Sinn Féin - On Your Side

Latest statements


Sinn Féin TD for Carlow/Kilkenny Kathleen Funchion has branded this morning’s Higher Education Authority (HEA) report into educational and social inequality as “conclusive evidence of a need for change”.

Speaking this afternoon Deputy Funchion said:

“This morning’s report by the HEA is indicative of educational and social inequality becoming ever more prevalent in Irish society and shows us a need for change within the educational system. 

“We’ve long known, at least anecdotally, that a barrier to accessing to third level education has been the financial means of students, so this is not surprising. 

“What was startling however is that people from lower socio-economic backgrounds are being paid less than those from more affluent backgrounds to carry out the same task. 

“Much like when we have a conversation about the gender pay gap, such practices are deplorable, and more needs to be done to address it. 

“Sinn Féin have a longstanding position of wishing to see Higher Education free at the point of access; and have committed to abolishing third level fees. 

“While this is only a start, it ensures that access to education is not dictated by financial means. 

“Education in this country has at times been a postcode lottery, where schools in more marginalised areas are not given the supports they require; which perpetuates the problem of educational inequality. 

“It is not absurd to state that this is an issue of a social class system that exists, but that many refuse to acknowledge. 

“Social disadvantage is something that transcends all institutions of the state and is not limited to the education system. 

“The equality proofing of budgets may be one way of making a start on tackling such inequality and takes political bravery. 

“Finally, all the children of this state are deserving of equal access, opportunity, and insofar as is possible, equal outcome when it comes to receiving an education. 

“We must do more to empower students who require those additional supports, rather than allow this situation to continue indefinitely.

“A holistic approach is required on the part of Government; either that or they make way for representatives that are willing to tackle such inequality head on.


Sinn Féin health spokesperson, Deputy Louie O’Reilly, has said the failure of the government to contain the spending overrun at the new national children’s hospital could create problems for future capital projects.

Speaking this afternoon, Teachta O’Reilly said:

"The revelations in the August minutes of the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board of the resignation of Paul Quinn, the State’s chief procurement officer who was involved in the National Children’s Hospital project, and that the final figure for the children’s hospital is still unknown raises many questions about what the final cost will be for the project.

“The project is still being based off estimates and no concrete figure has been set for the final cost of the project. Given all that has happened over the past year with this project, that is incredibly concerning.

“With potential new overruns materialising, the government need to state what the current situation is because this could again create problems for future capital projects.

“There are billions of euros of taxpayers’ money at stake in this project and it has implications far beyond the health service.

“It is important that the costs are controlled and that a final figure is agreed for the cost of the project because it cannot be continually revised with the cost of increasing every time."


Sinn Féin MP Elisha McCallion has welcomed the opening of the £27m North West Transport Hub in Derry.

The Foyle MP said:

“Today’s opening of the new £27m Transport Hub is fantastic news for the city.

“This state-of-the-art facility will increase connectivity across the north west and provide a huge economic boost to the city.

“I commend those involved, including former Minister Chris Hazzard, in transforming this wonderful old building and bringing it into line with the 21st century.

“It also shows the value of EU funding which projects which will be stripped away as a result of the disastrous Tory/DUP Brexit agenda.

“We will continue to work to deliver further infrastructural improvements across the north west.”


Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD said today that the antics and bluster at Westminster will do nothing to allay the Brexit fears of workers, business or farmers. 

Mary Lou McDonald said:  

“Today we have witnessed more farce and dysfunction in the British ' House of Chaos'. 

“What happened today has nothing to do with Ireland, our interests, our economy or our agreements. No one should be under any illusion about that. 

“Today’s antics and bluster will not allay the fears of Irish workers, business or agri foods  producers and our border communities.

“The majority of the people of the north did not consent to Brexit. 

“It is being foisted on them against their democratic wishes.

“Sinn Féin will continue to work to defend Ireland from the worst impacts of Brexit and ensure there will be no hard border, no unionist veto and that the Good Friday Agreement will be protected.”


Sinn Féin TD Maurice Quinlivan, today called for the Oireachtas Committee on Procedure and Privilege to investigate how Fianna Fáil TD Timmy Dooley was recorded voting six times in the Dáil last Thursday despite not being present in the chamber.

Teachta Quinlivan also called for last Thursday’s Dáil votes to be re-taken, due to the “disgraceful behaviour of Fianna Fáil TDs who brought the integrity of the votes and that of the Dáil into disrepute.”

Speaking today Deputy Quinlivan, who had brought forward the Sinn Féin motion on the Living Wage which was part of the compromised votes, said;

ʺLast Thursday Sinn Féin brought forward an important motion on the Living Wage and sought the Dáil’s support for our policy on introducing a Living Wage for workers.

ʺI was delighted our Living Wage motion was passed by the Dáil, but unfortunately the behaviour of two particular Fianna Fáil TDs has brought this positive result into disrepute.

ʺI will be asking the Ceann Comhairle, in line with Standing Orders 76 and 77 which deal with irregularities of Dáil votes, to have these votes retaken next week, in order to remove this cloud of wrong-doing from the result.

“I will also ask the Ceann Comhairle to have the Committee on Procedure and Privilege to investigate the matter fully as well.

ʺI appreciate the retaking of the vote on our Living Wage motion may not deliver the same positive result, however I would prefer a genuine result, rather than one that had been tarnished by a compromised vote.

ʺIt’s an absolute disgrace that Fianna Fáil TDs think they can act with such disregard for the rules and show such a level of arrogance by voting in the name of another TD not present in the Dáil Chamber.

ʺI have no doubt the Ceann Comhairle will fully investigate serious wrongdoing, and I would expect Deputies Timmy Dooley and Niall Collins to at the very least apologise to the Dáil next week for their dishonest behaviour. ʺ



Sinn Féin MP Paul Maskey has said the Department of Education needs to prepare and plan properly for the rapid growth in Irish Medium education.

The West Belfast MP said:

“I welcome news that Coláiste Feirste is to increase its enrolment from 600 to 910 pupils.

“But it is disappointing that the planned expansion into North Belfast to provide for the growth in that area on a separate site cannot proceed as no suitable site was found. 

“The North Belfast site would help cater for the increasing demand in Belfast for children who wish to continue their education in Irish after attending Irish medium primary schools.

“Coláiste Feirste will accommodate pupils in temporary classrooms at the existing school in west Belfast, but this is only a short-term fix.

“It is disappointing for the pupils, parents and staff of Coláiste Feirste that the Department of Education does not have a long-term strategy to meet this growth and fulfil their statutory obligations to encourage and facilitate Irish Medium. 

“Sinn Féin is calling on the Department of Education to prepare and plan properly for the rapid growth in Irish Medium Education.” 


Sinn Féin Finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty TD has welcomed the decision of the Governor of the Central Bank to look into the issue of dual pricing in the insurance market, but has warned that anything short of banning the practice will be a bad result for Irish consumers.

Deputy Doherty wrote to the Governor of the Central Bank requesting an investigation into the practice of price discrimination on 25th September, and on 16th October submitted a formal complaint to both the Central Bank and CCPC requesting an investigation and justifying a banning of the practice of dual pricing in the insurance market. The Central Bank Governor responded to Deputy Doherty’s request this afternoon.

Teachta Doherty said:

“On September 25th I wrote to both Chairperson of the CCPC and the Governor of the Central Bank requesting an immediate investigation into the practice of dual pricing, or price discrimination, by the insurance industry. I also got the agreement of the Finance Committee to investigate this practice.

“On 16th October I submitted a lengthy complaint to both the Central Bank and CCPC requesting an investigation into the practice of dual pricing and justifying a ban of the practice in the market.

“Insurance companies in the Irish market are using dual pricing to target vulnerable customers who are more likely to renew and less likely to switch or shop around, and then charge them with extortionate prices. This is known as the loyalty penalty.

“Not only is this done without the knowledge of consumers, but it is known to target low-income and vulnerable groups, with some being charged premiums more than 100% higher than the average price for the same risk profile.

“A recent study by the Financial Conduct Authority in Britain found that price discrimination resulted in 6 million policyholders being overcharged a combined £1.2 billion in 2018 alone. They are now considering regulatory intervention that would ban the practice.

“In the United States, dual pricing has been made illegal in as many as 17 states, including California and Florida.

“Irish consumers deserve the same protections as anyone else. But Irish regulators have done nothing to confront this practice.

“I welcome Governor Makhlouf’s response to my complaint. However, I would view with caution his plan to carry out a ‘review’ of the practice.

“We want an investigation into this issue immediately, with a clear and short timeline for its conclusion.

“Following an investigation, we want to see the practice banned.

“The Consumer Protection Code 2012 makes clear that insurance companies should act honestly, fairly and professionally in the best interests of consumers.

“Dual pricing is practiced without the knowledge of consumers, discriminating against vulnerable groups and loyal customers, and undermining the integrity of the insurance market.

“While the Central Bank has no role in setting premium prices, it is able to ban pricing practices that are not compliant with the principles of fairness and transparency.

“It is clear therefore that the Central Bank has the power to ban dual pricing. Irish consumers deserve no less.

“I will be meeting with the Governor in the coming weeks to discuss my submission and make the case for banning the practice of price discrimination by the insurance industry.”


Sinn Féin MP Elisha McCallion has said the British government cannot be allowed to trample over the rights of Irish citizens and the Good Friday Agreement. 

Speaking after addressing a rally in Guildhall Square, the Foyle MP said: 

"Today people came out on to the streets of Derry and Belfast to show their anger at this latest attempt by the British government to trample on the Good Friday Agreement. 

"There is widespread anger that the British government is blatantly disregarding the Good Friday Agreement provision that people born in the north of Ireland have the right to be Irish, British or both. 

"That right cannot and will not be taken away from us and no British court will tell us that we have to identify as British rather than Irish. 

"We need to see an end to British government reneging on Good Friday Agreement commitments." 


Sinn Féin spokesperson for Health Pat Sheehan has called on the Belfast Trust to publish its plan to address the staffing crisis within Muckamore Abbey Hospital.

This follows news that the Belfast Trust has spent £4m on agency staff to cover the staffing vacancies within Muckamore Abbey Hospital.

Pat Sheehan said:

“The Belfast Trust has been in crisis mode with regard to Muckamore Abbey Hospital following the revelations of alleged instances of abuse last year.

“A considerable number of staff in Muckamore have been suspended and a police investigation is currently underway.

"Staff face ongoing and increasing pressures within Muckamore Abbey to deliver safe and effective care to those still in the hospital.

“The use of agency staff has been necessary in the immediate term but it is not a long-term solution.

"Every effort must be made to ensure continuity of safe and quality health care for patients in Muckamore Abbey Hospital.

“Sinn Féin calls on the Belfast Trust to detail its plans to stabilise the situation and to be open with patients and the public as to how it will meet the needs of those still in the hospital.” CRÍOCH/ENDS


Sinn Féin MP Elisha McCallion has called for people to join protests tomorrow to defend the Good Friday Agreement. 

The Foyle MP said: 

"This week's court decision on Emma De Souza's citizenship has caused widespread anger among the nationalist community across the north. 

"The Good Friday Agreement clearly states that people born in the north of Ireland can be British, Irish or both. The British government is now riding roughshod over that by pursuing Emma De Souza in the courts. 

"This Friday a series of protests will be held across the north to give people the opportunity to stand up for the Good Friday Agreement and send a clear message to the British government that we are Irish too. 

"The Irish government, as co-guarantors of the Good Friday Agreement also need to stand by the Agreement and not allow the British government to trample over it and should be protecting our citizenship and identity rights as it has pledged to do. 

"I would call on as many people as possible to come along to the public rallies in Derry and Belfast to stand up for the Agreement and stand up for our rights." 


A Sinn Fein delegation led by Party President Mary Lou McDonald has met with Tánaiste Simon Coveney to seek clarifications regarding the Brexit deal agreed between the European Union and the British government.

Speaking following the meeting Teachta McDonald said:

"I welcome the fact that an agreement has been reached.

“I am satisfied following a meeting with An Tanaiste Simon Coveney, that there will be no hard border on the island of Ireland and no veto will be given to the DUP.

“It is important to note that there is no such thing as a good Brexit. Ireland did not consent to Brexit. It is being foisted on the north of Ireland against the democratic wishes of the people.

"As a party, Sinn Féin has worked to defend Irish interests from the worst impacts of Brexit.

"It was Sinn Féin who first made the case for a ‘designated special status for the north within the EU’ and it was Sinn Féin who insisted on the protection of the Good Friday Agreement and no hard border on the island of Ireland as bottom lines.

"Any deal can only mitigate the worst effects of Brexit; a least worst option.

“The ultimate solution to the problems Brexit poses for the island is Irish unity. We want that conversation to start now.”


Sinn Féin MLA Karen Mullan has welcomed the Education Authority’s introduction of transgender support guidelines for schools.

The new guidelines cover a range of issues including uniforms, naming, and the use of toilets and changing rooms.

Speaking shortly after the announcement, the party’s spokesperson for education said:

“This is a hugely positive step, which follows a comprehensive consultation process initiated in late 2018.

“There are many children in our school system who identify as transgender and these guidelines will ensure the approach our schools take in supporting and assisting these students will be consistent.

“The guidelines will provide some level of comfort for parents as well as an additional element of support for teachers in the classroom.

“I also wish to note some of the good work and the pro-active steps many schools took in the absence of guidelines up to this point.” 


Sinn Féin Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD has today raised the impact that the current overtime ban in place in An Garda Síochána will have over the critical Halloween period.

Speaking in the Dáil, Deputy Ó Snodaigh said:

"The Halloween period is annually the busiest and most dangerous period for frontline emergencies and local communities across the State with a significant increase in the level of anti-social and illegal activity.

“There is genuine fear in communities at present with an upsurge in anti-social behaviour already related to illegal fireworks and gathering of materials for bonfires that  Garda authorities will not have the resources or capacity available to cope with an upsurge in illegal activity.

“Over previous years, work behind the scenes involving Dublin City Council, youth services, community groups and An Garda Síochána has promoted safe activities and events over the Halloween period and it has been a positive time for communities.

“I am fearful this year that the Garda overtime ban will expose communities to dangerous fires and anti-social behaviour and will also stop the work of Dublin City Council in removing bonfire material from public parks and flat complexes.

“Tensions run high at this time of year and where gaps arise, serious violence can occur and public safety and order is threatened.

“I am therefore calling on the Minister for Justice to adequately fund An Garda Síochána & for the Garda Commissioner to lift the current Garda overtime ban that is in place and will keep our communities safe and secure over the next number of weeks.

“If he can spend €15 millions on security for US President Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence, or lift it for the policing of the recent FAI Cup semi-final between Shamrock Rovers and Bohemians then he has to protect communities and Dublin City Council frontline staff over the Halloween period."


Sinn Féin spokesperson for Employment Affairs & Social Protection John Brady TD has criticised Minister Doherty for failing to bring forward the Government’s National Action Plan for Social Inclusion, which was due to be published in 2018.

Speaking today, on International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, Teachta Brady said:

“Minister Doherty has been telling me for over a year now that the Government’s cross Departmental strategy on reducing poverty will be published 'shortly'.

“The existing strategy is out of date since 2017 and the new Action Plan which was due for 2018-2021 is no-where to be seen.

“We know the facts in relation to poverty in this State – 760,000 people live below the poverty line and over 100,000 people at work, live in poverty. Yet, despite this we are seeing no urgency from Government to tackle poverty.

“There is no excuse for the delay of this report. It only serves to show the Government’s indifference to the issue of poverty and eradicating it in Ireland.

“It’s a great shame that on this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, this Government haven’t even a plan to show on how they intend to tackle poverty.” 


Sinn Féin Senator Rose Conway-Walsh has highlighted the need for further investment in Rural Transport and supporting projects, such as the local link service in Mayo and across underserved parts of the country.

Speaking after attending an event in Attymass to present the work of Local Link for a Pride of Place Award, Senator Conway-Walsh said:

“Good rural transport is key for our communities here in Mayo and the rest of rural Ireland. Without good reliable transport too, many services and activities are beyond the reach for people.

"The increase in Carbon Tax in the recent budget highlighted the fact that we need to invest in rural transport.  On a daily basis I receive calls from people who have difficulty in getting to medical appointments and accessing services and activities.

"This government emphasizes investment in Trains, DART and Luas services, but this focus on urban centres does not help our people in rural Ireland.

"These services are based around large towns and cities, but the government offers limited solutions regarding how anyone in rural Ireland can even get to these services.

"I commend the bus drivers who go above and beyond what they are paid to do so that elderly people in particular get around safely. 

"The Westport to Dublin train is overcrowded but it’s a case of we must wait two years before we get new carriages. This is not acceptable. 

"Projects such as Local Link are vital in our rural communities and we need to increase funding so that more routes can be developed.

"Forward and joined up thinking is needed from all transport stakeholders to put a good strategic plan in place to improve the transport service in rural Ireland so that people can move more freely and get to where they need to go.”


Sinn Féin TD for Dublin Bay North Denise Mitchell has described the news that Go-Ahead bus firm are to be fined for failing to meet punctuality targets on almost half their routes as “only further proof that prioritising privatisation over investment only ever harms customers”.

The Dublin spokesperson for Sinn Féin said:

“The reports today that Go-Ahead has failed to achieve a punctuality rate of at least 65% between April and June this year only confirms what those of us who were against the privatisation of the bus routes said from the start.

"Choosing to privatise rather than invest was only going to harm customers who would be left at the mercy of a private company who treats public transport not as a public service, but as a solely for profit enterprise.

“In my own area, I had highlighted the 17A, a major satellite route, as one that was particularly important to transport through my constituency. It is also one of the routes highlighted as suffering from a lack of punctuality by the new provider.

“The Government need to radically rethink their agenda of privatisation before more customers are left out in the cold.”


Sinn Féin TDs Maurice Quinlivan and John Brady today welcomed the Dáil’s affirmative vote on a Sinn Féin motion calling for the introduction of a Living Wage of €12.30 per hour for workers next year.

Speaking this afternoon, Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on Workers’ Rights and Pay Equality Maurice Quinlivan TD said;

“I am delighted our motion on the Living Wage passed in the Dáil this afternoon.

“This motion condemned the government’s recent decision not to increase the minimum wage and called for the government to introduce a Living Wage of €12.30 per hour next year.

“Sinn Féin highlighted how punitive and unfair Fine Gael’s recent minimum wage decision was, and I am glad a majority of the Dáil has agreed with us on that.

“We need a Living Wage of €12.30 per hour to ensure workers are not living in poverty, and the government must now make this a reality.

“Sinn Féin have a published plan outlining how we would introduce a Living Wage, whilst also protecting financially vulnerable businesses. Sinn Féin is the party of the Living Wage and in government we will deliver on this.

“After today’s vote I am looking forward to seeing other parties bringing forward their proposals on a Living Wage to implement this decision of the Dáil."

Sinn Féin’s Employment Affairs spokesperson John Brady TD said;

“The government must now follow through with action and implement the aims of this motion; to immediately reverse their decision not in to increase the national minimum wage; and to introduce a Living Wage of €12.30 per hour in 2020.

“Workers have waited long enough for proper pay and conditions.

“Fine Gael’s decision not to increase the minimum wage in the recent Budget was completely wrong, and to blame their decision on Brexit fooled absolutely no one.

“Both Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil spoke against our motion on Tuesday night, highlighting their out of touch approach on this issue.

“We hope this signals a policy shift in Fianna Fáil’s Living Wage position, which up until now has changed from person to person depending on who you asked.

“Sinn Féin will continue to stand up for low paid workers, and in government we will deliver a Living Wage.”


Sinn Féin Finance Spokesperson Pearse Doherty TD has accused the Government of hiding behind figures instead of tackling the growing child homelessness crisis.

Speaking at Leaders’ Questions today, Deputy Doherty said;

“Last week in this Chamber as your Government and Fianna Fáil announced the Budget for 2020 I said that ‘the housing crisis had become wrapped up in statistics and figures, instead of focusing on the people behind the statistics’.

“Earlier this week a group of volunteers who offer food and clothes to the Dublin homeless posted a photo online.

“The photo showed a 5 year-old boy eating dinner from a sheet of cardboard on the ground in this city. Sam is 5 years old. He goes to school like any other child, but Sam is homeless.

“The volunteer group who met Sam made clear that his mother is trying her best to provide nutritious home cooked meals for her children.

“Like so many parents of homeless children in this State, their emergency accommodation strictly forbids families from cooking meals for their children.

“This is Sam’s life. Without a home, he is left without the comfort and security that should be the right of every child.

“That is the life that Fine Gael have condemned nearly 4,000 children like Sam to.

“Behind the statistics the Minister for Housing tries to bamboozle the public with, this is the stark and dark reality of our housing crisis.

“The moral stain of child homelessness is creating a lost generation of children who are having their childhood stolen.

“This is the Republic you are building.This is not a Republic of Opportunity that cherishes all the children equally.

“These are the parents and children you are failing. It is a national shame.

“Our alternative budget would have invested an additional €1bn in public housing, affordable rental and affordable purchase homes and introduced a rent freeze and refundable tax credit for renters.

"These are the solutions that are needed to deal with the housing and homelessness crisis. Instead, you and your partners in Fianna Fáil chose to ignore these people in a budget without ambition, ideas or much needed investment that would have given workers and families a real break."


Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD has responded to news of an agreement between the European Union and the British government in respect of Brexit.

Teachta McDonald said:

"I welcome the fact that an agreement has been reached between the European Union and the British government.

"There is no such thing as a good Brexit. Brexit is being foisted on the north of Ireland against the democratic wishes of the people.

"As a party, Sinn Féin has worked to defend Irish interests from the worst impacts of Brexit.

"It was Sinn Féin who first made the case for a ‘designated special status for the north within the EU’ and it was Sinn Féin who insisted on the protection of the Good Friday Agreement and no hard border on the island of Ireland as bottom lines.

"We have also insisted that no veto can be given to Unionism.

"Ireland’s interests must be protected.

"Any deal can only mitigate the worst effects of Brexit; a least worst option.

"The deal agreed today is complex and wide-ranging and all aspects need to be considered in their entirety. We will be meeting with the Tánaiste in the coming hours in this regard."


Sinn Féin spokesperson for the Community and Voluntary Sector Emma Rogan has called on the National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) to provide additional public engagement events during its consultation process on the allocation of Dormant Accounts Funding (DAF).

The release of the funding from dormant accounts will provide an injection of £16 million for Community and Voluntary Sector. 

"Having advocated for such a process I welcome the NLCF's decision to launch a public consultation on a Dormant Accounts Fund, which will consider eligibility criteria and themes associated with the fund.

“However, it is concerning that only four public engagement events are being held for community groups across the north.

"Smaller organisations in some areas will have a limited opportunity to attend these scheduled engagements and may not have the capacity to facilitate their own engagement events in their locality.

"Community groups in the areas of South Down, North Antrim and West Tyrone in particular appear to be disadvantaged with no public engagement events scheduled there.

"I will be writing to the National Lottery Community Fund to request additional public engagement events so that community groups across the North have an equal opportunity to have their voices heard on the development of Dormant Accounts Funding.

Sinn Féin will also be making our own submission to this consultation and we will be engaging with community groups through the process.”

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