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Irish government must allow Adoptees access to birth information - Matt Carthy MEP

Sinn Féin MEP for the Midlands North-West, Matt Carthy MEP, has expressed concern that Ireland remains the only EU country to deny adoptees accessing their identity and birth information.

Speaking on the difficulties this has caused for adoptees, Carthy said:

“As reported by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), Ireland is the only EU country that does not grant adoptees the right to access adoption files and information relating to their biological family, such as access to their birth certificate or to their health history.

“This is just one of many instances of Ireland lagging behind other EU countries when it comes to providing fundamental rights and equality.  While other EU countries granted adoptees access to information decades ago, the Irish government is dragging their heels on this issue, making access to a birth certificate an ordeal.  This results in generations of adoptees in Ireland being prevented accessing their own health, heritage and history information because our government allows only the minimal information to adoptees via a register of voluntary participation.

“In a recent survey carried out by Aitheantas, (Adoptee Identity Rights), 84% of adoptees who completed the survey stated that their lack of access to medical information has affected them.

“The government has obligations to uphold its commitments to international human rights laws that it cannot ignore.  The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulates the child’s ‘right to know and be cared for by his or her parents.’  Furthermore, the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-Operation in respect of Inter-Country Adoption states that authorities shall preserve information on ‘the child’s origin, in particular information concerning the identity of his or her parents, as well as the medical history.’  This should not be any different for adoptions that occurred within Ireland.

“I note that adoptees in the north of Ireland can access their birth information - there is need for the Dublin government to ensure all-Ireland cohesion on this issue.

“The Irish government has had no legislation on this area since 1952, meaning there is need to create an updated legislative framework as a matter of urgency.  It is therefore regretful to see this issue repeatedly shelved by successive ministers.  The Adoption (Information and Tracing) Bill must be fast-tracked and must address the concerns of those that it effects most rather than entertaining outdated concepts of adoption.

"I have contacted Minister Zappone urging her to meet with representatives of Aitheantas, which represents adoptees, at the earliest possible opportunity.  It is essential that the concerns of adoptees are listened to in the drafting of a new Adoption (Information and Tracing) Bill.”



Sinn Féin Agriculture Spokespersons MLA Declan McAleer and TD Brian Stanley have restated the need for the all-island Agri-food sector to be protected during Brexit negotiations.

Speaking at the launch of ‘The EU and Irish Unity – planning and preparing for constitutional change in Ireland’ report by the European Parliament , MLA McAleer said:

“We must ensure that we limit the damage that Brexit will have on agriculture and the agri-food industry across the island of Ireland.

“Recent independent reports by the Irish Institute of European Affairs (IIEA) and the Department of Economy confirm that a Brexit presents a doomsday scenario for Irish farming and all-Ireland trade.

“The north will be extremely vulnerable given that agri-food sector on the island of Ireland is highly integrated and farmers are totally dependent on the current levels of direct payments from the EU for their survival.

“We’re potentially looking at a 30% tariff on dairy, 20% on lamb and coupled with the removal of EU subsidies.

“Each year, cross border agri-food trade sees over 800 million litres of milk, 400,000 lambs and a similar number of pigs move between the North and South. All of that faces disruption and restrictions.

“Brexit poses a huge economic threat right across this island.

Speaking alongside MLA McAleer, Deputy Stanley said:

“To avoid the worst impact of Brexit within our all-island Agri-food industry we need to see three things happen.

“First of all, we need to ensure that there is complete regulatory alignment across the island with regards to agri-food rules and regulations.

“Any suggestion that each and every ingredient contained in a product created in the North would require an export health certificate to come into the South is fantasy stuff. It would bring the entire industry to a standstill.

“Secondly, there can be no customs or tariffs on the island of Ireland. What we need to see is the North granted Special Designated Status, which is a policy that Sinn Féin have been pushing for the last three years.

“Thirdly, the CAP Pillar 1 and 2 architecture must be retained in the North regardless of what deal is secured. Farming relies on EU subsidies to survive and to keep food at an affordable price for the consumer'

In conclusion, MLA McAleer said:

“Sinn Féin will continue to engage with the sector, lobby the department and do our best nationally, at EU level, in councils and internationally to highlight the plight that Brexit will inflict on our communities.

“If we are dragged out of the EU against our will, and if the basic demands of the Agri-food sector are not met then people should be given the opportunity to vote to get back into the EU through Irish reunification.”


Sinn Féin Mayo Senator Rose Conway Walsh joined carers from all over the State in their demonstration outside Leinster House earlier today when they voiced their disappointment about the failure of government to recognise the work they do in the 2020 budget.

Speaking in Seanad Senator Conway-Walsh said:

“Urgent changes are needed to support our family carers. It is disgraceful that carers have to protest one week after the budget that does little for carers.

"We saw an increase in the hours carers can work or study outside the home from 15 hours to 18.5 hours each week and remain eligible for carers allowance, carers benefit or carers support. 

"However, by not increasing the income disregard for Carers Allowance which has not changed in 11 years, carers who go out and work more hours could see their Carers Allowance cut if their income increases too much because of the extra work. 

"We need urgent reform of the means test for carers. As one carer told me earlier today ‘yes we can work and extra 3.5 hours so long as we don’t get paid too much for it.'

"The Government had an opportunity to reinstate the mobility allowance and the motorised transport grant which should never have been withdrawn in 2013.

"In rural Ireland and places like Mayo these transport supports are desperately needed to access services that have been centralised as well as to participate in activities to prevent social exclusion.

"Adequate homecare and respite should be an automatic right for any carer. While there was an increase in the allocation of home help hours the government’s own costings stated it would cost €59 million just to clear the waiting lists. Given the government’s failure to deliver on promised hours in 2019 it is unclear as to how many of these additional hours will be required to catch up on this year’s shortfall.

"Minister Regina Doherty told carers today that we needed a citizens assembly to get agreement of the needs of carers. I don’t accept this as see her suggestion as merely kicking the can down the road. Carers deserve better for the millions they save the State and the wonderful work they do every day and night."


Sinn Féin TD for Dublin Bay North Denise Mitchell has said that people who work full time, week in and week out, should not be on the border of poverty because of the Government’s inaction on the issue of the living wage.

Speaking during the debate on Sinn Féin’s motion calling on the Government to introduce a living wage, the Dublin spokesperson for Sinn Féin said:

“The Government’s decision not to increase the national minimum wage in Budget 2020 was a slap in the face to the 137,000 workers who currently earn the minimum wage. Sinn Féin has long called for progression to a full living wage but the Government's priorities are clear; it does not care about low-paid workers.

“Sinn Féin has shown how a living wage could be introduced while also protecting financially vulnerable businesses. Anti-worker propaganda from Fine Gael will not change the facts and to add insult to injury, Fine Gael will use Brexit as a smoke screen to deny minimum wage workers a 30 cent increase.

“People who work full time week in and week out should not be on the border of poverty because of the Government’s inaction. The same inaction means the Government is forcing workers to rely on the family working payment at a tremendous cost to the State. Is this the financial prudence about which the Government is so fond of spouting out? I do not think so.

“The Government might be happy to dangle an increase in the minimum wage in front of workers but an increase on the never-never will not help workers who are financially crucified by the increase in rent costs, astronomical childcare costs and an insurance industry that has completely lost the run of itself. These workers cannot wait for the good grace of the Government, because they will be left waiting.

“Sinn Féin is on the side of workers. Sinn Féin wants workers to have the decent quality of life they are working hard to achieve. If any party in this House makes out that it supports workers’ rights, it should support this motion tonight.” 


Sinn Féin TD for Louth Gerry Adams is in Washington DC to attend an event this evening at which US Congressman Richie Neal will receive a Life Time Achievement Award from the Democratic Party.

The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will present the award.

Speaking this morning at the National Press Club in Washington, Deputy Adams said:

“No matter what the outcome is from the current negotiations and this week’s European Summit meeting, the issue of Brexit will continue to impact on Ireland and Britain  for years to come.

"The backstop is about preventing a hard border on the island of Ireland. It is the least worst option.

"The fact is that if the North is taken out of the EU and the vote of the people of the North to remain is ignored then that will be bad for Ireland and for both economies on the island.

"It will also be bad for human and civil rights and for the Good Friday Agreement dispensation which these are at the heart of.

"I want to commend the approach of Speaker Pelosi and Congress leader Neal and their colleagues who have made clear their rejection of any measures which will adversely impact on the Good Friday Agreement.”

Commenting on the absence of an Executive and Assembly, Teachta Adams said:

“There have been no institutions in place for almost three years because of DUP opposition to the Good Friday Agreement’s rights agenda.

"We did have a deal with the DUP in 2018 but that party walked away from it.

"If the institutions are to be re-established on a durable basis, the issues of equality, rights, integrity and respect which caused the collapse of the Assembly must also be addressed and resolved.”

Finally Mr. Adams TD said:

“Political unionism has lost its electoral majority in four consecutive elections and successive opinion polls, including the exit poll in the wake of the Local Government and European elections in the South, show a majority of citizens across the island in support of Irish unity.

"The issue of a referendum on unity is now centre stage. The drivers for this are the demographic changes in the north, the politicisation of sections of the community there and the focus on rights which are being denied by a DUP led minority and Brexit."


Sinn Féin housing spokesperson Eoin Ó Broin TD has urged the Minister for Housing to rethink the Land Development Agency project and address the “serious concerns that have been raised during pre-legislative scrutiny at the Housing Committee.”

Deputy Ó Broin said:

“The Housing Committee today finished up four days of pre-legislative scrutiny of the government’s Land Development Agency (LDA) legislation.

“Over the course of the hearings we heard from the Department of Housing, the LDA, the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) and the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Tom Dunne from the Technological University Dublin, Asst. Professors Orla Hegarty from UCD; Professor Rob Kitchin of NUI, Maynooth, the Irish Council for Social Housing, the Housing Agency, The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland, Engineers Ireland, the Society of Chartered Surveyors of Ireland  and the Construction Industry Federation.

“I firmly believe after listening to all the evidence that the proposed LDA legislation is going in the wrong direction.

 “We do need, and we support the creation of an active land management agency. However, for such an agency to be able to actively manage land it needs to have compulsory purchase order powers.

 “Unfortunately, these are not currently in the general scheme. Without these the LDA runs the risk of being a toothless tiger.

 “Separately, I am hugely concerned about the residential development role given to the agency as outlined in the draft legislation.

 “The government has decided that it wants the LDA off balance sheet. To achieve this, it must be a fully independent commercial entity that only has regard to government policy.

 “At present there is no statutory obligation on the LDA to deliver social and affordable housing. This is a huge flaw.

 “Like NAMA when conflicts of interest arise between the LDA’s commercial concerns and the social good, as was the case with NAMA, the commercial interest will win out and affordable housing delivery will fall by the wayside.

 “The Minister for Housing must rethink this project and refocus the legislation towards a land management function. He must ensure that the LDA does not become NAMA mark II.”


Carthy supports Border Brexit demos

Sinn Féin MEP Matt Carthy has expressed his support for border demonstrations today, Wednesday 16th October, in advance of a critical EU Council summit - the last such meeting before the British Government says it will leave the European Union, dragging the North of Ireland with it.

Individuals and groups living along the border assembled at border crossings, on Wednesday, lighting beacons and torches to show opposition to Brexit and their determination to resist the imposition of any border infrastructure.

Matt Carthy said:

“Sinn Féin fully supports today’s demonstration by BCAB opposing to Brexit and to any return of a hard border in Ireland.

“We stand shoulder to shoulder with local communities who are making clear that they will not accept the imposition of any customs posts or border infrastructure.

“Any proposed Brexit deal must have legal guarantees for Ireland. The livelihoods of border communities, our economy and our peace process must be protected. There can be no DUP veto on any protections for Ireland.

“The people of the North voted to remain within the EU. The ultimate solution to the disruption and hardship which Brexit threatens to bring to Ireland is to hold a referendum on Irish unity which would allow the people have their say on the future, and to give them the option of removing the British border in Ireland once and for all. The time has clearly arrived to hold such a referendum.” ENDS


Sinn Féin TD for Dublin Bay North Denise Mitchell has said that it is imperative that alternative accommodation must be found for the students of Scoil Chaitríona Cailíní so as to minimise the disruption in their studies after the fire that occurred there this morning.

The Dublin spokesperson for Sinn Féin said:

“I want to express my relief that there were no students or staff on the premises at the time of the fire. I believe that there was one local resident taken to hospital as a precaution for smoke inhalation and I wish them a speedy recovery. I want to thank the emergency services for ensuring that the damage was minimised.

“An Garda Síochána must be given time and space to establish the cause of this fire and, once that is complete, refurbishment efforts must be put in place by the Department of Education.

“I have written to the Minister for Education Joe McHugh to highlight the need for urgency in accommodating the students and to ask what plans are in place to do so.”


Sinn Féin Finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty TD has made a formal submission to both the Central Bank and Competition and Consumer Protection Commission requesting that they investigate and ban dual pricing in the Irish insurance market.

Deputy Doherty welcomed the Central Bank’s announcement that they would look into the issue, after he wrote to the Governor of the Central Bank requesting a market investigation on September 25th.  

The Donegal TD said:

“On the 25th of September I wrote to both the Chairperson of the CCPC and the Governor of the Central Bank requesting an immediate investigation into the practice of dual pricing, or price discrimination, by the insurance industry. I also got the agreement of the Finance Committee to investigate this practice.

“Insurance companies in the Irish market are using dual pricing to target customers who are more likely to renew and less likely to switch or shop around, and then charge them with higher prices. This is known as the loyalty penalty.

“Not only is this done without the knowledge of consumers, but it is known to target low-income and vulnerable groups, with some being charged premiums more than 100% higher than the average price for the same risk profile.

“A recent study by the Financial Conduct Authority in Britain found that price discrimination resulted in 6 million policyholders being overcharged a combined £1.2 billion in 2018 alone. They are now considering regulatory intervention that would ban the practice.

“In the United States, dual pricing has been made illegal in as many as 17 states, including California and Florida.

“Irish consumers deserve the same protections as anyone else. But Irish regulators have done nothing to confront this practice.

“The Central Bank’s announcement that they will carry out a ‘study’ into this issue does not go far enough. It is simply not good enough.

“My submission to both the Central Bank and the CCPC calls for a formal investigation into the price discrimination, who it effects, how much it costs consumers, whether it impacts vulnerable groups, and regulatory measures that can be introduced to ban its practice.

“Irish consumers deserve nothing less."


Sinn Féin MP Mickey Brady has urged people to take part in the demonstrations that will take place along the border this evening against any hardening of the border a result of Brexit.

The Newry/Armagh MP said:

“The Tories have shown a complete disregard for the livelihoods of the people of the north of Ireland in their hasty pursuit of Brexit.

“There is a concern that Brexit will cause profound and lasting damage to our economy and jobs, and reverse two decades of hard work to build a more equitable society in the north.

“The open border has become a symbol of the progress the people of the north have worked tirelessly for and any hardening of the border or a unionist veto is an unacceptable reversal of that.

“Tonight, Border Communities Against Brexit are hosting a series of protests against any hardening of the border that will take place at 38 crossings all along the border.

“I urge as many people as possible to get to their nearest border crossing tonight to send a clear message to the DUP, the Tories, to Dublin and Brussels.” 


Sinn Féin TD for Waterford David Cullinane has criticised the government for its failure to properly address the practice of placing children in adult mental health service facilities in Waterford, saying that this needs to stop as a matter of urgency and proper facilities opened.

Deputy Cullinane said:

“The mental health commission found that eight children were admitted to the Waterford adult mental health service in 2018.

“Incredibly, it found that the compliance record for the service was 57% compared to 68% for 2017.

“A report found that not all staff involved in the care of children had training in Children First age appropriate facilities.

“Furthermore,  a programme of activities were not available and child residents did not have access to age appropriate advocacy services.

“It went on to state that the admission of children policy did not address the procedures in regard to family liaison.

“Other issues included parental consent, confidentiality and the requirement for each child to be individually risk assessed.

“It found that residents’ general health needs were not monitored and assessed in line with their specific needs, that physical examinations were inadequate, that residents did not have access to a supply of appropriate emergency personal clothing and, to add insult to injury, the centre was not clean, hygienic and free from offensive odours.

“How can children and adults with mental health difficulties be treated in that fashion?

“When I asked the Minister about this in the Dáil he tried to say it was a managerial problem, when we all know this is about resources.

“I am calling on the government to invest in child mental services in Waterford as a matter of urgency and to end this disgraceful situation."


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Workers' Rights Maurice Quinlivan TD and party Social Protection spokesperson John Brady TD tonight moved a Dáil motion condemning the government’s decision not to increase the minimum wage and took aim at Fianna Fáil over their hypocrisy on the issue.

The motion also calls for the introduction of a Living Wage of €12.30 per hour for workers.

Speaking this evening, Deputy Quinlivan said;

“This is a simple motion that recognises the huge contribution workers on the minimum wage make to our society and economy.

“This group of workers are often overlooked when it comes to state support and are certainly underpaid for the hard work they do every day.

“Incredibly, last week Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil presented a budget that did absolutely nothing for these workers.

“To not even include an increase in the minimum wage was a slap in the face to the 137,000 workers earning the minimum wage - who work very hard day in day out.

“Our motion here tonight calls on the government to immediately reverse this decision – and to introduce a Living Wage of €12.30 per hour next year.

“We want to see a Living Wage – which is a rate of pay that would allow workers to pay for the basic necessities of life - to live with dignity - and to participate fully as active citizens in our society. That is not too much to ask."

Deputy Brady continued;

“Two weeks ago, Fianna Fáil Deputy Eugene Murphy hosted a SIPTU briefing in the AV Room calling for a Living Wage for early years educators.

“Fianna Fáil didn’t even secure an increase in the minimum wage for these workers let alone a Living Wage.

“I’m glad Fianna Fáil had the opportunity tonight to put their money where their mouth was – and let low paid workers know that they don’t represent their interests.

“This isn’t the first time Fianna Fáil have failed to deliver for workers – they are of course, the party that cut the minimum wage when workers in this State were on their knees.

“Now, even in a time of supposed economic growth, Fianna Fáil are failing workers again.

“Last year in their Poverty Focus Report, Social Justice Ireland found that more than 100,000 people with jobs live in poverty.

“There is something very wrong when being in employment condemns a person to live in poverty.”


Sinn Féin Spokesperson on Employment and Workers Rights, Declan Kearney MLA has welcomed the publication of a report by the Nevin Economic Research Institute which analyses the impact precarious work has on young people.

The report notes how the economic crisis of 2007-2008 has made the nature of employment for young people more precarious. The report found that since the crisis full-time employment has been harder to find for young people who are instead having to opt for part-time employment.  

The report cited that from 2007-2008 28.5% of non-student young workers worked in a part-time job because they could not find a full-time job, however by 2018-’19 this had increased to 39%. In terms of employment as a whole, the report noted that employment rates among younger people are considerably lower than they were in 2007 with 18,000 fewer young people in employment in 2019.

Speaking on this report the Sinn Féin MLA stated:

“This report highlights the prevalence of precarious work in our society and the impact that it is having particularly on our young people.

“The rise in precarious work is worrying given that by its nature it disrupts the ability of workers to engage in long-term financial planning or to take out a mortgage. 

“The lack of certainty has also been found to create anxiety and has adversely impacted the mental health of workers.

“This report raises the need for a new conversation on the labour market, which to date has been focused on the quantity of employment rather than the quality of employment.

“Sinn Féin is committed to leading this conversation as we have done in the past by developing policy proposals on the living wage and by ending zero-hour contracts. 

“Sinn Féin will seek to deliver a new Employment Model which will better the lives of all our young people, who have been disadvantaged by the financial crisis.” 


Speaking after revelations in the latest BBC Spotlight documentary that Billy Wright was an agent working for British State Agencies, Sinn Féin MLA Linda Dillon said:

“Revelations that Billy Wright was an agent working for British State Agencies will come as no surprise to the families of the victims of Wright and his gang.

“Billy Wright and his gang were responsible for numerous murders in the mid-Ulster area and throughout the north.

“It is obvious Billy Wright and the murder gang he led were controlled, directed and manipulated by British State Agencies.

“The families of the victims of Wright and his gang are entitled to the truth about the depths of this collusion.

"There has already been too much delay and too many efforts to cover up the truth around collusion. Collusion was a key instrument of Britain’s dirty war in Ireland.

“I will be raising the issue with the PSNI Chief Constable and the Police Ombudsman.” 


The Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald has called on the Taoiseach to “step up, defend the Good Friday Agreement and defend the rights of all Irish Citizens” in light of the DeSouza case.

She said:

“Yesterday, the High Court in Belfast ruled that people born in the north of Ireland are legally British citizens even if they identify as Irish. The ruling was made in the case of Emma DeSouza.

“The ruling represents a clear effort by the British Government to undermine and trample all over the Good Friday Agreement.

“The identity and citizenship provisions are critical to the integrity of the Agreement and must be protected and defended to the hilt.

“The Taoiseach said previously that Irish citizens in the north would never be left behind again by an Irish government. He now needs to follow through on those words, step up, defend Emma’s rights and the rights of all Irish citizens and defend the Good Friday Agreement."


Sinn Féin MP Elisha McCallion has encouraged people to join widespread demonstrations along the border tomorrow evening against any hardening of the border as a result of the Tory/DUP Brexit. 

The Foyle MP said: 

"There is widespread concern about Brexit and the catastrophic damage it would lead to, particularly in border areas. 

"The callous disregard the Tories and their DUP allies have shown for the north of Ireland and our economy in pursuit of Brexit has been staggering. 

"Tomorrow evening, Border Communities Against Brexit will be holding a series of protests against any hardening of the border right along the whole length of the border at 38 crossing points. 

"Brexit was rejected in the north and this protest will give people north and south yet another opportunity to make their voice heard at a crucial time in the Brexit process. 

"We cannot have any hardening of the border or any unionist veto and I would encourage as many people as possible to go along to their nearest border protest to send a clear message to London, Dublin and Brussels."


Sinn Féin MP Michelle Gildernew has said the DUP are living in a parallel universe.

The Fermanagh South Tyrone MP was speaking after reports the DUP met with representatives of loyalist paramilitaries.

“It is truly astonishing that the DUP are meeting with representatives of loyalist paramilitaries to discuss Brexit rather than listening to the majority who voted to reject Brexit, who want to protect the Good Friday Agreement and who are fearful of a crash-out Brexit.

“Brexit will have serious impacts for the people of the north and the island of Ireland.

"Given the recent revelations about the DUP links to Ulster Resistance this is all the more concerning. 

“I would like to know if the DUP called for loyalist groups to disband and disarm and set aside their campaigns of murder, racketeering, extortion, drug dealing and sectarian threats?” 


Sinn Féin MLA Karen Mullan has met with the Children’s Law Centre on Special Educational Needs for children in schools.

The Foyle MLA said: “I had an extremely productive meeting today with the Children’s law Centre who are doing really good work in supporting parents, children and schools throughout the SEN process.

"Any parent who has ever had to go through this process will know the stress that it can cause, the Children’s Law Centre are a great advocate for children and parent rights especially in a school setting, I would advise anyone in need of some advice to contact them.

"This comes on the back of the beginning of another school year and the time where many parents often face the stress of a child not adapting and feel their child may need extra assistance.

“With a significant increase in special educational needs cases coming through the offices, our staff have recently attended Special Educational Needs training courses through the Children’s Law Centre.

"This has equipped us to deal with the complexities of the wide range of cases.

“The current system in dealing with Special Educational Needs must be improved, that includes the need for the Education Authority to work positively and more closely with parents and children.”


West Tyrone MLA Declan McAleer has expressed concern that agri-food businesses will struggle to cope with the demands for export health certificates in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

“Currently the department issues around 18,000 export health certificates per year. In a no deal, this will increase to at least 1.9 million certificates, placing incredible strain on veterinary services and our ability to export produce.

“At present, there are just over 90 vets working on export certification, but demand will dramatically increase in a crash-out situation. 

"It is quite clear that agri-food businesses will struggle to cope with the demands for export health certificates in the event of a no deal, crash out Brexit.

"To be eligible for an export health certificate there will be a 40-day, on-farm residency rule which will have a huge impact on farmers who purchase for slaughter and many marts in the north are not approved as export assembly centres.

“Recently we met with the DAERA Permanent Secretary, Chief Vet and senior officials at department headquarters and discussed the impact of WTO tariffs in a crash-out scenario.

“This will place a 30% tariff on dairy, 20% on lamb and coupled with the removal of the subsidy, farming will struggle to survive, which will affect all of us, not just the farming community.

“We pressed the officials on their preparations for Brexit and the need for a market intervention for farmers, given the scale of damage facing the industry and our capacity to produce food. 

“The department has a command, control and co-ordination hub set up and are focussing on the keeping trade flowing in all situations. They are planning for a hard Brexit with a lot of financial turbulence. 

“A crash-out Brexit will cripple agriculture and the agri-food industry in the north.  

“Sinn Féin will continue to engage with the sector, lobby the department and do our best nationally, at EU level, in councils and internationally to highlight the plight that a hard Brexit would inflict on our communities.

"If we are dragged out of the EU against our will then people should be given the opportunity to vote to get back into the EU through Irish reunification.” 


Sinn Féin Councillor Mark Ward had a motion passed on South Dublin County Council calling on the Irish Government to immediately plan for a United Ireland and to call on the British Government to plan for a border poll. There was opposition to the motion from Fine Gael, Solidarity and Independents.

Cllr Ward said:

“The British Brexit debacle raises the prospect of the six counties being taken out of the EU. The fact that Britain voted to leave the European Union must lead to a vote on a united Ireland.

“Economically, the north and south of this island are interlinked and interdependent. Countless numbers of jobs depend on an All Ireland economy with the free flow of people and goods essential for it to function.

“The reality of Brexit is that we could now have one part of the island within the European Union and another part outside. The consequences of this are self-evident in terms of the border and partition.

“An RTÉ/TG4 exit poll after the last local and European elections indicated there is strong support for a united Ireland among Irish voters. According to the exit poll, 77% of voters polled who chose a preference indicated they’d vote in favour of a united Ireland if a referendum was held tomorrow.

"The will of the people is there but the political will is failing us. This Government are constantly telling us that they are planning for every eventuality of Brexit. I have yet to see any plans they have for a United Ireland. We need a comprehensive road map for a United Ireland.

“When a United Ireland does happen, and it will, the political landscape on this island will be transformed. No more of the status quo.

“If the British Prime Minister is intent on a no deal Brexit, it is beholding on our Government to call for a border poll on Irish Unity under the provisions of the Good Friday Agreement.

“A border poll will allow the people of the North to self determine their future in a democratic process. The 71% of the people in the North who voted in favour for the Good Friday agreement with the knowledge that it paved a pathway to a United Ireland.

“History will tell us that Irish interests, never have or never will be served by Westminster. Partition has failed, it has stifled our island. It has halted our potential for nearly a century.

“Brexit will serve only to reinforce partition and cause further damage our island.

“South Dublin County Council has a population of 285k people, we as Councillors are democratically elected to represent them.

"So, with the weight of 285k people I am calling for this Council to support my motion to call on  the Irish Government to immediately plan for a United Ireland and furthermore to ask the Minister to call on the British Secretary of State to plan for a border poll on Irish Unification.

“The Government has to begin planning for unity.”

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