information has been hidden from the public and courts, and at no stage did the British government disclose to courts that they shouldn’t be used against children. 

“This would also have impacted on compensation cases for people injured by these weapons. 

“Those injured and families of those killed by plastic bullets deserve to know the truth. 

“The British government needs to come clean about their policy of continuing with the use of plastic bullets.” 


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Fisheries and the Marine, Pádraig Mac Lochlainn TD, has strongly criticised the presence of the 447ft super trawler and factory ship, the FV Margiris, in waters off the south west of Ireland in recent days. 

He has repeated his call for super trawlers to be banned from fishing in Irish and EU waters.

Teachta Mac Lochlainn said:

“The presence of this vessel in Irish waters is a kick in the teeth for an Irish fishing industry on its knees and facing further quota cuts, tie-up schemes and decommissioning of vessels.

“It is the second largest trawler in the world, and is undoubtedly causing untold damage to precious fish stocks off Ireland’s coast. Last year, this vessel shed 100,000 dead fish into the Bay of Biscay off the coast of France.

“For anyone within governments or authorities across Europe or Ireland to call this method of fishing sustainable with a straight face is laughable. 

“It is highly destructive and it must be stopped. I am reiterating my previous calls that super trawlers be banned from fishing in all European waters as is the case in the waters around Australia.

“In the meantime, I will be again writing to the Ministers for Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority, requesting that the strictest supervision of this vessel and its’ fishing activities is undertaken while it is present here. The sooner this vessel leaves Irish waters, the better for all concerned.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Housing, Eoin Ó Broin TD, has asked Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Tánaiste Micheál Martin to explain to the 3000 households and individuals facing eviction in April where they are supposed to live.

Deputy Ó Broin was speaking as he published the party’s motion calling on government to reverse its decision to end the ban on evictions.

The motion will be debated in the Dáil next Tuesday and be voted on next Wednesday.

Teachta Ó Broin said:

“Leo Varadkar and Micheál Martin must tell the thousands of individuals and families who face being made homeless in April, as a result of the government’s decision to end the eviction ban, where they are supposed to live.

“It is blatantly clear that the government has no plan to deal with the 3000 eviction notices that the Residential Tenancies Board tell us will fall due in April, or the thousands more that will fall due in the coming months.

“The reality is there are families, single people and pensioners who will have nowhere to go.

“It is unacceptable that we have heard nothing from the Taoiseach or Tánaiste about what support those people will receive in the coming months.

“That is why the government must extend the ban on evictions.

“I urge all TDs, particularly independents and government backbenchers, who we know agree that it is wrong to end the ban on evictions, to support our motion next week.

“They can work with us to urge the government to see sense and extend the ban on evictions, and put in place an ambitious series of emergency measures in the months ahead to reduce the number of people becoming homeless and to increase and accelerate the supply of social and affordable homes.”

Sinn Féin’s motion can be read here.


Sinn Féin MLA Caoimhe Archibald has said the British government must honour its commitment to replace EU funding in full.  

The East Derry MLA was speaking after groups that currently receive European Social Fund (ESF) funding including the Community Sector Peer Group, NICVA, CO3 and NI Union of Supported Employment released a statement again emphasising the huge impact of its loss.

Caoimhe Archibald: 

“The British Government’s failure to fully replace lost EU funding is having a damaging impact on vital services.  

"As it stands, groups funded by the European Social Fund face a cliff-edge at the end of March, and jobs and services from which thousands in our communities benefit will be lost. 

"Time is running out for these organisations, for their workers and importantly those who use their services. 

"I am calling again on the British Government to fully replace this money and to act now to help these organisations facing a cliff-edge at the end of this month. 

“Departments need to step up and extend the existing funding they provide for a year on a pro-rata basis to provide some space to groups waiting on decisions, and to use that time to develop a longer-term scheme. 

“Community and voluntary workers also need an Executive up and running without any delay."


Cavan-Monaghan Sinn Féin TD Pauline Tully reacted with dismay and frustration at the government's decision to delay the passage of a Bill which would have ensured that each child with additional education need would receive an individual education plan, and these would be examined to ensure their standard.

The government's amendment to the Bill will ensure at least a twelve-month delay for it to proceed.

Teachta Tully said:

“In 2021 I, along with my Sinn Féin colleagues, introduced the Education (Inspection of Individual Education Plans for Children with Special Needs) Bill which sought to amend the Education Act 1988 to grant additional functions to the education inspectorate to examine and report to the Minister for Education on the prevalence and standard of individual educational plans for children with special educational needs on an annual basis.

“The Bill was scheduled for second stage reading on Thursday and I sought support for its passage on to committee stage.

“Unfortunately, the government saw fit to introduce an amendment to the Bill which has now halted its progress for at least another 12 months.

“Census 2016 reports that 13.7% of disabled persons aged 15 to 50 had completed no higher than primary level education compared with 4.2 per cent of the general population.

“The Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs (EPSEN) Act was passed in 2004. This included the provision of Individual Education Plans (IEPs).

“An IEP is a written document prepared for a named student which specifies the learning goals that are to be achieved by the student over a set period of time, as well as the teaching strategies, resources and supports necessary to achieve those goals.

“Unfortunately, IEPs, along with several other provisions within EPSEN were never implemented.

“While it is the case currently that many teachers do prepare IEPs for their students, and the NCSE have guidelines in place on how to prepare a plan, this is not compulsory and they are not inspected, and therefore the quality of such plans vary significantly, and many schools do not provide IEPs at all.

“It is essential that we put procedures in place that will assist disabled people in their journey through the education system and enable them to progress with the skills necessary to participate, in an inclusive way in the social and economic activities of society and live independent and fulfilled lives.

“Many barriers in regard to inclusivity still remain within the education system for people with disabilities.

“We must fix this now.”


First Minister Elect Michelle O’Neill said today she would be delighted to welcome the US President Joe Biden to Belfast to mark 25 years since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement.

Michelle O’Neill said:

“The Assembly Speaker Alex Maskey informed the political parties a number of weeks ago that he has invited President Joe Biden to address the Assembly.

“Now that a presidential visit has been confirmed, I would be delighted to welcome President Biden to Belfast as we mark 25 years since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in a few weeks time.

“The United States has been a key partner for peace in Ireland and such a visit demonstrates its continued commitment, which is deeply valued.

“As the eyes of the world turn to our island once more, we must use this opportunity to attract economic Investment and create good jobs for our people.

“Now that agreement has been secured on the Brexit Protocol, we must keep political momentum going and restore the Executive without delay.

“There are huge opportunities before us which must be seized.”


“Politically motivated HDP trial puts Turkish democracy in jeopardy” – MacManus & Brady

Sinn Féin’s Midlands Northwest MEP Chris MacManus and party spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Defence, John Brady TD, have expressed concerns about Turkish democratic values amidst the controversial trial of the HDP.

MEP MacManus said: "I stand with the HDP and I will be meeting them this week at the European Parliament in Strasbourg to discuss the erosion of democracy in Türkiye.  The ongoing politically motivated trials of the HDP by Erdoğan must be halted immediately. This already appears to be a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and would seem to be an affront to the aspirations of a truly democratic Türkiye where all political parties would have freedom of expression.”

"This trial to ban the HDP is now entering its final phase. On 14 March, just a few weeks before the elections, the Constitutional Court will decide to suspend and dissolve the HDP. The possibility of HDP, the country’s third largest party in parliament — representing more than 10% of the popular vote in the past two general elections — could be permanently banned so close to the upcoming elections places Turkish democracy in jeopardy.”

"If the Erdoğan government dissolves the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), it will be destroying the very foundations of democracy in Türkiye.”

"Erdoğan’s government should halt these efforts immediately and end this politically motivated trial against the HDP."

Sinn Féin spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Defence, John Brady TD said:

“Sinn Féin is a party committed to the principles of justice, equality, and inclusivity. There is no doubt however, that there is a concerted campaign in Turkiye to deny the HDP access to the democratic process.”

“We witnessed this recently during visits to Leinster House by members of the Turkish parliament, which saw members of the HDP deliberately excluded from the delegation. A matter which I vociferously protested with the visiting delegates.”

“The road forward for Turkiye is one based on principles of democracy. A Democracy designed to include all of its citizens.”

“A decision to dissolve the HDP, is a decision to limit the democratic franchise. It is a decision to deny the citizens of Turkiye the right to vote for a particular political party. It will have the effect of undermining the legitimacy of any representative who is returned in a contest where the right to offer legitimate opposition is denied to citizens.”

Deputy Brady concluded, “I want to add my voice to those who have appealed to the Turkish government to end the politically motivated attempts to outlaw the HDP.” ENDS


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Finance, Pearse Doherty TD, has welcomed today’s meeting of the Financial Stability Group to assess the domestic impact of the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.  

Speaking today, Teachta Doherty said:

“I welcome today’s meeting of the Financial Stability Group following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in the United States.

“It is important that an assessment is undertaken to establish the economic impact of SVB’s collapse on the technology and life sciences sectors.

“We know that SVB has had Irish customers since 2012 through lending and equity investment, but also those who held deposits with the bank.

“The impact will vary across companies – for example Irish companies that relied on SVB for working capital will require new sources of funding.

“It is important that the full picture of the impact for Irish customers is understood.

“Beyond that, it is vital that these developments do not have wider repercussions for our own financial system – in the first instance that begins with the action being taken by the U.S. authorities.

“It appears that SVB was particularly exposed to interest rate hikes as a result of the composition of its balance sheet.

“It is therefore important that the Central Bank, as regulator, both assesses the impact of SVB’s collapse on our own economy and monitors our own system to ensure similar risks do not develop.

“Today I have written to the Central Bank to underline these concerns.

“More broadly, these events underline the importance of rigorous and intrusive regulation in the financial sector.

“We know all too well the consequences of financial mismanagement and contagion – it cannot be allowed to happen again.”


Sinn Féin Justice spokesperson Martin Kenny TD has supported calls by the Association of Garda Sergeants & Inspectors for the Minister for Justice Simon Harris to intervene in the ongoing roster talks. 

His comments come as AGSI staged a day of action today which saw over 100 members from across the country march to Garda Headquarters in Phoenix Park, in a bid for a fair roster.

Speaking today, Teachta Kenny said: 

“It is clear that the Gardaí are at crisis point after a decade of poor governance by Fine Gael in the Justice Department. The fact that Gardaí feel they have no other option but to engage in a public march exposes the severity of the crisis facing members of all ranks right across the state.

“Over the past year, I have asked both the Minister and the Taoiseach to intervene in the roster dispute. So far, they have failed to do so and Gardaí feel that political leadership on this crisis is clearly lacking.

“Gardaí of all ranks on the ground tell me that they feel badly let down. They sacrificed their previous working agreements during the pandemic in order to ensure each community had the support they required - with the agreement that their previous roster would be reinstated once the emergency had passed.

“They are now in a situation where they are forced to do more with less resources due to the skyrocketing number of resignations, particularly in the Dublin area. They worry that this leaves them overstretched, beyond a point where it is safe for them and the communities they are trying to protect.

“There is a clear and growing crisis in Garda retention, which undermines already overstretched staff numbers. One remedy to this would be a return to a roster which would offer the work life balance that many members of the Gardaí want and deserve.

“The Justice Minister and the Taoiseach cannot continue to bury their heads in the sand. It is time for political leadership and a desire to get to grips with this issue to deliver the change needed.

“I support the AGSI in their calls to the Minister to intervene. We must not see a further extension to the current ‘contingency’ roster again in the Autumn.

“This is a clear failure of government policing policy. 

“After more than a decade with responsibility for the Justice Department, all Fine Gael have delivered is a policing service which is seeing record numbers of resignations amid deepening levels of low morale. Communities deserve to feel safe and protected. They need to know that when they need help from the Gardaí it will be available. Sinn Féin in government would stand up for communities and ensure that they get the policing service they deserve."


(Gaeilge thíos/Irish below)

Sinn Féin’s spokesperson for Gaeilge, Gaeltacht, Arts and Culture, Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, has offered congratulations on behalf of Sinn Féin to all the film-makers, creative workers, actors and crew who played a part in the films which received nominations for last night’s 95th Academy Awards (Oscars) in Los Angeles.

Teachta Ó Snodaigh said:

“Last night will go down in the history books as a pivotal moment for Irish cinema. Our 14 Oscar nominations in total – including two wins – come on the back of a remarkable year of successes, accolades and recognition from around the world.

“They stand as a testament to the high quality of output and sheer dedication which can be seen in the work produced by Irish talent in recent years.

“As a Dub, it gives me particular joy to congratulate Tallaght-native Richard Baneham on his receipt of the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects for the incredible work he did on Avatar: The Way of Water along with his colleagues Joe Letteri, Eric Saindon and Daniel Barrett.

“An Irish Goodbye winning Best Live-Action Short will similarly be celebrated across Derry, Saintfield and Templepatrick as wins for the whole community, but in particular for Tom Berkeley, Ross White, the cast, crew and creators who made it happen, yet another example of the creative genius of our island. Those of us who stayed up til the early hours last night were overjoyed to get to join with the chorus in LA’s Dolby Theatre singing Happy Birthday to James Martin whose starring role sees him now taking home a statuette.

“While we offer commiserations to those nominees who weren’t so lucky in their categories, they are all winners in our books, having given Ireland such hope, confidence, and cinematic excellence.

“As spokesperson for the Irish language and the Gaeltacht, I must give special mention to the nomination for An Cailín Ciúin as Best International Picture, which marked a particular high point of achievement at a global level for the dynamic and ever-growing Irish language film sector, and shows what can come from investment in the Irish language.

“Sometimes it takes being recognised for excellence beyond our shores for Irish people at home to realise the value of our unique cultural and linguistic heritage. This remarkable achievement has instilled pride in all those who love our language, whether they speak it or not, and will surely inspire generations to come to unleash their creative potential as Gaeilge.

“The plethora of nominations for The Banshees of Inisherin – the most Oscar-nominated film in Irish history – is a credit to the acting talent, those responsible for the amazing soundtrack, the superb editing, and the incredible writing and direction of Martin McDonagh.

“It has also been a particular cause for celebration on Achill Island and Inis Mór whose communities and natural beauty played an invaluable part in making a film possible that has now garnered 9 nominations.

“That is not to forget the contribution Irish talent has made to films made outside Ireland which has been recognised through these nominations, from Paul Mescal’s outstanding acting in Aftersun to the brilliant editing by Jonathan Redmond on Elvis.

“We in Sinn Féin congratulate all our winners and nominees on the fruits of their work, and we look forward to seeing what they and Irish cinema do next and promise our support to build on the achievements of last night for the future.”

Guíonn Sinn Féin comhghairdeas ar lucht scannánaíochta na hÉireann as an éacht bainte amach ag na Gradaim Oscair – Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

Ghabh urlabhraí Gaeilge, Gaeltachta, Ealaíon agus Cultúir, Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, comhghairdeas thar cheann Sinn Féin leo siúd go léir, déantóirí scannáin, oibrithe cruthaitheacha, aisteoirí agus criú, a bhí baint acu leis na scannáin a fuair ainmniúcháin don 95ú Gradaim an Acadaimh (Oscars) aréir i gCathair na nAingeal.

Dúirt an Teachta Ó Snodaigh:

“Mairfidh oíche aréir sna leabhair staire mar pointe cinniúnach don scannánaíocht Éireannach. Tagann an 14 ainmniúcháin iomlán Oscair – 2 buanna ina measc – tar bliain dochreidte gaisce, buanna agus aitheantas as gach chearn den domhain.

“Léiriú ar ardchaighdeán aschur agus fíordhíogras atá le feiceáil leis na blianta beaga anuas sa mhéid atá déanta ag tallann na hÉireann is ea iad.

“Mar Bhleá Cliathach, is cúis áthais é go háirithe comhghairdeas a rá le Richard Baneham Tamhlachta as Gradam Acadaimh a fháil don Mhaisíocht Físe is Fearr a fháil don sárobair déanta aige ar Avatar: The Way of Water in éineacht lena chomhghleacaithe Joe Letteri, Eric Saindon agus Daniel Barrett.

“Déanfar ceiliúradh freisin i nDoire, i dTamhnaigh Naomh agus i dTeampall Phádraig ar bhua An Irish Goodby mar Ghearrscannán Beo-Aicsin is Fearr mar bhua don phobal uile, ach go háirithe do Tom Berkeley agus Ross White, don chliar, don chriú, agus do na cruthaitheoirí atá freagrach as, sampla eile de shárbhua cruthaitheach ár n-oileáin. Dúinn a d’fhan inár ndúiseacht go moch ar maidin, chur sé gliondar inár gcroíthe an deis a bheith againn canadh in éindí leo siúd a bhí in Amharclann Dolby LA ag guí Breithlá Sona ar James Martin atá anois ag tabhairt deilbhín ar ais abhaile leis as ucht a phríomhpháirt sa scannán sin.

“Cé go ndéanann muid comhbhrón leis na hainmniúcháin sin nár éirigh leo ina gcatagóirí féin, is buaiteoirí iad go léir dar linn, tar éis an méid sin dóchas, muinín agus barrfheabhas scannánaíochta a thabhairt don tír.

“Mar urlabhraí don Ghaeilge agus don Ghaeltacht, ní mór dom ach go háirithe ainimniúcháin an Chailín Ciúin mar an Fhadscannán Idirnáisiúnta is Fearr a lua. Buaicphointe ar scála domhanda atá bainte amach léi don éarnáil bríomhar scannáin Gaeilge atá fós ag fás, agus léiriú is ea ar cad a thagann ó infheistíocht sa teanga.

“Uaireanta teastaíonn aitheantas thar sáile don bharr feabhais ionas go dtuigfidh Éireannaigh sa bhaile an luach a bhaineann lenár n-oidhreacht aonarach cultúir agus teanga. Ábhar bróid a bheidh sa ghaisce dochreidte seo dóibh siúd go léir ar aoibhinn leo ár dteanga, iad siúd a labhraíonn í chomh maith leo siúd nach labhraíonn, agus is cinnte go spreagfaidh sí na glúnta amach romhainn a mianach iomlán cruthaitheach a fhorbairt trí mheán na Gaeilge.

“Is mór an chreidiúint iad an flúirse ainmniúcháin do The Banshees of Inisherin – an scannáin is mó ainmniúcháin Oscar i stair na hÉireann – dá scoth-oirfidigh, dóibh siúd atá freagrach as an bhfuaimrian, don scotheagarthóireacht, agus don scríbhneoireacht agus léiriúchán dochreidte ag Martin McDonagh.

“Cúis ceiliúradh atá ann do mhuintir Acla agus Inis Mór freisin toisc gur aitheantas atá ann don ról lárnach a bhí ag pobail agus áilleacht na háite i gcruthú scannán atá 9 ainmniúcháin anois bainte amach aige.

“Sin gan faillí a dhéanamh ar an ionchur atá déanta ag tallann na hÉireann ar scannáin déanta lasmuigh d’Éireann atá aitheanta sna hainmniúcháin seo, ó sáraisteoireacht Phaul Mescal in Aftersun go heagarthóireacht iontach Jonathan Redmond ar Elvis.

“Comhghairdeas ó Shinn Féin dár gcuid buaiteoirí agus ainmniúcháin go léir as torthaí a gcuid oibre. Táimid ag tnúth go mór an céad céim eile atá le glacadh acu agus ag scannánaíocht na hÉireann a fheiceáil agus geallann muid gach tacaíocht dóibh chun tógáil ar na gaiscí a baineadh amach aréir don todhchaí.”

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